Merge Benediction with one the horde megaservers to restore world PVP, at the moment in large part PVP servers are an oxymoron, as the alliance (and some horde) largely transferred away from world pvp… while picking a pvp server.
Right now PVE servers have more world PVP than PVP servers since at least some people flag in PVE servers, compared to practically 0 ally on whitemane/fearlina/etc and 0 horde on benediction.
Benediction has 900 horde 22905 alliance
Faerlina has 17117 horde 93 ally
Merge both and you have a realm with 18017 ally and 23805 horde, aka 55/45 server. This wouldn’t be a perfect balance but would give each faction a equal fighting chance.
You could also do additional mergers with smaller realms to even out the balance.
This is easy to do and the excuse of “well you won’t keep your names!” is trivial in comparison to the death of a core game system aka the other faction, and makes the game and server appear more dead.
You don’t get it. If people want to segregate themselves. So long as there is more then one realm they will.
Say you merge Faerlina and Benediction. What would the outcome be? Likely what has happened on every other balanced realm. The alliance will slowly start transferring off likely to Grobbulus to get away from the horde because of majority of both those realms don’t actually want PvP. They want PvE with the option to kill a horde/ally they see on the way to raid or that is taking “their” node.
The result will be that Benediction is now 99% Horde and Grobbulus is now 99% alliance.
All you have succeeded in is giving Blizzard more money and ruining the only realistically stable realm in terms of faction balance while having a large realm. Those who actually wanted the balance would flee to Windseeker or Myzrael.
What are you going to do then? Merge the new Grobbulous and Benediction? The same process would repeat. All you’ll do is repeatedly destroy realms and give Blizzard more money.
You want faction balance? Go to Grob bolster their horde. Don’t want to join a minority? Join Windseeker.
Okay, you have me with AQ Gates event. That was true world PvP. Summoning at raids and dispelling world buffs however isn’t world PvP it is griefing. You aren’t doing it for the PvP you are doing it to ruin someone else’s fun and waste their time. That is the difference.
Just make every AB 13vs17 and AV 36vs44 so each side has a fighting chance. Those are basically the 45/55 you want people to be forced into playing.
Edit. Your 45/55 is actually 43/57 but of course you rounded up so it doesn’t look SO bad. The cycle of the underdog faction getting camped open world would repeat itself and people would transfer or quit.
Why would it even matter at this point? Aslong as people are able to look up numbers on the internet… they will keep on transferring to something else and ruin yet another in no time.
Hey if you cant handle PvP are unable to grind out to R14, cant get your world and battleground honourble kills then dont complain about it. I go into the ally cities on my Horde toons in retail and kill Alliance a lot. I cant do that in Classic because I would get slapped with a massive amount of DHKS. and those will lower your rank the very second you get them.
Literally all world pvp is griefing under your logic because once you kill another player, you stop them from playing or enjoying the game. What’s the difference bewteen killing someone at a summon stone and killing someone who was questing? You’re both stopping them from playing.