Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

First of all dh and warrior are fine, so there are more than 2 viable melee. Also for clarity are you suggesting that melee need to be overturned to be viable as your wording suggests?

Outlaw Unholy Frost and Assassination aren’t in good shape, assassination being the best of the worst.

On the caster side, Blizzard reducing melee cc and leaving ranged cc mostly alone is a big issue. Saying casters need to cast and reworking everything except boomkin or destro as such is a massive problem. Two casters with a tonne of instant damage, spam cc and either straight up tank (warlock) survivability or infinite kiting disengage mechanics (druid) was never not going to be an issue.


And a 5% damage increase on one target for 12 seconds or whatever is not comparable to the ability to instantly end a game. Why pretend like it is?

I’m unsure as to what that has to do with embellishments?

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It’s a nice change for casters who forever have played “survive the melee”.

So should melee have the ability to fully stun lock caster to death if inexperienced caster does not know how to reflexively break and POM? What kind of volley is respectable is the main question.

funny, you talk like that hasnt been the case for the past 5 years.

Maybe do your goes properly.

Idl i dont see any juke bonus apart fron that. So you want damage bonus and also damage from kicking?

What are your healers up to if one precog instantly ends a game lol. Why you all here acting like kicks never land

Now this meme just made my day!

If missing means burning wall or losing then sure. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Stereotypes in pvp makes me laugh (that’s not a irony).

Why can’t melee get a reverse precog.

Successful kicks make you immune to slows and snares with a boost our damage.

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Good, casters deserve to be the oppressive DPS group for once. :slight_smile:

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For once? That’s funny

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pretending warlock or mage or sp hasnt been consistently good for the last 5 expansions hehe


i wonder what blizz could even do to promote less melee/caster metas and more hybrid ones.

game is at its peak when hybrids dominate with melee/caster cleaves still being viable


but it is. Arms is bottom of the barrel single target, it only is competitive with other melee while cleaving 2+ targets. This is directly related to being pure physical dmg and half the talents being crit reliant (which doesnt exist anymore)

This is very true, I am hoping now that precog exists and with Blizzards class re-designs they move casters back into a casted damage type of playstyle.

Well the rework was supposed to fix that, but here we are….