Men are so funny (NOT)

I hate it when the cute goblinrina already has a BF, wtf.

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Bruh, you don’t understand, we gaming here, if I know you’re in a relationship, no matter your gender, I’m kicking you out of my group.

No place for love here, me and my homies are unlovable

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I’m a man and I’ve never been intentionally rude to anyone in the game who wasn’t overtly rude to me.

I’d rather have woman in my guild who is in a relationship than one who is looking for one as that sort of drama generally ends up being toxic.

That said, I’ve never asked.

I did have a GF in the game (and later IRL) but she was open about her interest in me long before I was interested in her.

While encounters like this may be memorable (and unfortunate), they’re not the totality of maleness.

There are plenty of guys out there who aren’t like this.

OP most people don’t consider your body pillow shaped like The Rock an actual relationship

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She always makes up things in her head that never happened, then gets outraged over it and then shares it with us.


I’m like this regardless.

While all my friends are like “BRO, just talk to that girl in the grocery store if you think she’s cute!”

They laugh at me when I say: “Dude, she’s shopping, I don’t think she got up this morning to get accosted by weirdos, she’s shopping!”

Of course they all reply with “Just be single whatever.”

She can’t, she doesn’t know what Misandry is. :laughing:


You ever wonder if the OP is a misanthrope?


Pretty much. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hatred does beget hatred. :man_shrugging:

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Well I don’t, so it’s my word against yours.


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That’s okay, only some are gifted with true humor :heart:

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Posting in a lame Aviela thread

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You are in a relationship!?

Don’t expect me responding to your threads ever again.

why does blizzard immediately restore post like this so weird


They never have context, it’s made-up scenarios by someone who needs help.

Cringing in Aviela Thread.

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Why aren’t serial trolls like the OP permanently banned.



Boys think they are trying HARD and wasted their time once the realization that you’re a typical female gamer, or whatever gets their rocks off that gets their interest as you tell them these things. Real men would not act this way, if anything we could care less because we focus more on the game… Why would we have time even care for a relationship?

I mean, that’s my point of view because…well, what’s the benefit…? Having fun? Have mutual company and sharing interest? I already got that covered and that doesn’t require a relationship. If anything, if I ended up in a relationship, I probably won’t be anybody’s “Ideal” interest once they learn more. Better to just let things happen than going out of your way. Which is likely what you experienced with these kinds of weirdos, literally trying too hard and wasted so much time for not noticing a brick wall sooner.

(munching on popcorn cookies in a Aviela thread)

:popcorn: :cookie:

And here is a recipe for them!

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Attention posts are unbecoming. Not sure what someone would see in you.