Memory usage?

thank you! (fellow Linux user) so I guess there is literally nothing we can do until they release a fix?

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Not that I know of. I am not able to test different configurations with graphics options right away.

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Heres a possible fix for memory usage.

Go to Options>Graphics>Scroll down to Graphics API
Select DirectX 12

Havent had an issue so far. fingers crossed
Hope this helps others.

EDIT: THIS DOESN’T WORK. Crashed 2x so far.


Is earlyoom.service command for my command prompt? Or am I running that IN my WoW chatbox.

Linux terminal.

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I use Fedora and that command is not working for me, so I assume I have to install a package of some sort first, or input it in a different syntax.

I am always running DX12 (linux/bottles) and keep crashing.

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Yes, the command may not work for you, you can surely find the package in Fedora and how to start services there.

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I’m not running Linux so I couldn’t say.

Just log out and log in… never saw it pop up again. I did double check my system to be sure I wasn’t coming close… and I wasn’t lol.

This happened to me a few times as well even though my ram usage was under 11 gigs. My UI and buffs had no image but the outlines were there, then my character hit an invisible wall like a lag spike but I could still move and could see other people jumping around in Stormwind like normal and then a minute later everything went white and the game stopped responding.

omg it did again to me what the hell

When you say ‘command prompt’, I’d assume that means you’re running Windows. That software/command is for Linux users.

Still happening

I thought it had something to do with the +50 weakauras and +80 addons I have, but even with clear UI it crashed, so …

Sorry no I do use Fedora Linux. Just a recent convert from Windows so I keep mixing the terminology xD

To go back to that topic - I did find the Fedora package for earlyoom and got it working. I haven’t crashed yet though so haven’t had a chance to see it working.

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Well in that case, carry on!

I am curious how much RAM this bug can actually cause it to use up if I let it

free -mh
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           125Gi       5.3Gi       115Gi       211Mi       6.2Gi       120Gi
Swap:           63Gi          0B        63Gi

BTW might also be interesting to keep an eye on this to watch the wine processes grow to

htop -p "$(pgrep -d, -f '.exe')"
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All of it. People crashes with 8, 16, 32 and 64Gb ram. It spikes faster than my system monitor can detect, so about half a second to completely fill your memory.


I’m sitting on 128Gb but yeah, if it’s insta-filling 64, I’d probably not want to risk it.


Same trouble here
That makes me really worry for the early access…


I was actually considering the other day to upgrade to the edition that grants early access. After this, I’m reconsidering that.