Thanks for stopping in! My muse!
Who’s making the claim that Classic/Vanilla is hardcore? You’re not going to tell me Retail is LESS Casual than Vanilla are you?
I mean we could split hairs over all the ways Retail is more casual, but its not particularly useful. We could point out all the ways Retail has shed subs, and why, but what would be the point?
I’ll be playing Classic in a little less than 28 days. I couldnt possibly care less about debating it.
Retail is more casual, and yes, since wrath the changes they made hurt the game, over and over and over, and it bled out a slow death compared to what it once was.
The End.
Retail is wow-evolved, classic is wow-lite.
yea man iodk about that
dont do that ma dude
What, It’s not even a controversial statement.
Its more like the analogy of retail being a boxer at the end of his career versus classic being young, fit and just starting out. Sure, the end career guy has won some accolades and is well known but he is getting old, can’t really fight as well anymore and has some pretty hefty brain damage.
I guess? If classic wasn’t a fifteen year old game that analogy might be apt.
Still is apt, classic exists in a vacuum, it is younger in that it has undergone less total development time. It is the beginning and is not the product of over a decade of detritus and decay like retail.
You mean a decade of evolution. Just because you use negative adjectives, doesn’t make it so.
But you’re completely correct, classic does exist in a vacuum, hence why it’s wow-lite.
You do realise that evolution does not necessarily mean positive change right? There are a lot of species that actually lost diversity and became far less resilient through the process of evolution.
lol def not
Ok ok fine. Retail is wow-evolved, classic is wow-unevolved. Is that better?!?
Fair enough, and in keeping with that analogy I will take a game with the exotic primal qualities of wolves over one with the qualities of a slobbering gormless domestic dog, Personal preference I guess.
Edit: The analogy goes even further in that retail is more of a tailored user experience, you can make the game do a lot of things without risking it mauling your face but along the way it has lost any semblance of risk, excitement or mystique that it once had.
We get it, you hate retail and know a lot of adjectives…
This thread has a lot of snobs, who underestimate hunters in pvp.
I like words, words are fun.
But I don’t really hate retail, I resent retail. I give it a hard time because for years I was irritated by the fact that it existed and blizzard refused to allow people a blizz backed classic server in favour of trying to push everyone into retail, due to them not wanting to split their player base.
From the outside it appeared that the only way to get classic from blizzard was for retail to fail and fade into obscurity. I doubt I am the only person who wanted it gone for that reason.
But now that we are getting classic I am just on the forums spewing years of pent up vitriol until classic launch when I can go back to not thinking or caring about retail outside of one month of tourism on each expansion launch.
So…you hate retail…got it.
There is more nuance to it that, but whatever floats your boat.
My hunter will be PvP Speced but the guild Nightfall Hunter. So yea Melee Hunter FTW