Megathread: Twilight Highlands Allied Races - DRAGONMAW Orcs and WILDHAMMER Dwarves

More important arguably than the Bronzebeard. The Wildhammer were the dwarves who first joined the Alliance. Not those from Ironforge.

It’s the Wildhammer who brought gryphons to the kingdoms not the Ironforge dwarves.

It was Wildhammer blood spilled facing down orcish dragonriders.

The entire heritage armor is Bronzebeard.

It just sucks.

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These aren’t races these are factions. They should just add more heritage armors to dwarf and regular orc (like you get with mag’har, that’s probably the most well done version, and should be replicated for other things). Heck, add more factional heritage armors to other races too, humans could use them for lordaeron, SW, etc, trolls for sandfury, atalai, w/e

All three dwarf clans look different physically.

Yeah but they’re not different races.

Neither are humans or Kul Tirans and Darkspear and Zandalari. What’s your point?

Uh, yeah they are?

Dwarves could use a new variant on their heritage armor to cater to the Wildhammer aesthetics. Maybe replace the chestplate with a harness similar to the Mag’har heritage, and the shoulders/crown with gryphon feathers.

Orcs just need the proper Dragonmaw skin and eyes as an option. Revantusk options for Trolls would be nice, too.

No, they’re not. They’re humans and trolls.

Do you not understand the difference between a race and a species?

Wildhammers are just a different clan. They aren’t a different race.

Zandalari and darkspear trolls are different races of trolls.

Did you know, that dalmatians and poodles are the same species??? But yeah they’re different races. Wildhammers are like brits and bronzebeards are scots (probably the other way actually). They’re the same race but different factions.

KT is more debatable, they’re probably the same species but slightly different race and starting to diverge more due to drust influence.

you can already essentially make a wildhammer dwarf but blizzard has some kind of hateboner for not allowing orcs to have a skin color that isn’t some kind of shade of green. there was no reason why before they added the maghar you couldn’t have a different selection of skintones available. i don’t think it would have been unreasonable for one such maghar orc to have travelled to the outland to begin their career as an adventurer in durotan.

but anyway as a fellow dragonmaw lover i was able to sort of make a ghetto bootleg version of one using a maghar orc. the shadowmoon orcs have gray skin, and combined with the new glowy blackrock eyes, you can make yourself something resembling a dragonmaw orc

So again I go back to the three dwarf clans are different, physically.

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They’re in lore not the same… their features vary between the clans. Both orc and dwarf.

If they’d gone with what everyone actually wanted sure. But they didn’t.

Kul’tiran and SW humans are the same race.

They’ve had more than a thousand years separation and according to lore are no longer like their kin.


It’s impossible is educate people that are unwilling to learn.


Now that Blizzard seems to be actively listening, it might be an appropriate time to revive this topic. Even if it’s just to draw attention to the potential of adding the Dragonmaw skintone…


NO I want all the poorly designed AR races fixed 1000 % more like the void elves have been .

They’re all getting another pass. :slight_smile:

But there’s always room for more! If you Elves and Humans can each have four races available, certainly Orcs and Dwarves can get three!


No thats my view sorry if it hurts but they need to do so much to the Nightborne and I have zero faith in the company delevering on any promise been here long enough to know blizzard is forked tongue and can and has lied like a greedy lawyer.

You’ve already seen a sample, I assume. Those narrowed eyes did a ton to align the Nightbourne with the aesthetic established with the NPCs.

Wanted to wish this megathread a happy U.S. Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it! :turkey:

I’m still in support of Dragonmaw Orcs being playable in some fashion. They’re part of the Horde, and if the rumors end up true that we’re going to deal with Dragon Isles at some point, I imagine they’ll be very helpful against enemy dragons and such.

And as for Wildhammer Dwarves, I’m still hoping they get better treatment than just the Bronzebeards LARPing as them. They’ve been an important member of the Alliance since the older RTS days, and I feel that they deserve better since the other Alliance Dwarf clans have gotten much better treatment.

Hoping for the best for both Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves! :dragon: :eagle:

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