Memory gear is no longer warband but bop

The items on my toon that bought the gear is still showing as soulbound on them (and they had never been equipped and were previously warbound until that fateful hour), but interestingly enough when I look at the bag items on them from a different toon using altoholic then they correctly show as warbound. Go back to the “gear toon” and they are still soulbound. I will be patient. I had no gear in the warbank.

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I just noticed this. This is a pretty massive error. But glad to see bliz is aware.

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Bliz - this is not fixed for me. My warbound items were made soulbound and they were just sitting in my character’s bank. I’d like this resolved please - I spent well over 100k residual memories on those items :frowning:


From the blue post this should be fixed with tomorrows update cycle

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Okay… I read that as today’s update cycle. Ah I see scheduled maintenance again for tomorrow, thanks. Here’s hoping those items are back! (Too bad about the heavy nerfs coming though…)

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Not fixed for me, every single piece of gear/Equipment/weapon in my Warband bank from the memories event is gone.

Will I get this resolved?


Glad to see this fixed. I had collected a lot of gear and was saving it for my lowbie alts. At first, I thought maybe my bag addon was messing with me. Thank you for fixing.

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Jayem posted after the maintenance on Tuesday, so the first possible time for the change to take effect is with the maintenance on Wednesday, which we are currently in. However he does not mention a specific maintenance and there may be more this week.

Keep checking and hoping I guess.


I realize maintenance is going on and it might be fixed, but mine was still missing from my warbank when I was playing, despite not putting anything else on the tab they were on. I was on my neutral at the time, so if ya’ll somehow threw it in my regular bank instead, I wouldn’t know.

is this character still on the island?

Yes, like my other 8 70+ neutrals, you can access your warbank on the isle.


Same thing happened to our guild bank last month, turned in a ticket and was told that I needed to delete this and delete that!
After 6 days of this nonsence had to reinstall windows and Wow, my ticket was marked resolved.

So basically you’re telling us that you’re not going to fix the EXTREMELY FOUL UNSTEALTH BUG?

The items that were missing from my Warband Bank have been restored, thank you.

Yay!!! After the 3.5 hr maintenance on Wednesday, all my missing Warbound items have been returned to my Warbank!!! Thank you, thank you, Thank You, Blizz!!!

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None of my items are restored?

How are you a pandaren demon hunter?

Also are you levelling purely from herbing/oring?

You can’t queue for anything right? You have access to no content not on the island?

i’m mostly herbing and mining, been streaming since early access on neutralgent on twitch. I usually level as Doubleagent, but chose to do my rogue first this expansion.

On topic, my memory gear is back in my warbank.

ETA: Rogue not demon hunter

My items are now restored, the ones in the warbank are back, the BoPs are back to warbound until equip. I can now transfer residual memories to characters with 0, I had to go do an item restore for vendored BoP items and when they arrived in the mail they were also reset to warbound on equip. Thank goodness. I just wish tracking bug status was easier and included in the ticket system and in-game so I didn’t have to keep manually checking. Good job developers to get this fixed. I very much appreciate it I loved the event and Panda remix and it would have been very sad to feel like I lost that progress.

Looks like my items were restored to their original warbound status, thank you!