Memory usage?

Interesting enough ever since I enabled earlyoom my memory will teeter on the brink of where it crashes, but doesn’t. Which is great, but at the same time I don’t want my poor RAM to be running at basically full capacity 24/7 :sweat_smile:


Damn sorry to hear.
I’ll be using the earlyoom to prevent system hangs in the meantime, I guess. Hopefully it’ll be fixed sooner rather than later.


Yeah I’ve been getting this message for 2 days now. I have 64gb of RAM - No way WoW is murdering that much. I don’t have this issue with any other game but WoW.


I just set up earlyoom because my launch arguments did not work to auto-kill the process. Fortunately I caught it just before it hit 100% RAM usage so it didn’t lock up my whole PC again. I’ll keep an eye on it to see if I get the same behavior as you’re getting. Thanks Talieth for mentioning earlyoom!


if you can’t get earlyoom to work or find it in package manager i found this it kills any application you define at a specific memory limit.

//askubuntu com/questions/54747/automatically-kill-a-process-if-it-exceeds-a-given-amount-of-ram at the bottom of that page
Usage: Wow.exe 25600


## $1 is process name
## $2 is memory limit in MB

if [ $# -ne 2 ];
    echo "Invalid number of arguments"
    exit 0

while true;
    pgrep "$1" | while read -r procId;
        SIZE=$(pmap $procId | grep total | grep -o "[0-9]*")
        echo "Process id = $procId Size = $SIZEMB MB"
        if [ $SIZEMB -gt $2 ]; then
            printf "SIZE has exceeded.\nKilling the process......"
            kill -9 "$procId"
            echo "Killed the process"
            exit 0
            echo "SIZE has not yet exceeding"

    sleep 1

Ok my 3rd crash happened now. It took YT out with it and the browser said out of memory as well. rofl

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The actual ram usage varies based on a few factors:
Amount of addons, TSM, Weakauras, Details, … those are big eaters.
Zone u r in, the more players, the more ram usage too, some places like the main cities and locations that were some sort of capital at some point seem to have more details and so eat more ram.
There is something about having small GPU ram that i think, but not sure exactly how/why, increases the wow process ram usage instead of increasing the ‘shared GPU memory’
So basically, the very same configuration in PC1 can show using 2~3GB and in PC2 using 4~5GB ram.

in Win11 without page file active i had zero system crash, so basically it filled the ram and got nuked out instantly.

haven’t had any crashes since last time, thankfully.


I had the same issue yesterday 14/32gb ram and wow crashed with this message. The thing that worked for me is set the OS to manage the pagefile (Virtual Memory) of Windows. Some people say that disabling Optional GPU Features and Advanced Work Submit from Graphics option of the game can be a workaround but i didnt need it.


Ya I have Details! and would like to get Weakauras so I guess I’ll be waiting till they get this under control. :rofl:

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Same issue here. 16gb. Today and yesterday have had out of memory crashes.

2400+ events from event viewer between today and yesterday:

Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: Wow.exe (11708) consumed 10982797312 bytes, firefox.exe (5228) consumed 995917824 bytes, and firefox.exe (10744) consumed 726937600 bytes.


Unlikely to be addon related, 'cuz even with clean UI, I still got crashed


just had my second crash happen, leveled up during radiant echoes, selected talent and boom, crash. first crash happened yesterday when i was messing around with, once again, talents in valdrakken


Just had this error as well…crashed right out of tanking a +16 AV :frowning: First time I’ve seen this in my many years playing.

Let’s hope Blizzard provides some guidance.


Having the same issue and its happening when i join BGs… Getting booted from them and coming back with deserter. not sure what the issue is but I do have Discord open and nothing else. I use 0 addons.


Thank you for this! Before I found this thread I thought it was just me lol; my friend who’s also running Arch hasn’t had the issue somehow.


I’m also having the same issue. Happened in LFR and rMoP.

No add-ons, nothing running in the background that’s hogging memory. But wow is maxed-out, almost. Most of the time. @_@

I’m on Dalaran Server. Never had a crash due to a memory issue, before, in 20 years o’ wow. lol

edit: crashed in LFR Raz dragon

edits: bad typing xD

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I’m running Arch and definitely having the issue. Thankfully earlyoom is in the official extra repo so I’m using that to avoid full lockups.

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Just had my sixth crash over the last two days. I wonder if the cause lies on their server side, because we have people with the issue on retail and classic, but have not heard anyone from beta testing, even though beta has the same client build as live.

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Had a guildie have this issue happen in the beta today.

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Glad to hear I’m not the only one

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