Ahhhhhh yes this is exactly what we need, MORE orc and dwarf races!
We already have two to choose from for each but clearly that isn’t enough. Lets ignore all the other customization options that are missing from the current allied races, lets ignore too all the regular races that still need updates and racial balancing. Lets also forget about the fact that we can’t play other classes on dracthyr yet, also forget about any other actually new race being added because we need even more orcs and dwarfs.
Actually insane to think this is peoples position, glad to know yall will never get this request met
Literally this is the solution, no reason to make an entire new allied race for what can fully be encompassed with simple cosmetic options. You can use your imagination for all the other stuff that the cosmetics don’t cover.
Please re read my post before you reply with a non comment of nonsense. I’ll restate the same thing again because you seem incapable of understanding, all in good faith if course.
Yea… Which is why I said add them as options for customization for regular orcs.
Like I said before, I will say it again, use your imagination! High elf players already have to do this with blood elves etc.
Regardless I’m happy in my position that blizzard will add new novel races and not more orcs and dwarves, y’all are almost worse than the elf complainers.
We will get so many races before we ever see a new orc or dwarf race, might as well do what I said and push for the cosmetic options. Its all you’re ever gonna get.
My race was specifically added as a huge narrative driver for an entire expansion, just like yours buddy.
I would like upright azeroth trolls though as well. I don’t think we need any more troll races we already have 2 to choose from as do dwarf and orc players.
You’re just mad because you know my argument logically follows we will get new races like tuskarr or gnolls ogres and so on, before you ever see another new race that already has 2 options.
That’s not exactly an endorsement, nor a logical argument.
Unless you’re a RP, it’s hard to convince me you’d ever know.
I know I’m not using a Tauren model, because of the PHYSICAL difference. But if you took off my armor, and showed me that the orc model was changed to look like a Tauren … and you told me they did this 4 years ago … I’d have to accept it as fact.
All I ever see is my armor.
To that point, 99% of the time, all I ever see if the BACK of my armor!! It’s rare to even rotate the camera enough to see my chr face-to-face.
This doesn’t add anything to the game but bloat. Or worse: it’s the first tell-tale of a game that has NOTHING WORTH ADDING– when you just start adding cosmetic nonsense that has ZERO impact on the overall game.
“Bored with no interesting content? Do the existing content ALL OVER AGAIN… this time in a different chr model!!”
Not to mention these people act like blizzard doesn’t have finite development resource time. They aren’t going to spend it adding an entirely new race that can quickly and easily be encompassed by the cosmetic appearance slapped on top of regular dwarfs and orcs.
Honestly they have no argument, because they know in their heart it will never happen.
We will see new dracthyr classes added to the race, we will see more customization added to the races we already have, and maybe just maybe we will get entirely new races. Thats what they will be though entirely new aka the things people have been asking for forever like ogres, gnolls, tuskarr, sethrakk and so on.
They are arguing from a feels perspective not a factual backing.
You aren’t arguing in good faith which I expected, your entire points lie on discrediting my character instead of addressing what I am saying.
Explain why blizzard should spend dev time on this. Explain why you need entirely new racials. Explain why the wildhammer and dragonmaw are giving up their independence to join the alliance and the horde. Explain why we already have an entirely well done questline in dragonflight (waking shores weekly quest) addressing why the dragonmaw don’t fit into the current narrative with dragons. Explain why we also got an entire questline involving both races in the twilight highlands during the vulpera race unlock that deemed both happy to stay exactly where they are fighting each other. Explain why, instead of just pointing a finger at me.
But I still maintain that there is more distinction between Wildhammer and Dragonmaw and their baseline equivalents than virtually all the other existing Allied Races.
Why shouldn’t Tauren get antlers?
Or Draenei glowing golden tattoos?
Or Orcs brown skin?
Or Dwarves fiery beards?
It’s almost as if the Allied Race system was conceived to take these distinctions and, with existing assets, make a significant addition to the game for relatively low effort.
Yea and this is exactly why you’d see other races get the allied races treatment before orcs and dwarves. Orcs, dwarf, blood elf, troll, tauren, human, gnome, night elf already got new ones to play with, we won’t see more of those added.
Its just strictly logical to think we will see the worgen, panda, goblin and undead skeletons used first. For example pandaren skeleton being used for tuskarr, maybe giblins with goblin skeleton, undead some sort of new risen undead aka the new breed that can reproduce, and even lizard men like saurok using the worgen model. Additionally dracthyr getting other playable classes.
If those happened sure I could see new dwarves or orcs. But until that happens nah bud you are making an unreasonable ask.