Memory gear is no longer warband but bop

And the worst part is there was no advance warning. Typical Blizzard, they will never improve, time to dump.


All my warbound after equip gear was in my warband bank and disappeared


Same here, I have like 20 items in my bags as the event ended and went to put them in the Warband Bank but they are now soulbound to me, all of the. I’m on my priest and even the leather, mail and plate gear are all soul bound to me.

All items in the Warband bank bank are also now soulbound to the characters that put them into the Warband Bank. No other character can even see the gear if they didn’t add them to the Warband Bank. I have over 100 gear in there from the Radiant Echoes Event to give to my alts after the event ended and none of them can be used now.

So much for collecting all this gear for alts and using a Bank that was supposed to KEEP items that are Warbound so you can distribute them to your alts. This is not how I expected the Warband Bank to work. So I’m assuming this is a mistake or a glitch / bug.

Edit: It is the same on my mom’s, my daughters, my wife’s, my sons and my brothers accounts. None of us can use any gear we collected except what the characters we used to acquire those gear already have equipped.


Looks like they have an article up.


Can’t get the link to work.
EDIT: took a few tries, it finally loaded.

– I just logged back in and now all that gear that I farmed for is just gone… Nice fix blizz! WTG! Golf Clap Thanks for once again, wasting my time for that gear. Next time, make ^$#@ cheaper so these experiences isn’t so deflating… PLEASE!!!

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OMG I logged back into the character I used to acquire all this gear and looked into the Warband Bask. All the gear that was Warbound turned to soulbound to this character is now deleted, they are all gone, WTF


I just logged in for the first time today, and all my defender gear in my warbank is present and still warbound.

I switched characters to check, and it was all still there.

This might have been fixed?

Yes but the people who logged in pre fix got shafted.


Scared to check mine, was logged in during that period but don’t think i went into my bank at all.

So i was so proud of myself for getting all that gear and i put in the warbank , thinking it would be safe and i can switch to my characters to put it on . First it was soulbound to warbank , then it went poof.
honestly i wanted to cry a bit , maybe i should have . i keep telling myself go that happy place … they will fix this … or maybe its a nightmare…
woke up today and its still gone .
i feel like i was robbed .
at least i still have some of the appearance mods that i got from that work , its like a memory of what i did … so i know it really did happen .

I probly should get a life and not take this so personal .
But of part of me just wants to wake up and the armor be still there …

Please give me my stuff back .

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Same happened to me. I had two tabs of pre-patch Defender Warband Bind on Equip gear for my Remix alts and I bought a few DarkMoon Deck trinkets from the auction house. Everything went soulbound, grey, and then disappeared.

Not sure why the auction house purchase disappeared. Sounds like a database issue.

A member of my guild had several pre-patch armor items in her Warband bank and they did not disappear. The problem does not seem to be consistent.

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Hi all,

There was an issue that erroneously affected Warbound Until Equipped items, causing them to be soulbound or to appear to have disappeared from Warband Banks. The issue was resolved and any items that were erroneously converted to soulbound will be restored to their intended state with scheduled maintenance that we’re doing this week. Note that the restored items may have moved to a different spot if another item was placed where it originally was, or if the bank was filled during this time period.


Thank you for the info.

So if the bank is full will it be mailed?

Is it possible for things to end up in tabs that have not yet been unlocked?

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Glad this is being fixed. Can we also get our purged guild banks restored too plz?


Hopefully this will include items that were sitting in a characters bags but were still warbound. Sounds like it will. Fingers crossed.

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Thanks, but seriously it took you 24 hours to acknowledge… this isn’t 1994.


Will this impact appearances learned from the soulbound items?

thank you for keeping us informed. looking forward to getting the gear out to the characters I was setting them in the warband bank for. hopefull that it is tomorrows patch that it is in.

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Now hopefully they can also find all our guild bank items. :cry:


Did this work for items in the war bank as well as the alt bank?