Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

Yes, when melee who cant kick or stun and position behind los with no defensives are allowed to have fun,that means the good melee absolutely dominate and make casters miserable.

Let me guess, you think this the better approach amirite?

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Ya and hunter/melee counting as ranged/healer (surv included there is nothing more cringe than stuff like hunter mage or hunter warlock)


What’s really crazy is when bad melee ran through bad casters, good casters still were able to deal with good melee, now it feels super skewered towards casters at every mmr but who knows maybe I’m just wrong and melee always cranked casters every season (I’m not)


I support this message… I Ret and played solo with three mages in the Zandalar arena. I got nuked and snared and rooted to all hell. I managed to get one win but I’m just fodder no matter what spec I am in. And as much as they bounce around, LOS means nothing in that arena.

You’re missing context and only replying to a partial conversation. Feel free to read the rest before replying.

Ya nah, I read all I needed, especially in your earlier post about how wizards deserve to the oppressive dps for once lmao. You’re fried plain and simple.

I agree. Hunter comps with casters are some of the most boring comps in the game though I do have a soft spot for scatter even if it is degenerate.

It is. The bad casters fail to realize the problem precogs creating because they’re unable to play against current melee design since they’re too used to turrenting damage or mindlessly kiting all the time.

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Y’all stillllll just mad melee can’t free hammer casters up to 3k this season? :frowning:
SORRY, to 2.4k… cuz ladder is in deep freeze atm.
Check back in a month or two if you wanna climb anyway…
caster or not… everyone oneshotting anyway so the design disparity in the back n’ forth of the match is more hard felt atm.

Now, I Agree if casters are dominating at the top they should be nerfed accordingly,
but game balance is hard around here…
how to keep it balanced for the average player? Tough question

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Yeh cant even take a second to read cry more.

Weren’t you the guy crying about how bad balance druid is a week or so ago? Rofl. Clueless.

I did read their post, they think casters have been completely oppressed when there are many top tier wizard cleaves going all the way back to Cata. The guy is clueless and so are you.

I never said Boomies were weak, by any stretch of the imagination.
I just pointed out the reality in midladder. Being a caster does not guarantee a free win, on the contrary, people being more aware of shutting us down right now makes the caster PoV even more of a ‘melees are zugging me’.
The outcries to nerf every aspect of casters atm, still remain completely unwarranted. That’s just not how class balancing works… we don’t have cooldown oversaturation or un-mitigatable one-shot capacity like some classes did in the middle of last season. We can be shut down. Have you tried targeting the class that’s giving you trouble?
and clearly you aren’t reading into the details here…
That, I’m afraid, is cluelessness manifest.

I don’t think we need to nerf every aspect of casters, but precog is absolutely asinine lmao. Also, I’ve been all for pulling back the general powercreep the game has experienced and I’ve not changed my stance on that.

But be honest for a second here, do you really think wizards aren’t overtuned right now? They absolutely are and changes need to happen and hopefully will.

You’re talking about the lower end of the ladder not the mid.

Top 300 of your spec is low?
What I’m aiming for as a casual, Duelist, is top ~120 atm. The MMR system is broken.
I’m pretty sure if you face against multi rank 1s every game you aren’t playing at the lower end… Game is weird atm, yeah

ur not fighting multi rank ones every game

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Probably a Kenny alt about to wheel out the “2400 is average” comment that never fails to get a laugh

Okay, so when you get into the details, I agree having things as balanced as possible is of the utmost importance. But are wizards entirely dominating? Maybe, I haven’t seen that in my games yet, but I might not be playing high enough when people minmax. I might be wrong, but I think it’s more of a “we are finally a threat”, at least compared to last season… Precog punishes mis-kicks, so that’s all the rage now…

Seeing one sl glad every few lobbies doesn’t mean multi r1

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(edit: in solo) I’m seeing people with shadow flame, mythic upgrades tiers embels and other current sweats in 1900 lobbies (started @ 1700), often multiple of them zugzuging oneshotting… Sometimes, as if they are coordinating :open_mouth: guess casuals like me just wait for inflation to be safe lmao. I just pray participation will be enough to saturate the whole ladder as we move forward so we can all queue at our level


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