Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

At least your race is on the game, not in the right faction, i would be pleased if ogres get added in whatever faction :slight_smile:

Just look at BfA, Void elves forces are everywhere, they numbers are growing.

And the point is, they are decent comparable to a clan who have some half-breeds

Please! There is no difference at all! they are as much placeholder for the ally, as would be half ogres for the horde !!
And their numbers grow as much as any other race would grow!
If put in the game

Pray! And pray a lot for not finishing with a half ogres as a ā€œcompromiseā€ of the devs to the horde!
But if you take a patch in place of your idealized image, smile to see their numbers grow.

Its a false equivalence, ogres were not added in the alliance beforehand

other races grow by breeding, and having children, who take many years, Void elves grow by other elves becoming void elves.

While ogres would be cool and make tons of sense to be playable on the horde, I canā€™t imagine they would be very popular. From blizzardā€™s pov, itā€™s hard to justify the work they would require, for the small amount of players that would roll an ogre and stick with it.

Is we ever did get ogres, it would be sad if we couldnā€™t get the two-headed ones as casters.

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Voicing my support for Ogres to be as playable race, letā€™s have em xD

Mi want Ogres or mi smaaash!


They are born of an accident that has no means to be repeated!
they should be transformed into something else and the process was stopped!
and unless there is a machine or half magician to reproduce the defect that created voidbelves (and Iā€™m saying that there is no) , the ones we have today are the same 40 blood elves who followed the whimp Umbric.

See a bunch of high elves listening to lectures on their floating stone somewhere in the vacou, doesnā€™t mean that theyā€™re doing an assembly line of new void belves.

There is no magic or power Crystal Chamber or void juice to drink.


there is not a single proof or hint of that, it was not a accident, they stop the ritual in the middle, they can do again, and they did its the reasons why there are so many different groups now

Blizz already said their numbers were growing, and the game shows that with different groups who came to be, denial is useless at this point.

Like i said it a false equivalence, the moknathal numbers are insignificant to populate even a small village, they are far less than any other group playable.

A crack squad of elves is an allied race. That means a whole village/clan of half-ogres would work as well. Especially since thereā€™s two versions of Draenor you could pull from. Rexxar did exist in the AU weā€™re just not sure where his clan was.
As youā€™re asking for the inclusion of Ogres, this would also give more reason for the inclusion of half-ogres.

Both would be great.


No, thereā€™s not a single canon source stating or showing that they are creating more void elves. Plus, the ritual that created them required that cube, and it is nowhere to be found in Telogrus, as it was in the islands that are now off-limits because of the void storm caused.


What different groups? All void elves so far are from Umbricā€™s group.

Thereā€™s a lot of fan theories out there about how void elves could be growing in numbers, but they are just that: theories. Thereā€™s no canon source stating that, just as thereā€™s not a single void elf thatā€™s confirmed to have been transformed after the original accident.


Since Vanilla people have wanted to play Dragonkin.

I have no idea how WoW made it this long without a playable reptilian race.
Staple of high fantasy.


I would love to play Ogre. Blizz please consider and grant this request long overdue! Ty Op great detail and lore much appreciated! :star_struck::sunglasses:


hum, no, its not a ā€œwhole vilageā€ its a small dying village, with less numbers than a crack squad who numbers are growing.

And you are just focusing on the number part, numbes are not the only argument against then

You canā€™t pull the mokā€™nathal from AU because the planent is lost, they didnā€™t come to azeroth like ogres and maghar.

like i said, there is no good reasons to add half-ogres over ogres, one is great the other its not, we are not in a perfect world who both would be added, its a choice here.

Yes there is, blood and high elves gathering there and appearances in the game, different groups appear despise the original ones, 2 things here, or their numbers were gigantic from the start ( not likely) they grow in numbers

Pretty sure, with alleria and umbric they can do that without the cube.

some of the Q&A with ion

different groups from the original ones, with different classes and purposes.

regardless, the point here is to show they numbers are bigger than the half-breeds, and they are totally more useful in the war, they got their own theme etc etc

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Yes! And we have some candidates!

Possible? It will depend a lot on how sethraks will be treated after 8.2!

Perhaps?? It would require a lot of work in lore and with the model, but it would not be harder than it could be co sethraks!
Both use worgen-based templates

Draconics ???
Incredible as it may seem, the answer is perhaps too!
Despite some complications so that it can work!
Which dragonflight or dragonflights would be chosen?
Which faction would they go to? Why would they allied with a particular faction?
Remember that we can no longer have the same system that was used with pandarens, because Aunt Blizz did not like how it was in relation to the factions, at the end of MOP

Well, if draconics could be possible, they would end up in the horde, obviously

The Alliance, for some obscure reason or to cause laughter, would end the fungari, obviously :wolf:

You may be surprised but, some people do not like fantastic races in fantasy games! Although Warcraft is a cartoon game and not a witcher

There is really no reason to NOT have playable ogres. They are an original Horde race & are intrinsically tied to the core concepts of the Horde. Yes they are big, but lore-wise they are about the same size as Tauren, who are playable. Especially now that the Alliance got their big bois with the Kul Tirans, the Horde deserve their original big bois.


Show me a single elf being transformed anywhere, or a single elf that wasnā€™t in Umbricā€™s group.

Thereā€™s none.

Wrong. Ion never answered that.



You have no source for your claims. You are taking your headcanon and pretending itā€™s canon.


absence of evidence its not evidence of absence

Like i said, hints

her being the super duper master of the void and control of the whispers now

LUL just look at the different classes the void elves came in BfA, different groups under other organizations like 7Āŗ legion, its impossible to fuel such different groups if the numbers didnā€™t grow or the number was massive in the first placeā€¦

But then again like i said, its just to make a comparison l with the mokā€™nathal, that even void elf numbers are bigger, this is not a void elf x high elf threat

You are literally making all this stuff up at this point.

There is no evidence that they can, are, or want to make more Void Elves.

We have confirmation from Umbric in 2 cases that all Void Elves are part of his original group.

Learning how to use the Void will never make you a Void Elf. It requires a specific set of circumstances that may never be replicated.

Also you are arguing that in game numbers represents actual numbers, then that means I destroyed all Magā€™har in one Incursion Quest.

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Lets see then in the future, like i said, i have no grounds about this debate, knowing blizzard and they historic on the events, they will just say they are doing more void elves( like they said a lot of maghar and other races came from draenor) and i think you know that too

the point is to show they are more populous than the mokā€™nathal, and more useful even with low numbers.

no, but the groups arguably are canon

Ogres have been a personal favorite of mine since reading the books and realizing they were pretty badass. I am always for Horde ogres!

I would flip my hunter into a ogre so fast and show off my glorious ogre chest and belly to prove how well fed I am.


If Iā€™m not mistaken, I think you replied to a thread of mine once where you mentioned English is a second language for you. So in addition to all the thought-out content youā€™ve given us, you even did it in a foreign language, so I made sure to read every line and not waste your work.

That said, I like the idea of horde getting Ogres, but I donā€™t like anything that requires going back to the AU again. Supposedly after we brought the Magā€™har back, we lost our method of transport between the two and Iā€™d like to (try) and make sure the game makes sense.

Someone else did chip in that an Ogre who came with could go back to one of the original clans and see what became of them and teach them, and I like that idea better. If we could get a new mini-capital in a zone like Tanaris or Stranglethorn where there are Ogres now just waiting to be taught by our AU Ogres, Iā€™d be even more thrilled.

Overall you did great work, Iā€™d love to see something similar make it to live.