Mental gymnastics

interesting observation. that still doesnt make your guild down kt though.

lol an oversimplification. blizzard doesnt hate their community, rather they have an agenda to achieve and that agenda is to promote retail wow.

Welcome to the Internet. :man_shrugging:

He probably should’ve bribed his gm with Arcane Crystals, right?

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not sure how you would be able to mine or afford arcane crystals being level 41. though they are rather cheap now. i think they are like 20g each.

Maybe, or maybe he should have clicked his screen nervously as his GM talks to him about being a loot goblin.

yeah bro lol and after 5 weeks of not getting any loot whatsoever. and to top it off i was helping them farm mats for their scarab lord, which they never got and never paid me back for lmao.

You sound pretty angry about it, to be honest. Now, I know you’re mad when people point this about you, but now you’re just being ridiculous.

what makes you think that?

again, what makes you think that?

I’d tell you, but you gotta stop that clicking. All that nervous clicking. Like, you’re not even clicking anything. Why are you clicking your mouse like that?

youre the one that sounds nervous bro. comon, 51 posts, what is this your first time around here?

What is this?

I love how this post is named “Mental gymnastics” and the OP is engaging in exactly that.

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nice you did 313 dps on rag 2 weeks ago i think i can do that in my ret gear


Love how, in that video, your GM didn’t give a !@#$ about your parsing either. He didn’t even pause. He basically called you out on everything an all you did was click your screen nervously because you didn’t know what to say.

Absolutely hilarious!

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thats because he knew if he mentioned anything about it all he would be able to say is how i was parsing better than his core

Not really. But I have noticed more cases of Wrongtabitis.

Dude, at the very least, he put you on reserve because you were a flake. He didn’t immediately kick you, he kept you around even though he knew you were the way you were. That’s a damn good GM because at least he was willing to be forgiving and he saw your value.

Like, he was generous with you despite the fact that you’d shown you were unreliable. You just don’t give a !@#$ about your fellow players or the people in your guilds. All you care about is what your stats look like on WCL.

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what are yours like?

They’re like this: “I didn’t bribe my GM because I wanted loot.”

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