Ok someone else could maybe confirm this. Not sure most people know about it though. I had a hardcore Classic player tell me that Hunters can yield a ton of DPS late into the Vanilla raiding scene by running their normal rotation, running in for a Raptor Strike, and popping back out for ranged attacks. If done correctly, one could achieve the maximum amount of DPS for a Hunter.
I don’t know if it this is true or even plausible on most boss fights. But I guess it’s something to consider, lol. If you really want to be a Melee hunter, go for it man. Just know that you’ll need a guild that will compensate for you, and I don’t think it would be very fun to play until you get your hands on Ashkandi. You can dish out some seriously nasty crits with Raptor Strike + Mongoose combo in PVP once you have it, and a good amount of AP. You can macro all of your melee abilities as a Hunter together too, which makes it easier.
If you want to play a melee hunter though, you’re probably better off just doing that in BFA. One of the few things they added to the game I was always asking for. Though I wish it could have been a 4th spec, instead of gutting the original Survival.
Lol Retail is still the most popular MMO in the world. And it’s the only reason classic will exist.
Play how you want to play and don’t let these clowns tell you otherwise all they are are parrots with clown make up on.
Melee with bm talent build will be better then marksman, become the beast master as there was an aspects just for it called aspects of the beast.
Low level pvp it should be ok, though the melee ability you get from survival sucks, and deterrence is ok just not the op blizzard made it.
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Yes, the untouchable heights to which Vanilla and TBC propelled the game have allowed for Retail to bleed player subscriptions for a decade and still be relevant. Quite the achievement that after 10 years they still have not completely destroyed the game, even if the playerbase is a fraction of what it once was.
The 10s of thousands of people playing Classic on private servers clearly demonstrated to Blizzard that (in combination with the utter decimation of Subs since Wrath) players desired to go back to the better game/social/class designs of the original Warcraft experience.
If you think Classic will only exist because of Retail…well you would be right.
Its to give all those who quit because of flawed design choices, something to play.
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Dude. Aspect of the Beast? So becoming untrackable will make him a Melee Hunter God? Did it even give an AP boost back then?
You’re the only “clown” here and you’re simply giving out bad advice/misinformation.
Of course, the OP only wants to hear opinions that agree with him, so you got an upvote. Sad.
Lmao Classic will happen because Blizzard made retail casual friendly.
If Classic has a 500k player base after a year, I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately it will always stagnate.
Whatever you say. I would argue it has more to do with the catastrophic decline in Retail player base, Copyright Protection laws, and recognition that they can put up something in maintenance mode that will make them money.
You are right again though, Retail being so casual friendly pushed away enough people that bringing back Classic makes financial sense.
Feeling left out? Try no to be such a blowhard and you might get an upvote to.
Let’s just hope the super friendly and welcoming classic community, turns out to be what it claims to be.
Either way Blizzard is smart enough to know Classic will never make them anything, it’s just another carrot to them.
Clearly you are not in the software or business world.
Classic is a packaged deal. Its done. Once the bugs are ironed out, considering the money they project to make over 2 years on it, its going to be raw profit.
If Classic was not going to ‘make them anything’ THEY WOULDNT DO IT. Thats not how business works.
Sure it’s not just to get some subs back, like every other expansion, you must be right.
Considering subs are their profit model, thats EXACTLY what I said.
Thats ‘making Blizzard something’ right there.
I dont know if its a language barrier or what. I’ve tried to help you, I’ve tried to set appropriate expectation, and I’ve tried to walk you through things, but you clearly are either not understanding it, or are arguing in bad faith. So I’ll make it clear.
Melee Hunter will do sub par, not even viable, dps, and will be handicapping yourself in PvP.
Classic is being released for a number of reasons, one of them is the desire to make money off of it.
Retail, has bled subscriptions (aka been losing players) for over a decade.
Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath, where the peaks of the game, everything else was downhill.
You are welcome.
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Yes just about everything you said is jaded AF. So good luck with that.
Honestly I don’t think the game was even fun until maybe MoP. Before then it was incredibly tedious, and more work than fun.
Keep pretend you’re helping people buddy.
You’re welcome.
If it was more work then fun…why would you even be here? Its not going to change. Its Vanilla. Its Classic…I mean…did you PLAY Vanilla?
If you thought Wrath was tedious? Woo boy. Enjoy the leveling process of Vanilla! Wrath was a literal cake walk.
Nothing I said btw is jaded, unless you just dont like facts, getting in the way of your make believe?
Retail sub’s are a shadow of Vanilla/TBC rates. That’s not jaded, thats called fact.
Melee Hunter is a meme. An absolute joke, and not remotely competitive with anything. Thats not jaded, thats fact.
When you consider that Vanilla was in your words ‘incredibly tedious’ and ‘more work than fun’ I certainly DO consider it helpful to say ‘btw this plan of yours will make it HARDER, SLOWER, and MORE WORK for LESS SUCCESS, so just keep that in mind before you start’.
PS: Classic is being released to make money and claw back a handful of subs, thats not jaded (well kinda) thats Capitalism for you though. Its also, like everything else I’ve said, correct and fact.
Enjoy your grind to 60.
Yes I’m a casual so even though I know it’ll be a grind compared to Retail, I really don’t care.
Classic is just Retail without the expansion, it’s not the holy Grail of gaming, lol what a joke.
Anyone saying otherwise is pretty deluded.
Enjoy your grind to 60.
Did you play it? Vanilla that is? Because this is simply not true.
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Yup, and that’s exactly what it is lol. How could it be anything else?
You Classic purists sure are odd.