Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

The difference between casters and melee is like 5-10%. You can manage it. Most casters can’t handle being tunneled hard. Either coordinate with your team to setup kills or eventually end up dying. Also you often lose because you go too ham and you los your healer forcing bad positioning on their part.

The only healer that really enabled Melee’s to go big is Hpal. The other healers are caster preferred.

Since HPal is dog water right now you’re kind of in a sticky situation.

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Meanwhile playing Assa be like

Melee is playing “ survive the caster simulator” rn

Cause armor means nothing in a triple caster lobby.

It’s not my character but if you’ll look closely you can see that he is, indeed, wearing underpants.

Seems to have misplaced his nose, though. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Calling BS. He’s not rooted/horrified/stunned/rooted/knock backed/rooted/horrifed before being blown up.

Side note isn’t it cool that during the CC overhaul, all of these effects were buffed not nerfed?


There are two viable melee choices right now. Enchance (ovetuned) and Sub rogue (overtuned damage with weak survivabailty so it sorta evens out IF you can survive).

Look at the darn stats of season 2…casters are CLEARLY ruling with locks being WELL ahead of even that pack.

Stop the lies…also disc and mistweaver are way above the other healers for that matter…


enh is doing well into casters not because its overtuned, but because it has a better toolkit for casters. casters are more overtuned than enh or sub.

and its because of precog baseline. and a lot of ccs like fear, and clone were untouched by the “cc nerfs”

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Enhance is in line to you? Are you kidding me lol The moment they enrf the casters (and they will) we will be back to season 1…

Precog is an issue but Melee made it so lol If they touch clone and fear right now it will be worse than season 1 for casters…blizzard has ZERO answers to this issue.

We will be on this wheel forever.

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the damage is bit overtuned but the biggest offenders right now are casters. warrior is also still overtuned. its just not as obvious because a wizzard meta is an indirect nerf to warriors.

Caster is playing “survive the melee simulator” rn
There, I’ve fixed it for ya xD

Perhaps it’s just the same for everyone? :thinking:
(Edit: and has been since the dawn of WoW PvP)

i mean theres a lot of overtuned things right now. plenty of melee are still good. look at the rankings. but wizards are a problem.

Sir that was season 1. We are in season 2…the sequel has a whole new plot…my danger senses tell me you are balance so i better not stay here long lest the stars begin to rain on me as you hop up and down with enjoyment.

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I actually play without Starfall, and never press jump.
Gatchya shadowmelded :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Sure at higher levels caster output kinda shines atm,
but some melees were oneshotting hundreds of ratings up last season lol
I guess we each have our turn on top of the circus wheel…

Realistically though, isn’t it just a “melee now can’t simply ignore casters”
type situation, compared to the few last seasons?

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i can see your point. but its better ideally to want a more balanced game.

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warrior is doing less damage than it did last season after nerfs, how is that overtuned? with higher health pools and lower crit now. lol. Unless you are saying *Fury in Full mastery cheese spec is overtuned, then yes i agree.

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both are overtuned.

/laugh react. The arms ladder has frozen, no one has climbed in the past week+, you should maybe look again, most are sitting rating or playing fury.

Anyone Crying about arms right now hasnt played vs good ww dh or sub rogues or sv hunters, arms is the most balanced melee, but far behind casters.


Which I do, of course. It’s unfortunate that things usually like a swing, rather than a balance… but we usually see immense buffs or overnerfs, with some specs having easier times for a while. If only there was an easy fix we know of :confused:

is fury not warrior? people are only playing fury because sharpen blade and skull splitter got nerfed. arms is still S tier. which is crazy if you think about despite getting nerfed theyre still one of the best melee.

most warriors just dont understand the concept of hitting closest caster. they’ll chase a warlock behind a pillar after he portals, despite the warlock possibly still having wall+healthstone+gate.

so most warrior players have no idea what to do in those situations.

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Arms is DEFINITELY not S tier, Sub rogue is the only S tier melee, for starts.

Arms is middle to low on the melee rankings currently. Sub and Enh are clearly better, and arguments can be made for ww dh ret sv.