Melee is playing "survive the caster simulator" rn

Could you expand on what you mean by this?

Not any more than you do.
I don’t even use starfall btw. Seen much better results without it
actually playing the game sweating away zug zugs who just press w and 123, you know, by setting up stuff.
Cuz as a caster atm you actually have to do stuff. Precog is punishing, sure, but you’re painting casters, esp Boomy atm to be broken like rets were in Feb-March, all rounded OP. We’re nowhere close

I’ll say again, link me to a stream clip showing that casters own all aspects of arena at the top, and I might just believe you. I haven’t seen anything like that though. I said before, everyone is basically oneshotting so the swing of the match seems extreme. You’re just trying to strawman a spec you don’t like, or previously struggled against…

Or worse yet, don’t target and actually need to shut down now.
Boomy can be shut down quite easily compared to other casters.
Besides decent burst and good control we don’t have much in our favour atm

btw I’ve been duelist or at that range before, more than once,
also played against top players in RBGs since before half this forum was congniscent.
Now specifically talking about solo shuffle, last season,
To get there, as well as to where I am now, I’ve been regularly playing against higher EXP players. You’re right that things are annoying now because it’s early season, but in trying to tell a player on the forum why they’re bad when they write about balancing or systematic issues (such as MMR) you aren’t doing much.

By “elitist insistence” I mean this:
“You wait for inflation to hand you rewards and that’s why mmr is capped and should stay capped.”
Basically wanna gatekeep the majority of the PvP community out of their game and have those who nolife dominate each season terror1ze the “low / mid ladder” for the entire season?
Cool :+1:

they are most likely blue hairs that dont know what a wahhman is

I know I play on the second most busted melee at the moment. Saying that though, queuing into triple casters makes my head spin, especially considering the healers even in 1700 and lower are quite often either doing their placements or straight up 800 rated. The first week or two were okay, I was climbing at a steady pace and managed to get to 1724, but then all the caster lobbies started. Almost everyone of my lobbies is boomkin/lock/x caster. My rating has fallen over 200 this past week and I’m at a loss as to what to do.

Then your reading comprehension failed you because your initial response to me made no sense based on my argument. Better luck next time.

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do not give up friend, just be aware of your positioning and your healers positioning in those lobbies!