Mental gymnastics

Click click click click

Like, “Uh, officer, technically I wasn’t speeding I was…uhh…traveling.”

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officer 41 priest

Ikr. I was a gm through phase 4. Players like this always get caught. They thought because ninja looting to prevent ninja looters was so popular on the forums pre launch that the classic player base was a scummy as they are. I laugh so hard every time a ninja looter gets called out or a loot goblin gets kicked because the classic player base doesn’t put up with it.

I really don’t understand how he thinks he is the good guy here. If I were GM I’d have kicked him after the bribe.

And I knew he knew he was guilty as soon as he didn’t respond to the GMs first question. Then acted like he didn’t understand. His silence betrays him.

because it was a donation. not a bribe

Like, I don’t understand why he didn’t just tell his GM, “Look, I parse high. Higher than you. So you’re clearly wrong.”

Clearly he believes that works here, so why wouldn’t he tell that to his GM? :rofl:

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well lets hear it bruh. youve just been standing in the back making side comments this whole time.

really dude. you sound so sure of yourself about something you know nothing about.

I know everything as I watched it happen. You can say it wasn’t a bribe all you want but literally 0 people believe you.

Either you’re the best paladin on your server or your the stupidest. You can’t be both. Which is it?

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hey bruh i just want to say congrats on your grey parse on your guild’s first kt kill today. only 5 wipes!

Thanks. I’m the IEA rogue so yeah. My parse is supposed to be bad. Plus I don’t care about parses as much as you seem to. I care more about clearing content.

Way to deflect from the issue of you being a scumbag. It’s like you want to enforce being a scumbag by trying to be even scummier on the forums.

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This is his constant fallback position. Since he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and everyone pretty much knows what kind of a person he is, this is all he has to fall back on: stroking his own ego.

He has no respect for anything your guild has done and continues to do for its own sake of progression. If your parse is grey, you do not matter to him.

eh, you call it an issue, i call it your point of view.

Several people in this thread have that point of view. I don’t think anyone else in this thread–a thread that you made, I should add–has agreed with anything you’ve said or done.

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It’s everyone’s point of view. Not just mine. You have zero credibility on the forums now. You can’t deny video evidence especially when it’s coming from your own YouTube channel lol!

lets be real. does anyone here consider 3 arcanite bars for a rejuvenating gem an equivalent trade?

no? now get off my case.

I’m genuinely curious about that now. Did the GM even know you were recording that conversation? I’d love to get his input on this…

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id rather not bother him. i dont know if he still plays the game. i havent checked and dont care, but bottom line i wouldnt want him bothered.

In a week from today, I’ll have had my Rejuv gem for a full year. First day of BWL, FeelsGoodMan.


i actually got mine from a casual guild pugging me in for their 8 hour clear lol. i was the last one left who had it on the soft reserve sheet. still thankful to this day. ill pull up the video.

A bribe is a bribe. And depending on the server those are costly. Considering I think someone mentioned aq farming then yeah they were pretty valuable for the scepter quest.

Not only that, but your general understanding leads me to think that you did in fact think it was a good enough bribe.

How long are you going to keep this up? EVERYONE disagrees with you. You are a scumbag. You bribed your gm for rejuv gem which I’m not entirely unconvinced you wouldn’t have gquit as soon as you got it.

If you had a rational defense you wouldn’t have sat in silence clicking everything on your screen until the GM finally asked if you were still there. You would have defended it immediately instead of trying to slowly figure out how to unsuccessfully talk your way out of it.

Since you care about parses so much how about those.