A moonkin tea bagging you is the worst kind of teabag because you know /dance is coming afterwards.
Note the space between tea and bagging, without the space that apparently is a banned word here.
A moonkin tea bagging you is the worst kind of teabag because you know /dance is coming afterwards.
Note the space between tea and bagging, without the space that apparently is a banned word here.
You know exactly what I was getting at. You do not want that dance on top of your corpse. Ever.
Yeah it’s one thing to get ganked, but if that happens, just uninstall the game and take up knitting or something. You can’t go hunt them down and kill them either. Even if you do, it won’t erase the shame. You’ll wake up 20 years from now and remember the time a Moonkin did a teabag and danced.
Retired Melee Hunter with PTSD, now IRL Tailor LFW!!
Lmao well…these last responses are a good representation of the super welcoming and friendly classic community!
I feel bad for people that are so jaded about a certain playstyle in a game.
I don’t really care about being “server blacklisted”, or laughed at for playing a class the way I enjoy. I’m not planning on raiding at all, I enjoy casual PvP.
Certainly a lot of Elitism within the Classic player base…I hope it won’t hurt the games health, but my instincts say otherwise.
Anyway imagine how much fun it’s going to be ganking all the snobs on my melee Hunter!
Classic Melee Hunter Boopples!! Killing Elitist snobs near you “soon”!
Just having a bit of fun with you, brother.
Please keep in mind that you created the thread and asked if it’s viable, which it’s not. The “elitist snobs” here are simply giving you the answer you asked for…
If you enjoy it, play it anyway and have fun.
Good luck!
Melee hunters fine. Nightfall and wing clip rank 1 and enjoy helping your guild clear bosses.
We just wanted to help set your expectations. If doing the damage of a level 40 Rogue in questing greens is fine while you are in Tier 3, then by all means.
Just be sure to roll Night Elf, thanks.
O it’s all good for sure. This hardcore classic attitude is really insightful!
I mean I remember it, and now I understand why and how Blizzard made the game the most successful MMO ever.
I’m genuinely curious now, how the casuals, you know the vast majority of the player base, will take to Classic.
This ain’t elitism, Kindwolf.
Elitism is telling me I can’t raid because I’m a Hunter, outside of the token Tranq Shot user. A DPS class that can’t DPS, which would normally be fine if people didn’t understate our utility in Raids.
I understand you’re more interested in PvP but the Hunter is often at the end of every joke in raids. Either that or any of the Hybrids trying to DPS, even when some of them very well can under certain circumstances and the right gear.
Considering Vanilla/TBC was the ‘game is growing phase’ and thats what people JOINED the game to play…
I would think it will be fine if one actually knows what they are signing up for.
Wow that sucks, sorry to hear that. I remember some of that on my original toon, a feral druid.
I would think at the very least, most people wouldn’t want the game to stagnate.
But I guess it is for a niche groups of “players”.
Sure will be fun killing them with Raptor Strike!
I hope you don’t get discouraged by the naysayers.
Live your dream! I actually remember seeing a vanilla melee hunter pvp vid long ago and I found it incredibly intriguing.
Not sure if this refers to me, the intellectual who thinks melee Hunters should be banished to the shadow realm, or that starry-eyed druid who goes around demanding #NoChanges with the exception of SV Hunter which he thinks should be totally remade into a melee-only spec (because Lacerate made the spec super unique or something).
From what I have seen, BM was inferior way to go about it. If you went raiding build which. was part MM part Surv and just equip a good 2h like the one from ZG or better of course. What happens is that you will at least not gimp yourself too much. And you will often have a clothie trying to abuse your DZ. You will politely apply big 2h to his face and point to the error of his ways. It is an effective tool. But you will stay range as devs intended for as long as you can.
Like fallout 4?
Firstly, if you want to max your melee, you go 0/21/30, not beast. You want to max your AGI/STA.
Secondly, melee will never compare to shooting. You invest in melee because enemy players force you to do it, whether you like it or not, not because it’ll ever be ideal.
Fun video, but I noticed he seems to be wearing flask of the titans the whole time, so it kind of lessens it.
Hey buddy! I actually created this thread with you in mind. Thanks for your input.
Classic Melee Hunter Boopples is going to be so much fun! Thanks for the inspiration!
Just bear in mind, this is a near 15 year old game, one of the most theory crafted of all time, with all information known, and spreadsheets existing which calculate DPS down the single digits, between various weapon buffs.
If there is a ‘solved’ game of this scope that surpasses that of WoW, please name it.