Mental gymnastics

I think this is a good example too. This one involves the OP:

The end of that was hard to watch. Really, really awkward.


jealousy comes in many forms

what about what i said isnt factual? because it is factual that blizzard does not want this game to succeed. otherwise they would have done more. i mean lets be real. yall are just mad that im right. just like that gm. thats ok though. im used to people trying to find any reason to hate me. thats the result of being right about everything all the time. people get infuriated when you repeatedly explain their incorrect thoughts to them and why they are wrong. its like a show for them really, like an educational treat for them. they flock to me like birds to seed on the ground, and then fly away and never come back once theyve had their fill.

i went over your warcraft logs. delimicus let me know when your guild kills kt. mobikon let me know when your guild enters naxx for the first time.

did you know, blizzard accidentally made it so sapphiron only ticks every 2 seconds for 600 damage, instead of every 1 second? imagine… your guilds Nervous Energy and Red Eye Raiders cant even down sapphiron after its nerf? Makes me feel sorry for yall and your ramshackle band of drunk hobos that must have been cobbled together for you.

You click like over half your abilities. I can join any old guild that kills KT every week if I wanted, you can’t snap your fingers and become as good a healer as me.

They purposely made it so Sapphiron only ticks once every 2 seconds because that’s how it was in Vanilla. Facts > whatever you keep posting.



Critical Rationalism would like a word sir!

yeah yeah yeah heartseeker the 99% alliance server 2.8k pop ez mode paladin talking about how he carries his trash guild through a raid they cant even clear

blue post confirmed that was the result of a programming error and they went with it

On a completely serious note: you’re not the smartest guy in the room, by far, and you likely never will be unless you’re alone.

You have very odd narcissistic tendencies with all of your fact-less assertions, but you clearly had some point in your life where you were just naturally the clever one among your peers. Great. This isn’t high school anymore, there’s a wide wide world of people out there and many smart folks play this game, smarter than you, smarter than me, smarter than most. So when you parade around your self-appointed intelligence and then proceed to make statements that have no basis in reality, you just come off like the lonely kid picked last at kickball.

Stellar example of what I said above. There is nothing “factual” about this statement because it is reliant upon an unstated premise that you never substantiate or support in any way, several premises actually. Just because you’ve convinced yourself that Blizzard would be “doing more” if they wanted success, it does not mean you’re actually making a factual statement.

Classic has done remarkably well with all the things Blizzard has done, and it can easily be argued they could have done even less and it would still be a hit, so you have just a naked assertion.

I’ve killed KT on two different characters playing two different roles and I can tell you that you’re as arrogant as you are average in your play. My alt Paladin with half the gear you have has similar or better parses, doing the same jobs. Paladin healing is not hard, requires minimal planning, and is all about pumping FoL steadily without fail. Success as a Holy Paladin is about standing in the right spot and getting as close to 1.5 average cast time as you can manage for the fight, that’s it.

That you’re trying to lord that over anyone in this thread is… pathetic. No single Holy Paladin is going to make or break the success of a guild in Naxxramas.

Yes, they made an entire post about it explaining why the original behavior was every 2 sec and why they’re keeping it at every 2 sec. This isn’t special knowledge and even casual forum lurkers were aware of it.

It isn’t a nerf. It is consistent with Vanilla. How can you possibly be aware of the weirdness of the fight and yet call it a nerf?

And I feel glad that your former GM booted you after you tried whatever cringe stunt that was…

You’re not a good raider.


your jealousy is understandable

name one assertion that i have presented that wasnt factual

thats just how everything is constantly

ok dad

i sure hope so

name one statement that i have made that is not based in reality

oddly specific

it is factual that blizzard did not include pre nerf alterac valley. it is also factual that blizzard went with 1.12 talents in phase 1. it is also factual that blizzard chose to use layering in a game that never had layering in the first place. it is factual that blizzard has multiple pickpocket and dire maul bots active every single day. to claim that blizzard is trying their hardest would be factually incorrect.

right so you will agree with me then that your groups were trash and you were carrying them. my guild is actually good and so our healers are actually competent and give me a run for my money. toast, luisnj, both those dudes are on another level, and are regular 99 parsers as PRIESTS bro. im one of the best paladins on sulfuras, ask anyone. but my guild is also one of the best guilds on the server, and in the game. ive parsed 99 on any fight that matters. you really arent better than me at all. stop trying to deceive others into thinking that you are.

youre making up things to get mad about

still making up things you think im talking about so you can respond to it

so then you will agree that the 2 second version is an easier version that blizzard chose to go with instead of the 1 second version.

it is factually nerfed from its 1 second tick state. something people got to experience on the naxx ptr.

because im not trying to deceive people about the fact that the fight was originally intended to be 1 second tick but they went with 2 seconds

my parses and full raid clears on every raid in this game are factual evidence of your incorrect point of view.


This is just too obvious now.

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hey bro go practice sapph and kt chop chop i want to see you get that kt down

There’s this thing called loyalty. I could join a variety of KT killing guilds but I’m not going to abandon my formerly awesome guild that had some unfortunate circumstances that led us to being where we are now.

Anyways, I’m not going to attack your guild like you did mine, but this claim:

is a little dubious, considering your guild is rank 46 on your server for progress, and rank 8651 in the world. Facts > feelings, you know? Also, if you need help setting up some mouseover macros and proper keybinds, let me know.

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still better than your guild

Astute observation, my dear Watson.

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good now go heart all the replies that agree with you

I suspect that the items you think would make the game successful aren’t the same as Blizzard’s. I suspect blizzard’s main determining factor of success is profits and they use a cost/benefit analysis when deciding whether to “do more” or make changes. I suspect profits and a cost/benefit analysis has little to do with how you define how successful the game is


you are correct

i agree

i agree

you are correct

i also believe my cost/benefit analysis would be more robust and efficient

That Blizzard doesn’t want Classic to succeed. That was easy.

Which doesn’t mean they don’t want Classic to succeed, same for your other facts.

The fact that the sun is shining doesn’t mean a Greek god rode it up there for us…

No. I said nothing of the sort.

I said my alt Paladin is better than yours.

Parsing is restricted by class you dingbat.

Well the only fights that matter are in Naxxramas and you haven’t so…

No, I said the 2 sec version is the accurate version.

Bug fixes aren’t nerfs.

No. Not even close.

In terms of Progression, my guild killed KT first on the server on Dec 3, 2020, whereas your guild killed KT first on Jan 17, 2021.

In terms of Speed, my guild has a 1:29:15 clear, faster than anyone on Sulfuras, and still world 74th, whereas your guild hasn’t pulled off a speed clear yet.

Sit down.

i guess they released naxx right when shadowlands released because they thought it was a good idea

I read an interview with Kotick where he said there’s a clear differentiation between classic and retail players. I don’t have that data but blizzard knows how many players play only classic, only retail, or both. Perhaps they decided that there were so few that played both that it was better to release the content expeditiously than to delay one and lose subs because of lack of new content.

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and what actually happened is it divided the community between those that wanted to play shadowlands and those that wanted to raid naxx