Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

When you have the gross team utility that ret has compared to other melee, in bop, sac, LoH etc, you can’t be the tankiest melee in the game also, with one of the highest dmg and burst potential for melee’s at the same time.

50k hp is not making or breaking a spec in this current meta either. Especially when you have immunities and giant absorb shields.

melee is really fun for random bgs and things of that nature

  • try to get in melee range
  • eat an aoe stun
  • eat an aoe root
  • eat an aoe fear
  • eat an aoe root
  • eat an aoe stun
  • eat an aoe fear

very fun

this game needs more aoe auto cc

I feel like most of them have their place aside from maybe something like Windwalker.

Warlock and Mage being viable in play is completely different than the concept of, “melee are currently playing survive the caster game.” Since the beginning of WoW Casters have had to play the “survive the melee” game, even during metas where casters were strong. Kicks, stuns, mobility were always constantly creeping in the direction of making a caster’s life unplayable.

People are complaining about instant cast damage? Sure, but that was blizzard’s answer to casters being unable to play unless they have instant cast damage.

Mobility and stun creep started to get out of control after WotLK. In Wrath you could dodge a kick and then be rewarded by being able to cast after. Currently, you dodge a kick and any one melee has 4 other stops they can apply to let the kick come back off CD. Today it feels like every melee has the lockdown of WotLK prot warriors, but at least they had the downside of (somewhat) lower damage. So, enter precog.

I’m not saying bliz is coming up with the correct solutions, but let’s not pretend like casters haven’t been regularly oppressed by melee nonsense across the years.

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Lmao it’s a bit more than that right now, and lets not act like RMX hasn’t been completely disgusting. Spriest mage, lock spriest, ele lock etc, I really don’t know where you’re getting your information but lol.

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See warriors talent. And other melees.

At this point all you melee just dont want casters to play the game and want a damage boost just for hitting caster lol.

Those talents are trash… And they take up a talent point

Go on.

10% for warrior? Its still available. Ans you all want a bonus like precog on top.

Kibda sounds like the hunters who say have no defensive yet theres a wall right in their talents


Again, it takes a talent point, and 10% won’t mean anything if your snared or rooted.

Also you know what they gets? A whopping extra crusader strike. Omg so stronk

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Oh, I think that it’s trying to say that this is comparable to precog.

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Evwrything takes a talent point mate

Lol and precog doesn’t… Lol like what??

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Precog doesn’t. :eyes:


Alright you just proved that you’re not the smartest and didnt read. I said you guys want it in your talents. And also as a crafted thing. And don’t call me it tryingng to belittle me. Big forum lord arent you, got an ego i see.

No one takes those talents… They are trash. But they can remove those talents if it makes you feel better

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Yeh but you guys want a precog effect and talented bonuses for kicking. How dumb can you be and not get the point lol. It doesnt take skill at all for kicking.

Just admit you just want damage bonuses for hitting a caster and be done with it

Not every talent is good/used all the time. Could’ve swore it used to be 10% though

I just want RSS to not be beholden to the worst person on a given lobby, I don’t like playing against casters currently but it seems totally doable, if frustrating and unfun.