Memory usage?

Also running Linux and having this problem. All AMD system and I’m running NixOS. I’m using the default Lutris wine-ge runner. Frequently freezes up and uses 28 GB of RAM suddenly. Happens in DX11 and DX12 with the lowest graphics settings. This is unfortunately unplayable. I keep crashing during dungeons and stuff.

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Yeah. I’ve had this issue too. Prior to disabling a couple graphics settings it’d just “Stop Responding” it’d been fine all day today then earlier it finally gave me a “Not enough Memory.” message same as yours. I also have 32 gigs of ram, and i didn’t see the ram spike too high, and i run very few addons, all of which i do run have been updated. No other game has had issues, IE: Ark: Survival Evolved, which likes to eat memory itself and no crashes related to “not enough memory.” there.


Just a follow up this fixed it for me, i haven’t crashed since i would recommend reinstalling just remember to backup the WTF & Interface folder so you don’t lose addons and settings

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so what are the conclusions? Nothing helps or do some graphic settings still help? I caught this error during an AOE on a mage, at level 45 on a hardcore server. I’m lucky, I just finished killing mobs, but I’m afraid to go play.

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Having an SSD dedicated to swap and switching to DirectX 11 at least let me play after the game balloons to 30 GB, but it runs like butt after that and continues to use more and more memory. So if you have loads of ram and a huge swap/page file you might be able to work around it a bit?

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Yea, it has nothing to do with add-ons. I run about 70 add-ons and total addon memory consumed is about 200MB. This is 100% a blizz created issue. They need to fix it ASAP.


Have had this Memory crash 3 times now since 11.0.2. Windows 10 enterprise NOT linux (the blue post from blizzard they thought this is linux problem… well it’s also win 10 problem).


I am on Windows 11 and got the error so seems to be a platform agnostic leak.


Also adding that I am on Windows 11 as the cs agent on EU forums mentioned “mostly with players using Linux”. I have experienced it twice and haven’t bothered playing since.

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Just got it yet again on a char that was processing old inks in the covenant sanctum, at this hour almost no movement there, so even at the closest to ‘still’ it crashes.

edit:Twice in a row, while just converting pigments to inks.
Gonna disable all addons and test if that helps at all.
edit2: just noticed that with no addons active although the error did also happen, after just about 3~5minutes of being logged in the client didn’t get force closed, it was still processing the inks WITH the not enough memory msg opened and the client was just force closed AFTER i clicked ok in the msg.

edit3: the 3rd crash happened with no addons, the 4th crash happened IN THE LOGIN SCREEN before the chars were even listed, wtf jeez

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There is an interesting observation. WoW basically locks at 25GB (without AddOns). Which means if you have 36GB, with browser open you’ll hardly feel a problem.

I have 32GB, which causes problem with Browser watching something + WoW banging at the RAM, but as soon as I free those bytes it won’t increase again, it keeps 25GB.

Awesome! I gonna use it. I prefer that to systemd-oom

I understand where you are coming from, but me and a few people tested without addons and changed DX API to no avail, unfortunately.

Good finding for Windows users, this may help at least until we get a patch for it.

unrelated to SO. I am also using ArchLinux :confused:

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same here, idk if is coincidence but i attualize my windows and its ok until here

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Posting to add another to the list of people dealing with this issue. Have 32GB of ram, will either have the game spike up to 26gb ram usage and slow my computer down horribly, or it will just outright lock up. Graphic settings, addons, and in game locations make no difference to performance, it happens no matter what I do or don’t do.


Would you mind stating if Windows or Linux? Someone said last blue post that only Linux were facing it, but it seems some Windows users are as well. And well, Windows users far surpasses Linux so I hope they would see it is not just 5% players.

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In another forum post people think it’s “windows only” so I seriously think it’s not OS specific. Or maybe just so happens that more Linux users are reporting it?

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I’ve crashed several times since yesterday, I didn’t have any issues before that. Windows 10


I also been having this issue since the patch - 32 GB, Windows 12, i have followed the steps listed in the articles still happens, only addon that is in use that uses “alot” of memory is details which is using around 30MB.

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I also realised there is another forum section for ‘technical support’ where there are many threads regarding this issue as well.

I’m gonna repeat what someone said in there and say: open tickets for this issue (I did few days ago). I feel like the more people that do it the more it’ll get their attention. My ticket has been open with no reply since, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign that they’re being bombarded right now :rofl:

Oh and: I’m still having the spikes - as I was typing this while afk in Dalaran (Northrend) I spiked to 25GB of RAM.

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Chiming in here to join the cause – I am on Windows 11 and have been experiencing this issue since pre-patch day 1. Never have had this issue before, minimal add-ons, the whole 9 yards.

This morning I leaked at the login screen - game crashed.

Reloaded and crashed again while loading into a dungeon after Q popped.

Otherwise, it has mostly happened while just walking around capital cities.

Oddly enough, I played the game for a good part of the morning yesterday with no issues, seems to come and go for me.


I’ve been driving myself crazy with this. I’m sad to see so many others with this issue but it’s a bit of a relief to know it’s not just me now.

This has been happening to me for about two months now. New computer build this year with plenty of resources to run this one game. I normally run two instances of WoW at all times(AH toon) without any issue at all. Since this started happening I can barely run one. I tried a fresh install with no addons at one point but it would still happen just idling in a city somewhere. DX11/12 doesn’t seem to matter.