Melee hunter

Stay active in the guild and participate in raids hell yeah you’ll get a thunderfury

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id like to see melee hunters in the game, if you find a decent build try it…its just a game bro, have fun

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OMG I’m in!

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Just to remind you.

If you have Game A, and it is casual friendly. Lets call it WoW Vanilla.
You have Game B, and it is even MORE casual friendly. Lets call it WoW Retail.

It is entirely possible that the differences between Game A, and B, drive away somewhere in the range of 8-10 million Subs.

Just saying.

Luckily it’s the same game, so they are equally casual friendly.

Moving on.

Melee Hunter! Thunderfury! Classic!

Glad to have you!

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I don’t know what is more sad, the silly absurdity of asking about melee Hunter as if there was ever any possibility of that being a thing, or the OP constantly bumping his own thread looking for attention. :laughing:


Will you be playing an off spec always room in the guild!

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Stop being a negative Nancy Twink troll.


If you honest-to-god believe that 8 million people left the game because high-end content, an area of the game probably frequented by less than 100,000 people, let alone a million, let alone 8+ million, became more casual-friendly… you are completely and hopelessly out of it.

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Depends on what you mean by melee hunter. If you mean pure melee, then Ret Paladins and Enhancement shaman are leagues better.

If you mean some sort of mix combat with a big 2h, then I guess it could work depending on your gear level.

How about this one:

If one thinks that LFR and LFD are the reasons for WoW’s decline, then that person is being shortsighted.


Pure melee? No, not at all. But as others have said with proper gear and a good 2h (pref with a nice fat damage proc like blackhand doomsaw early on or Halberd of Smiting from ZG). Stick to ranged against casters unless they try to deadzone you. When a melee comes for you turn on them with improved monkey and deterrence and spam all your melee skills until you get a snare. Drop a frost trap (yes the AoE one) with the entrapment talent and try to keep your enemy inside it for more free snares. The reaction from warriors, rogues and other hunters when you come in swinging with and smack them with a huge raptor strike, wingclip and then proceed to kite/snare or in case of the hunter facehug the confused soul to death. Against Casters just viper sting and keep out of casting range until you break their mana pool or just face hug and try to keep behind them so they can’t get casts off on you.

Ps. Get a ZG bat when ZG is out, they have 1.0 attack speed and the screech effect could be enough to weather the storm against a melee.

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If you think thats the only change, maybe you werent there to play Vanilla? Not like it matters. The game I want is a short 26 days away, its not particularly relevant why the game lost millions of players in the end, as I’ll be getting the one I will pay to play regardless.

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You do realize that the OP is a major troll and you just gave a serious answer to a pure troll thread right?

No matter what everyone says, this guy is still going to ninja all melee weapons… dam hunters lol

The only one trolling here is you, as usual. Why is it so hard to believe I think playing a melee Hunter would be fun?

Wait I took the bait… Stop being a negative Nancy Twink troll.

Because not even you can be that obtuse. I know how badly you need attention as evidenced by you constantly bumping this ridiculous thread. I just thought I’d throw you a bone and a free bump. :sunglasses:

Riiiiiight You really seem to have a problem with people playing how they want. Snobs are the worst. I feel sorry for you.