Men are so funny (NOT)

I wanna live in Flavortown.

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That’s really cool but the rest of us really don’t care about your non game politics.

tell em sis

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Another day, another obvious bait thread with over 50 replies

You must be the most harassed girl in all of warcraft as I have seen you post something similar to this lots of times, personally I have never been harassed as I do not put myself in situations that present me as a potential victim, although I did have a guy jumping around me spitting at me when that was legal but I thought that was funny and told him he might want to increase his adderal dosage.

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Sorry, if you’ve experienced that. I’ve never ran into this.


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Yep for sure when they get ignored they almost always make a shocked face lol!

I had one incident go like this

Girl: What are you gay or something?
Me: Yes
Girl: No you’re not
Me: Pretty sure I am

It took awhile for this girl to finally leave me alone.

The worst part for me is for some reason some girls find out your married and still try to get you to date them it’s crazy man lol!

Oh god the “Its okay if women cheat but men cant cheat” people baffle me

There’s no such thing as a girl that plays wow wdym

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I find the women can cheat people are okay with it until the women actually cheat.

Guy In Real Life?

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Non lgbt drama is so weird if you’re watching it from the outside lol


Trust me, it’s just as weird from the inside.

In before the lock!

Anyway here is birb

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see I was going to come into the thread and be all nice and supportive,

but now that I know you’re in a relationship…

I can generalize too.

Women are so egotistical they assume if you talk to them and are friendly, it’s only because you are trying to get with them.

News flash: most of you aren’t nearly as attractive as you believe you are, so many of you claim yourself a 10 when you are average at best.

See, it works both ways.