Megathread: Twilight Highlands Allied Races - DRAGONMAW Orcs and WILDHAMMER Dwarves

Is that what happened? I remembered long ago thinking their tone was available.

The classic Wetlands look remains available, yes. But when they gave the entire clan an overhauled look (including the Wetlands mobs), they did not make the new skin available to players.

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I still think that they should explore a “dropdown” kind of character creation - High Elves being the chief example.

If you choose High Elf, you are restricted in your creation options, but its a neutral and you can choose Horde or Alliance (if we even need to choose in the future). But in the “High Elf” category, you can further customize with the “Blood Elf” which gives you some fel customization options, but is locked to Horde, or “Void Elf” which gives you void options and is only available to Alliance.

This way, everyone is satisfied.

horde side that wouldn’t make much sense. The High Elves and Blood Elves are the same thing. There is no difference.

Heck lorewise the high elves we encountered in Outland should have had green eyes for being in a fel infused land for so long.

That said I’m supportive of a sub races system as long as it gives Wildhammer and other races like that more options to actually be who they are. Wildhammer being just Tattoos really sucks given their lore history and that they’d have different Racials if done right.


Hmmm… isn’t allied races the answer to a sub race system though? I do think it can be better organized though on the character creation. That being said, if sub races can bring model toggles I’ll be kosher with it.

Also fen here;

I’d love to see wildhammer and dragonmaw myself. I think the OP has great ideas, but I’d also add druids as a playable class for wildhammer. If anything, it fits them more than the dragonmaw, as they’re very intune with nature and such, probably more so than their racial rivals. There’s even lore that stated wildhammers do have druids, they’re just rare.

The druid forms I see for wildhammers are:

1: Cat. Mountain cat. It’d be stockier and slightly shorter than other cat forms. It’d also have their unique mohawks and glowing tattoos.
2: Bear. Similar to the cat form, but as a bear.
3: Moonkin. A gryphon-based moonkin. It would be more “eagle” than owl and more “lion” than bear.
4: Travel form (Land). I’d say a mountain goat would be the best idea.
5: Travel form (Sea). Not sure. Maybe a new model of the seal or a walrus?
6: Travel Form (Air): What else? A gryphon!

In addition, the Alliance needs one more druid race to balance it out with horde.

Alliance: Night elves, worgen, kul tirans (3)
Horde: Trolls, zandalari, tauren, highmountain (4)

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That’s fair.

My thinking behind giving Dragonmaw Druids, though, wasn’t to give them Druids per se, but to give them a draconic class that merely uses an existing class as a framework, like Blood Knights, Sunwalkers and Dinomancers.

But yes, Wildhammer would also make for some great straight-up Druids, and give them something to distinguish them further from their brethren.


I think that was the germ of the Allied Race idea. But by the end of it, by adding unique models, it really turned into something different. I would love for them to revisit that original “subrace” idea and take another swing at it.

This would be super easy to do.

That said, do we really need a third pallette swap for Dwarves and Orcs?

If you want to play an Elf, you have Night Elves, Blood Elves, Nightbourne and Void Elves.
If you want to play a Human, you have Stormwind Humans, Undead, Worgen, and Kul Tiran.

I do not think it unreasonable to ask for a couple more flavours of Orc and Dwarf. They don’t even require entirely different models.


Lame. They could have added real new races like Ogres and Furbolgs but they settle for a 3rd orc and 3rd dwarf.

Definitely a bad start to this next expansion.

If this is what happens I will be extremely disappointed.

Ogres and Furbolgs should be core races, full stop. They should have their own models, starting zones, the whole shebang.

Leave the Allied Race system to the easy wins. Dragonmaw Orcs, Fel Orcs, Wildhammer Dwarves, Frost Dwarves, Earthen, Forest Trolls, Leper Gnomes, Arathi Humans, Highbourne, High Elves, Taunka, and so on - races that are all technically in our faction already, but are culturally distinct from the playable roster and can use existing assets as a base.


I don’t want anymore allied races. We just got a bunch in BFA/Legion. Let’s get an actual new race. This is a huge waste of time and resources making new stories/etc for allied races that are just palette swaps.

Big disagree.

Especially when we should be asking for both.


I’d appreciate that. I think furbolg and ogres are among my most desired races.

Also yes. This. So much this.


There are certain things that I think of as “missed opportunities.” All of these races, and then some, would have been Allied Races if the system existed when they first joined our factions. Races like Ogre, High Elves and Goblins should have all been release races - they’re so core the the experience. They shouldn’t have to wait for a random excuse, like Goblins, or so long that their wish is corrupted, like High Elf fans got with Void Elves.


So that potential “leaked” image of the cinematic…

… I see a Dragonmaw Orc holding Alexstrasza by the chin beard tendrils. Most likely a flashback.

But possibly… possibly… the reveal of a Dragonmaw Clan allied race. :smiley: If they’re worthy of a cinematic, certainly they’re worthy of a playable option!


Oho. That’s interesting.

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Then why don’t you play a dwarf?!

Assuming this is real, I’m going to guess it would be a flashback. Otherwise, I’d be a bit worried about the Dragonmaw Clan getting villain batted again, which would be disappointing and rather banal in my opinion. I’d rather see them assist against evil dragons and even become playable in some fashion, myself.

One more day and we’ll see what all gets shown! :dragon: :eagle: