Melee hunter

Right, and classic is a niche within niche.

I believe the standard hunter pvp spec was enough to get scatter shot and then the 15% agi so something like 0/21/30

Almost certainly, and that Niche knows what its getting (or hopes to get #nochanges) because they WANT that solved game.

Every spec is known.
Every rotation is optimized.
Your class will not be gutted in the next patch.
Your class will not be reinvented in the next patch.
Your own ability to play to what your class/spec IS, and fill that known potential is what will matter.

To most modern gamers, the kind that chase fancy mounts, achievments, skins, and their daily quest fix, that may not be the appeal.

To the niche of gamers who know what they want and WANT THAT? Its perfection.

Like Melee Hunter perfection!

Sure man. As long as you know what it is, what it will do, and its actual potential. Go nuts.

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Think I recall seeing a few 40+ hunters farming sang thraze and jang thraze (or whatever they were) to play melee hunter, not because it was good, but because it seemed fun probably.

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Great post, it gave me a thought, but first let me say I completely understand the player base wanting Classic to be “Solved”.

Great way to put it by the way.

Having an unsolvable game, where you’ll always have unknowns, is probably the reason why Retail became, and is so popular.

Melee Hunter! Woohoo!

Anybody on this forum from vanilla Alleria?

One of the first R14’s on Alleria was a melee hunter. I forget the guy’s name; he was a dwarf I believe.

This is not to say that melee hunters were good; they weren’t. But it does show that getting R14 did not require min-maxing or even playing smart.

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The popularity of Retail is a pale shadow of Classic and TBC…people HATE having to relearn their class, or endure nerfs.

Yeah I was thinking about that. I don’t feel that way at all.

I mean I cap a few toons out every expansion, and then what? Boom new content, new playstyles, completely new and fun specs like Survival.

I’d imagine lots of people feel the same way. Hence why it’s still the largest MMo ever, and has been through every one of its expansions…

I’d have to disagree WoW is a household name now, it wasn’t in 2007.

This isnt debatable, the game is like a 12th of what it once was. :slight_smile:

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Can you please let this thread die? You’re trying to reason with a Melee Hunter that thinks Retail > Classic…


Well I was just trying to help. :frowning:

You can lead a Melee Hunter to the bow, but you can’t force him to shoot.


No no it’s 12x what it was, you’ve got it backwards.

And this warrior being cute… don’t you have a healer to hump?

You will never, and I repeat never get thunderfury lol. So not only does he have badass gear… He has items that a hunter will never ever get. And probably some cheesy trinkets as well like most pserver players.

Okay, okay you got me! I actually have two healers - a Priest for heals and a HPal for freedom (and to BoP/backup the Priest).

I’m fairly certain that we could 3v15 a group of Melee Hunters, though. :rofl:

You are literally wrong, and trolling now.

Enjoy your journey I suppose.

I’m not trolling, that’s what I think. Have a good trip!

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OK but you can THINK, and you could KNOW.

The game’s population peaked at TBC/Wrath. This is factual. There are not 12x more players now, there is about a 12th.

This is actual.

The games peak population was in Vanilla through Wrath, and its not close. Today, is probably the lowest.

There is a reason Classic is on a shared subscription.