Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

You are not a casual.
You are not a casual.
You are not a casual.
You are not a casual.
You are not a casual.(or even close to being one.)


Casual (a)
def. 1. 1.
a person who does something [irregularly]
Definition from Oxford Languages.

Sweat on along to the next comment. ty.

Casuals are happily doing random battlegrounds in their unenchanted gear.

You are.

It’s a bit more than that lmao.

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If you link me to a stream clip that shows unparalleled, all-rounded caster domination in solo shuffle I might just go along with you :slight_smile:

You post on the forums literally every day.

You are a tryhard sweatlord like everyone else on the forums. You have been playing the game for over 10 years.

You’re just trying to claim casual as an excuse for being bad. You arent a casual.

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Compared to usual 2.7-3.5k ppl riding glad mounts with rank 1 titles I am lobbied with AT 1900, you’re right lmao…
But you’re still trying to twist the definition. I queue up 2-3 times at week, I’m a student, I play off time-zone. I AM a casual, always have been. I don’t work at playing wow. I have an IRL keeping me busy from getting all my goals, unfortunately. I can’t min max, practice, I don’t even have time to LFG nowadays lmfao. I’m thankful for solo shuffle cuz no way I could rbg this xpak as I usually do. If you ever were a student, you know what it’s like.

My aunts a casual and has played since Beta.
Just bc u play the game every day or for a long time does not mean you are sweaty.

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I suppose there are different interpretations. Like, somebody doing 20x mog/mount runs a week is doing casual content, but I don’t know if I’d consider them a casual. Somebody who queues an hour and a half of arena a week to gladiator also doesn’t really strike me as terribly hardcore. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


No, but getting lobbies with 2-3 last season gladiators in them dominating you 6-0 is.
I had that happen my first 3 lobbies, great time.

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Falling out of my chair if I 6-0 a lobby on the panda.

If I get you in a lobby I’m not healing you.

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Yeah, that’s fair. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Tbh most ppl on these forums I actually trust playing with/against just because some of us aren’t totally braindead.
Had a boomy last night actually using defensives, it was so nice

Given the various factors you fail to understand? Yes.

Duelist is always rough to get so early in the season if you’re not good. The aggressive cap they’ve got on it makes it feel slightly worse but you wouldn’t even be duelist yet on a normal season.

You aren’t facing against multi rank 1s every game and if you were you’d drop out of whatever imaginary rating you have that makes you que into them real quick.

It is but you don’t understand why it is nor what you’re talking about.

Idk what y’alls sudden weird hate for Kenny is but you’re not only completely wrong but also proving very quickly you don’t know what you’re talking about.

In shuffle last season 2400 was essentially 1600. Anyone with a pulse and a basic dps rotation could get it if they qued enough games.


That’s because you’re on the lower end and barely know what you’re doing let alone what anyone else is.

There’s no might in that statement.

You only feel that way because you don’t understand why people say bad melee beat bad casters but good casters beat good melee. You’ve gotten an artificial skill boost with precog and fail to understand why it’s bad.

That’s not what the rank ones have. You probably think they are because you’re finally queing into people with a pulse who don’t just let you aoe all game for free.

Man I didn’t think you could get any dumber.

You wait for inflation to hand you rewards and that’s why mmr is capped and should stay capped.

You already do you’re just too fried to notice.

Try to actually pay attention the next time you que shuffle. Though I understand it might be hard as you do your super hard starfall dps rotation.

You’ve more than likely only qued into like 5 rank ones at best this entire expansion.

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I don’t know what you’re on man…
but that might help people who are actually playing retail PvP atm.

The same thing you and Swole are on that makes you both blink with one eye at a time.

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You won’t even post on your retail character kekw.
Your elitist insistence on keeping the game broken is astounding regardless.


Do you just like to say words you don’t understand about topics you don’t understand?