Awesome! Melee hunters rejoice!
I absolutely HATE melee, But I dont want to think while raiding sooooo yea… HAHA
Not sure I heard it’s super fun though. If you do the melee hunter thing and need a guild let me know!
But you’re meleeing with your pet!! It doesn’t get any more badass than that!
With my wolf… on passive… so he dont die and waste my manas!!! Melee need that buff yo!
Buff Classic melee hunters now Blizz. Do it!
No need to buff any meme builds. All meme builds join the same guild. 40 man raids of druids, shaman/paladins, priests, and hunters. These classes comprise all of the true hybrids, and meme/fringe builds. It would be legendary.
For the record, I hate the story line in Retail. The game play is fine.
this is the guild i am building if you know anybody that would be interested let me know ttps://
You guys over at Off Spec really need to take Kindwolf off our hands. I mean he is already fully dedicated to your mission.
He’s welcome to join!
The question is…will I get Thunderfury?!?
What even is the point of this post? It’s a confused mess of strawman arguments and tangents.
No one claimed that Classic is more casual than BFA. What I did say was that Classic was much more casual than other MMOs of the time such as everquest. There were so-called “hardcore” purists back then screaming about that, too, yet it was a critical part of the formula for WoW’s success. Wildstar made a big stink about being the “hardcore” MMO with a fanbase full of people who were advocating some “blue ocean” strategy targeting the forgotten hardcore players of the MMO industry, yet that MMO bombed hard. It’s the same group of people who attribute WoW’s later subscription decline to “casualisation”. The idea that there are millions upon millions of players out there who are just floating around between MMOs and leaving WoW because it’s too easy/casual is a fantasy.
Honest question: Are you remotely capable of making a concrete argument? All of your posts here seem to be nothing but vague metaphors and analogies that give the impression of trying too hard to be profound.
Here’s an example of a more concrete assessment: Classic WoW, while being great for its time, is ridden with flaws and oversights that are all-to-often spun into deliberate, good choices by nostalgic purists on the forums while they simultaneously pretend that the bad reception of the recent WoW expansion is somehow actually a result of the entire direction of the game and every feature added after BC.
There is no such thing as a concrete argument about something subjective like how much or little a person enjoys a game but I must say I find it genuinely adorable that you feel you need to rush to the defence of a multi billion dollar company.
If you are not able to understand the catharsis of spinning rhetoric and engaging in word play then that is your issue, not mine.
I was well and truly ready to leave this thread, but first I have one question; Why are you even on the classic forums?
None of your “arguments” convey that. They all presuppose an objective “worse” quality of modern WoW.
Strawman rubbish. You should check out my post history on the Hunter forums one time if you think I’m a Blizzard defender. What I am defending is many of the design changes that happened over the 12 years since Vanilla ended that I think were good for the game, because it seems like Classic players like nothing better than hijacking anger about real issues with current WoW with diatribes about “casualisation”, “the loss of RPG feeling”, or any other vague, invented scapegoat they heard from a Nixxiom video that one time and found it to be profound.
It is your problem because you evidently think there’s real subtance in dumping half-baked analogies into a thread one-after-another is a real argument when it just comes across as pretentious and lazy.
Because I think it’s a bit of an echo chamber and it could do with some disagreement, once in a while. ESPECIALLY since people here keep demanding certain unwelcome features to be dragged back into live WoW. What started my posting here was seeing people demanding that the 8-yard minimum range and deadzone are to be brought back to live, which is something that would legitimately make me quit for good.
They sure do, but at the time I felt more like having some fun than making an itemized list of degraded features, removed content, absent abilities, boring ARPG mechanics and cringe inducing story.
Again, having some fun. you must be a real riot to be around.
Have you read any other threads? no two people even with near identical sets of opinions can seem to agree about any one thing for more than 5 minutes. That said if you wish to be the guy that gets dogpiled in every thread be my guest.
Take it easy Bepples, we aren’t even talking about Survival Hunters here…
Oddly I completely agree with you for once …
[quote] Zel
Retired Melee Hunter with PTSD, now IRL Tailor LFW!![/quote]
Took an arrow in the knee, eh?
Lol that was meant as a glimpse into Kindwolf’s future - we were just having some fun (this thread ended up being pretty entertaining, tbh).
Really appreciate the subtlety of “arrow to the knee” given the melee Hunter context… Haha!