Mend Pet / Revive Pet Bug

So I have try’d to turn off all the add-ons to double check this isnt a me personal comp issue, add-ons, ect but has anyone else had issues with mend pet not casting and trying to revive the already alive pet??? Ive reported this bug already but haven’t seent it in the hot fixes, so trying again on here to get it heard so it can be adressed. Upvote this and gimmy a heard comment to get there attention to get this fixed.


There are quite a few threads about this bug.

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It is call of the wild that is causing the issue.


Hopefully now call of the wild is a more used talent. This bug might actually get fixed. I’ve been reporting it on EU forums since February, filling in bug reports in game and even tagging in devs on Twitter. Never gets acknowledged. I’ve ended up making a WA to track the mend pet healing because even though you see the revive pet animation, it is casting mend pet. But with a cast time so you can’t move.


I thought call of the wild was a BM talent? This bugs happens to me as MM


That’s very odd, I only get it when physically pressing the call or the wild spell

Same thing for me.

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Make it the only thing they see in every forum until fixed. It’s making the game UNPLAYABLE for their most played spec lol.




Please fix this asap. very annoying bug for M+ and Raids as Outdoor content. You will need to dismiss your pet in order to fix it.

Game Logic works here like this:

Player uses Call of the Wild → Temporary Pet spawns and dies → Game Logic thinks primary pet died → Mend Pet becomes Revive → Player no longer able to heal pet till pet is dismissed and resummoned.


If you press revive pet in this instance, it still does cast mend pet on your pet, even though you see the revive pet animation. But it also now wont let you do it while moving and you need a WA to see the CD.

REALY annoying bug.

Call of the Wild in general is a boring button to press. It now spawns the pets on the target so you dont even see them, doesnt summon random pets from your stables even though it says it does and just chain summons the same pet from you active pets

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here’s a mod macro fix for this while we continue to be ignored, regular keybind for mend pet, ctrl+keybind for revive pet:

#showtooltip Mend Pet
/use [mod:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet

you can change ctrl for shift, etc, whatever works best for u. :slight_smile: happy hunting


Just adding that the devs know about it and are working on a fix, but couldn’t get it up for maintenance today.


Okay now my mend pet isn’t working at all, nor is Primal Rage . When I hit mend pet, I get ‘you have an active summon already’

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man, imagine that! good post

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That makes no sense. “You have an active summon already” is the error you get when you try to Call Pet or Tame Beast while you have a pet out.

Can you reproduce this reliably?

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As of 11/17/23, still having this same bug.

So saw the blue post on this and all they said was to take both buttons out of the pet utility scroll bar and place them both on your bars lol which i think most of us already did but mwar button bloat please :pray:

Literally just came to the forums to say that exact same thing. This is a problem, I have literally 0 spots on my toolbar with the amount of macros I have, how long has this been a thing? This is going to really mess up my game until it’s fixed.

This is the macro I am using for now. Appears to do the job without issue SO FAR.

/cast [@pet, dead][@pet, noexists] Revive Pet; Mend Pet