Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

No one said they want precog AND a talent bonus…

And one could argue kicking and jumping are comparable in skill. They’re both essentially mind games against the other player.

Also just to add, got plenty of snare removals/immunes already

And range don’t?

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Didn’t say that did i? The precog effect is because melee have alot of micro cc that if they cant kick they throw out. I do agree the haste shouldnt be there at all.

Maybe its cause I don’t often kick poorly but I literally had no idea what Precog even was and I’ve been playing rated for two weeks after my 6 year break ended… what a weird effect.

Then why bring it up?

Not all melee have a ton of micro cc. Range are the ones with micro / spam cc.

Ultimately, range precog would be better than melee precog anyway since you still get rewarded for failing if multiple melee kick you at the same time.

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Kickinga bonus is they are locked out. Aff locks cant even portal. Yes yes lots of schools for some specs, thats the reaspn why those specs are at the top.

All i see every time on forums is casters dont want to be touched, and melee want casters to sit on one spit and not be able to do anything

Most of the better melee do

I think its cos melee so used to shutting down casters that they just kick predictably/on cd for example

And juking bonus is that you can free cast since they’re now in CD…

Yeah melee can still stun sure, but then range also have multiple schools.

So right now casters have a complete unfair and untalented, advantage against melee, no matter how you try to justify it.

Again, ultimately, range precog would be superior to melee anyway since ranged still get the benefit of precog, even if they get kicked, if multiple melee attempt to kick simultaneously.

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GL trying to get through to that guy. Precog is giga busted right now and it’s hilarious watching people try to justify it.


acting like melee haven’t ever been oppressed by caster cleaves is also crazy lmao


Ya man the L$D meta of wrath never happened
Or the mage lock meta end of mop
Or the mage lock meta end of BfA
Or the mage lock meta at the start of cosmic
Or aff being INSANELY dominant end of SL

Wizard player gaslighting is insane
It’s like these people think SL is just the norm when it comes to pvp and forget just about every xpac
Every xpac I haven’t mentioned (Cata, legion, WoD also all had a very strong warlock/melee comp available too which is hilarious whenever warlock players try to act like they’re just never good)


Don’t forget lock shaman in mop =]


Ya or god comp in mop or WoD either

Or god comp in late sinful Xd


wizards pretending they’re the most victimized people on planet earth man, CRAZY


Wish most wizard players and not a minority were capable of reasonable balance discussion


Well put.

Even when casters were strong or even OP, it was still terrible design.

Id rather have a new caster player enjoying himself in arenas than him getting dunked cause hes not kiting and juking like a 2.1 player at 1400.

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Yes when the new casters who don’t understand how to position or juke are able to have fun, that means the good casters absolutely dominate and make the game miserable for melee, yes this is the balance we should look for.


People have a really bad problem with recency bias.

Honestly this whole issue would be largely fixed if they’d just at minimum design pvp and pve seperately so they can cut back on all the cc and mobility. Also they really need to think of a way to promote melee/ranged/healer as the primary way to pvp with cleaves being more niche picks.