Melee hunter

melee hunters for the win!!!

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But not viable until Patch 7.0.

LOL. You do you boo. I can’t wait to read your whine threads when you wonder why you constantly get rejected from groups. :laughing:

Groups I wouldn’t want to be in turning me down?!? Yeah I’m sure I’ll be super upset about that.

It’s WoW guys, rated for teen, everything is viable lol. Get over yourselves.

youll find plenty of groups within our guild!

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yeah come on guys, nothing wrong with it.
I’m going as a range bow rogue…

LOL. Yeah. You sound like the kid never picked for kick ball “I didn’t want to play with them anyway!” :laughing:

need someone to raid with?

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And now you’re trying to be a bully? I’m shocked.

Thanks for the support Urbani!

No thank you, ty for the offer but ranged rogues can solo raids easy :cowboy_hat_face:

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2/10 for the attempt.

Off Spec! Ganking the min/max elitists near you soon !

Raptor Strike!!

This is exactly the spirit

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Don’t deflect. You spent the better part of this discussion blaming making the game more casual friendly, and yes the vast majority of how they did that centres around changes to their raiding philosophy.

Plus, you are continually ignoring the fact that WoW reached peak subscriber count long after most of this “casualisation” happened.

Why are you clowns in my Melee Hunter thread? Don’t you have an extinct spec to fight over or something?

It’s not a viable and is definitely the ultimate meme spec in vanilla. At best, you’ll do 30% of the dps that you’d normally do with a regular spec. Even if you were spec’d deep into survival, using a ranged weapon and ranged abilities, you’ll still do more damage than meleeing with the spec…

No it is not viable, and they shouldnt have a melee hunter today either.

Seems to be pretty viable to me, for what I’m doing.

Survival is the best Hunter spec! Thematically it is fantastic! And it’s one of the best 1v1 specs atm!

Try it out, leave the tinted glasses at home.

Survival itself does alright in 1v1s, sure. A pure melee survival does not. This is a topic about MELEE survival hunters, not normal survival hunters.

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Urbani are you doing a guild listing in the new forums?

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Yeah kaivax moved my old listing so it’s already there

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