Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

lol you got it all wrong. warrior does a lot of damage, it has ignore pain, hard to fear, 2 bladestorms, an MS, banner, intervene, leap, 2 charges. is it hard for warriors right now going into triple casters? sure. but good warriors know how to make it work by applying hit the closest target and they dont waste their mobility.

fear break is on a 1 min CD. Arms* Warrior damage is excessively low, unless cleaving 2 targets all match, without pets absorbing dmg.

70% of classes have an MS now. Banner is a optional PvP talent that is countered extremely easy takes 2 attacks to kill and is always killed at high ratings (1.5min cd)

hit the closest target works “sometimes” but you literally have less than 25% uptime against good wizards, and any time you are in the open for more than 5-10 seconds ur dead, or force your healer out of position and are dead.

Ignore pain absorbs 90k dmg out of 180k dmg received once every 11-12 secs when you aren’t CCed and have 40 extra rage (you don’t when you’re getting kited)

Your misconception of how Arms is played vs casters at High rating is clearly delusional.

Lol survivability wouldnt be an issue if damage was lower.

Thus. Damage is the issue.

That being said every class/spec is capable of massive amounts of damage. Its not just casters.

That already exist in various forms.

depends on what youre playing against but warrior is S tier. double casters are often an issue for warriors. if casters beat warriors its not because warriors are bad, its because warriors are bad into casters and a couple casters like boomy/fire mage/destro locks are doing too much damage on top of having baseline precog which gives them access to another pvp talent that would otherwise be used on precog.

To be fair, I almost never used precog last season. I’m not sure I’d care if it was removed entirely. I feel like my team just procs it at horrible times and I can’t peel. Makes it harder for me lol

I don’t know man, my buddy seems to do fine lol. I mean I can kite a war fairly well but 25%? And many specs have MS for sure but not a 50% one. Arms dmg is pretty good dude.

How is that working out for everybody? lol

it’s hard to know when to kick. because there is so much instant damage/dots that do all of the damage for a lot of casters, so they can just try to juke over and over with no drawbacks.

this precog crap is making me better at kicking tho(at least i’d like to think so lol).

Isn’t the whole point of precog to punish kicking the air?
Or rather, reward a caster for juking because their hard-cast time was wasted
if they aren’t spelllocked, they get a bonus now

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Devo gets the double whammy of being in both 3 caster/melee lobbies.

You’re always getting focused no matter what.

No well. Everyone is complaining a lot lol.

Im just saying its not a caster versus melee thing or a survivability thing. Its an over abundance of damage.

I still get surprised when i use my go on my boomkin or hunter or dh or pally or etc and like jesuse crist that damage was so much.

There are lobies, like udk and warlock that i just sigh and prepare for someone on my team to just get destroyed and hope i can do something to slow the game down long enough for our healer to keep us alive

its supposed to be to relieve some pressure from double melee comps that just train and dont allow the caster/healer to play.

caster instant casts are happening too often and doing too much damage and thats the real issue.

They can’t slow down melee sadly I have no idea how they would…so they sped up casters instead…but now they are moving too fast with too much HP at the same time.

Against double melee I was still getting locked, stunned etc before I changed my talents to capitalize on punishment, setup and being more positionally aware… I’m working on it
I understand it’s a new gimmick, and it might have indeed thrown the game out of balance to an extent, but as a caster I obviously think it’s warranted, maybe in the details it can be adjusted but we’ve been zerged at for years, the game now requires a little bit more… precognition from both sides

I actually think you’re opening an interesting discussion. I honestly think precog has exposed alllllll the people who have kicks. Honestly the amount of kicks landed in a game is usually abysmal by the general playerbase only before it went unnoticed. Now it’s a huge announcement so to speak and everyone knows when you miss lol.

I think now that’s there’s a penalty for missing, melee and ranged kickers alike are going to have to actually try to kick at purposeful times. People got way too used to just throwing it out there. From a caster’s perspective it’s SIGNIFICANTLY different juking good players vs bad ones. Some people don’t ever even try until the last like 1% of the cast. You can almost never juke them. Bad ones press it the second a cast bar shows up.

It’s also now important to kick important things. Saving the kick for the follow up cc for instance.


Again thats not the real issue. That was something that happened in order to combat mobility creep from melee.

That issue can be fixed by reducing melee uptime so that caster instants can be reduced in power and moved into casted abilities instead. But the melees will complain about being too slow and have less uptime and how casters just have all this free time to cast at them. But that is the nature of melee verus ranged.

Casters will always do more damage than melee. That is their inherent design in all games with pvp. The tankier the ranged character is, the slower they are and shorter their range is.

The issue is just damage in general for all classes of all types. Destro locks critting for 150k chaos bolts, my boomy plopping out 2 starsurge/2 stardogs/and a new moon proc after orbital strike for 300k, mm hunter having from stealth 300k openers. Arms war with spammable 100k executes.

I would start by drastically reducing or removing the bonus main stat from thje pvp trinket and see where that lands us in comparison to dampening.

Right now rss matche queues are too long and matches can end too fast but no one wants 30 min matches either.

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You seem to not understand what S tier means. it Means vs all other classes and specs, not just vs other melee.

Arms Warrior being terrible into casters puts them A- or B+, please think before you spew misinformation.

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Arms gets a 50% MS for 4 seconds once every 35 seconds. lol, rest of time its 25%.

Arms Damage is mostly cleave and bloat from bleeds, single target dmg is low.

Well the alternative is melee will absolutely decimate you once they finally do connect since their damage profile would have to be adjusted accordingly

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doing 30k single target dps when specs have 7-800k hp just doesnt suffice, when an arms gets a window on a caster. lol

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