Mental gymnastics

Same here! My parses say the exact same thing!

thats weird i keep refreshing the page it doesnt show anything

It’s because you’re just clicking your screen nervously. Kind of like how you did when that GM confronted you about the fact that you were bribing him.

eh i wouldnt say nervously. im just hitting refresh on wcl like you said and that thing about

is nowhere to be found. though i didnt expect much else.

ok well hey now. hey now. hey hey hey hey now. relax. i think youre making a great exaggeration about something you know nothing about.

I particularly love the fact that the GM invited him to party before kicking him from the guild. And the guy accepts the invite! :rofl:

lets break this down. what makes this factual?

Streamed to 63 viewers and 0 comments on your video while your channel has 50 subscribers! Well done, sir!

you dont have to reply if you dont want to. i understand if youre afraid.

Click click click click

right. you havent come up with anything to say. you just keep replying with nothing. and you will reply to this with nothing. i 100% guarantee it.

From 4:22:55 onward. This is after your GM asks you about the Arcane Crystals, you click your screen 8 times and say nothing to him for about 30 seconds. There’s nothing but silence and you just clicking your screen repeatedly.

You’re clearly nervous and the rest of the video you’re rubbing your hands and breathing kinda hard too. But you never acknowledge what he’s saying. You never apologize. Thing is, if you have a clear conscience, you wouldn’t be acting that way. Folks on this forum and elsewhere have confronted you about your behavior as well. You’re clearly not getting the point.

this is because he didnt ask me anything

what do you expect me to have said?


because i can tell by the way he is talking he is going to kick me

that would be right except for the case i had a clear conscience through the entire ordeal up until the point the gm took the donation as a bribe. what is wrong with you?

Everyone who listens to the video knows this is a lie.

You’re pretty uptight here on the forums, aren’t you? Maybe you should’ve told him, “You don’t parse well so you clearly have no idea what you’re even saying.”

Since you seem that works here, right?

Exactly. You know you can’t squirm your way outta this one and you know your bribe didn’t work.

No, see, this is how I know you’re lying. You admit you were nervous because you know you were going to be kicked. Then you say your conscience was clear up until you knew he took your “donation” as a bribe.

If so, there’s no reason why you wouldn’t have entered that conversation as casually as any other guild interaction. But you’re clearly nervous. You know you’ve been caught. You know you can’t lie your way out of it because your GM is seeing right through you.

The fact that the sun is shining doesn’t mean a Greek god rode it up there for us…

Dude. Epic reference. Best destruction of an argument I’ve ever seen on these forums. Does he not know that healer parses really don’t mean much?

In phase one I knew the number one paladin on ragnaros because the other healers died. Only reason he parsed so well is because other things went wrong.

I find it hilarious that someone posted a video of him getting gkicked for being the exact kind of player we all thought he is.

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you tell me. what did the gm ask me that i didnt answer to? can you put it into specific words? maybe a sentence?

haahahahaha ill take that as you not having any idea what you would have said

more like i already know the gm doesnt like me because i outshine his core and so he wants me gone

ooh lets hear it

after i heard how the gm was talking to me in private, yeah

because i didnt realize he thought my donation was a bribe. when he called it a bribe i knew i had messed up because i realized i attached in the message that if they were considering who to give the next gem to, to give it to me. and i was like wow i just gave this guy a weapon against me when i was trying to be helpful.

That video is on his personal YouTube account! Like, the guy doesn’t even realize how bad that looks. He linked it himself because he thought it made him look good!


i specifically linked it because i know what its contents are and i know i have nothing to hide about it and ive done nothing wrong.

This reminds me of those police interrogation videos where the criminals think they can outsmart the police by twisting their words.

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im just having a nice time really.