Melee hunter

Almost all Classic Zones were changed in Cataclysm. Almost all classes have changed since Vanilla. I could MT Nax as a Paladin in Wrath, I could not in Vanilla.

Sure, there are changes, but it’s still the same game…

Classic is simply retail lite.

No, no it’s not. It’s completely different.

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Nah, retail is just the casual Vanilla, minus the RPG elements.

Other than all the classes, races, storylines, and general game make up, sure it’s “different”.

Do people really forget that Retail was/is classic? I mean I’m going to go play my first toon, made in 2005 later.

There is a Zone that is currently underwater that had a completely different story and quests in Vanilla because it wasn’t under water. Dark Shore in Vanilla is completely different from Dark Shore in Cataclysm, and that again was changed for BfA. Leveling is slower. There was no transmog. Retail, bring the Player. Vanilla/Classic, bring the S.Priest to buff the Warlocks… make sure that it’s a dwarf S.Priest so we can have Fear Ward. Completely different game.

Come to my server, as much RpG as you can handle, I assure you.

There is nothin you can do in Classic that you can’t do in retail. But there is plenty in retail that classic can’t offer.

Classic is retail lite


No it’s the same game that evolved. Pretty simple concept. It is reality after all.

He’d be better off on WrA as Horde. Warmode phases them all anyways.

RP servers crack me up. Really great communities though.

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Its not even the same game.

Talent Trees? You just get new spells as you level, random phasing in and out of reality?

Retail is a Mount Collection, and Dress Up Transmog collector.

Enjoy it, but its not Vanilla. Heck Wrath is barely Vanilla.

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But I’ll be playing my first toon later, my Vanilla toon.

He’s just evolved, like the game.
Same game fifteen years later.

I’d say that Vanilla ended with BC when Paladins and Shaman were no longer Faction Based, and several other changes were made.

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You confuse Game, with setting.

It is not the same game.

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Sure it is it’s the World of Warcraft. Classic just has no expansions.

Same game lite.

Show me where the talents are in BFA? Why do I need to cast other spells before I can Earthshock? Why are there mounts running around in new player/starter zones? Why do I automatically get spells as I level without picking anything? Why are people disappearing as we run around town?

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Yeah, as I said there are changes, but it’s still the same game. Playing on my Vanilla druid. You know the real Vanilla.

ITT people arguing with a troll and not letting the threat die.


Eh, I’ve been enjoying your thread. Nice variety in here. Like I said to you earlier, I hope you enjoy the meme build.

But that guy’s reply was actually misleading. Big difference between your dopiness and his actual lies.

I mean my answer still isn’t going to change, because it’s the truth… Melee Hunter just isn’t viable in Vanilla.

you can’t make this stuff up. lmfao.

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You’re utterly delusional if you think being casual-friendly is what made people quit, especially given a major part of WoW’s original appeal was that it was more casual-friendly than other MMOs of the time. So-called “hardcore” purists complained about that then, too, you know.

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