Men are so funny (NOT)

because these forums are an unmoderated hive of scum and villany


I am guessing you led a guy on in WoW where you never told him that you were in a relationship and he found out later and got upset.

You can actually ignore hidden profile characters by going into your forum settings → preferences → users and entering the name of the person you wish to ignore. But it’s not great, you still see any troll threads that they create.


I dunno, I’ve read too many guild drama stories about a spouse cheating with someone they met online.

LOL. If I posted a similar topic about women it would have been deleted three hours ago, and I would have received a minimum three day suspension. BET.


I believe the term is satellites / orbiters.

aka woman keep them around until they no longer have a use
(food / money / attention / I guess loot/gold/M+ for wow?)

The guy gets upset when he finally learns he never had a chance.

which while he should of been smart enough to realize this IMO… but the woman is to blame also for leading him on and not making it clear just so she can get something from him.

(it’s the guys fault if he was told and becomes rude/etc afterword’s as then he is being clearly a douchebag instead of respecting that the feelings are not mutual)

this applies in reversed roles as well.

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What did i do wrong?

I can smell the misandry from here, relationship status or not is irrelevant.

You know what you did!

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you need to learn how to be a rogue!!! to hide from peoples eyes…


Got you some pixels.

Oooh high def!

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
boys trapped in men bodies, boys lol

Funny thing is im male in a relationship myself but i don’t go to wow forums telling others about it like the op here makeing a forum about it for what reason?

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Well I gotta admit you are correct. Except one thing.

My ex wife never told me she was in a relationship (marriage) when she met (chased) me in WoW or the whole time we were dating.

She never told her next husband she was in a relationship (marriage) with me when she met then married him either.

I am sure any of the 3 of us males would have been upset to find out she was in a relationship while swearing up and down she wasn’t.


Dealt with women that do this

Its not a men issue its a human issue


Very true indeed.


There are just as many female creeps in the game fyi. As a gay woman the stories I could tell… the biggest wow creep I’ve ever met was a married woman.

Also there’s plenty of men in relationships on wow and they’re considerably less annoying than young single ones so choose your friends wisely.

Seriously some women were just never taught “Hey sometimes people are gonna say no to you”

“Karens” are a branch in this type of behavior. They have no idea what to do so they freak the heck out.