Merge Judgement and HoW?

if your having 2 seconds of downtime that frequently then theres something wrong with your rotation

i dont experience this level of downtime more than once or twice per boss encounter

I’m not saying there’s any downtime now (very rarely it happens).
I was talking about the past and i’d rather not end up with a rotation with downtime.

Yes it’s good to have a balance, but i’d rather not have available gcd’s than have downtime often, if i had to pick which one.

Also you can go now and play without HoW and see how often you have downtime, especially when using Crusading Strikes, it’s not good gameplay at all.

P.S. Ret is already one of the specs regarded as brain-dead, however that may be in terms of truth, so simplifying it even more is a no-no, in my opinion.

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Even with cstrikes I find my self not needing to press how as much. Especially in aoe since it’s literally our only spell that doesn’t cleave.

Seriously everything cleaves minus how

Remember cstrikes passive hp gens gives us frequent use of spenders, especially with high haste, add in some aow procs, and yeah …

Ultimately though, I think cstrikes shouldn’t exist anyway, counting autos is also not fun.

Yes but every time you do, you fill a gcd. You can count those as dead gcd’s if HoW didn’t exist, however low you may use it in AOE.
HoW is primarily a spell to use in ST, so it does its intended function, it’s fine to have different rotations/priorities during ST/AOE.

Like i said above, simplifying ret more is not the way.

Yes it shouldn’t, they should delete autoCS and re-balance TS a bit, its CD and power.

I mean I don’t think merging how with judge so that judge turn into how at execute is much of a simplification.

It’s just freeing up clutter to maybe make room for something better.

What could that be? Who knows. But it’s better than a judgement blue recolor

Why then not transform HoW into something more than dmg for it to be “better”?
What should it do? A buff on us for % Holy dmg so we need to upkeep it?

Idk how well that would go, ppl usually don’t like maintenance stuff.

How is just meant to be an execute.

The issue is that it’s completely lack luster…

Maybe if it increased it’s cd significantly along with its dmg then it’d be better.
15 sec?

Makes FV procs better too

Honestly it should do more than FV, not comparable to boj n judgement l

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Agreed. At least they’re on the right track by making Adjudication have HoW have a chance to cast Highlord’s Judgement.

Well then its problem is damage? Then they buff its dmg and nerf judgment, now you prio HoW instead of Judge for the debuff.
Does it really matter which is the prio at the point?

Fixed it for ya. :wink:

So they buff HoW enough to overtake Judgment in priority… sure, they’ll extract the difference from something else, i’m not worried about that.

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Why nerf judgement??

If you increase the CD of HoW you don’t need to nerf anything else.

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Sounds like good plan to me.

They don’t have to. But if they do, we don’t need to encourage them. I’ll take whatever advantage we can get since our damage is good but, we’re not topping the meters.

To lower the threshold at which HoW overtakes Judgment… it doesn’t really matter what they nerf.

This will only affect dmg during AW and under 20%, where the cd actually matters.
Rest are from procs so cd is irrelevant.

Most of how is gonna come from execute and wings

Plus we don’t have to extract the difference, we could use a buff too compared to other specs

Good. That’s the only nerf we need.

Sure but you have 2 things to consider, the rate at which it is used now, if they increase its dmg to go up in priority then the rate at which it is used will increase.

If you up the CD on HoW then it won’t matter how much they increased its dmg, since we won’t use it more than we use it now and it ends up in a wash, if the GCD’s are the same as now, then it didn’t do anything on GCD usage for HoW.

It will matter because we wouldn’t be gcd locked

But you’re not using it more… because of its CD increase, because we’re not using it much now due to the priority. So it won’t free up GCDs, since it would be the same.

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Right, and the point is to want to use it. The key is to not feel like bloat