Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

You guys should get furbolgs honestly. I mean Night elves and Furbolgs have been bros for thousands of years and the horde is plowing through their land which should push them into your arms.
Two amazing classic races instead of something out of nowhere.

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Opinion is one thing. Canon is another.

I’m of the opinion that makes no sense to exist so many void elves without them creating more. However, there’s not a single fact that back that opinion up.

So, when I state my opinion, I make sure to point out it’s not supported by canon yet.

The current state of the void elves is blank. Blizzard can say one thing or the complete opposite tomorrow, and none would be like a retcon.

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And you think someone at Blizzard considers furbolgs, something the Alliance deserves?
I bet that if the Horde get ogres, the Devs will send us sporregar or fungarians

Just because, if fulbolgs have an appeal to the Ally, that alone is reason to give us anything else that doesn’t even have appreciation for the blue faction players.

We have some AU Ogres already here that came with the Mag’har.

All we need is one charismatic one to unite them and teach them their old ways to be like the AU ones.


I like this idea. Ogres would be great on this side…maybe make a hero class like Gladiator. Furbolgs would be a nice equalizer for the Alliance.


Might wanna check the wikis on that. They all state a whole village or clan.
It’s odd you keep going against their inclusion as well when your suggested race is also a good reason for why they’d be a thing.

They created Void Elves…anything is possible. It’s also been said we’ll possibly see Yrel again.

Sure is it. People like both. Both should be added.
Also that’s like…your opinion, man. :smiley:

Ogres and half-ogres would be great. =]

We need to round it out with Vrykul as well.

Ion has specifically called the Void Elves a crack squad…there’s only a few but we see them everywhere.

Once again, they are not.

Because they know it’ll make the alliance look better if we get an ugly stupid race. 188 replies vs 5k+ for HEs

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The clan, originally from Draenor, now turned Outland, is nearly defunct.

https: //wow. gamepedia. com/Mok%27nathal

Unlike ogres who, have 2 big clans already in the horde, and more of then come in the Mag’har recruitment scenario

how so? there are different and many factors that would make ogres a good playable race over half-ogres, and there are many factions that would not make half-ogres a good option

you rather get a half-pizza with nothing inside over a full pizza?

Jus because one mistake happen don’t mean we need to keep going.

And its not ow things work here

im yet to see a single good reason to add ogres who is not “hey they look good, put then playble herp derp”.

and a crack squad is more numerous than a defunct clan with some half-breeds

And once again they are, there mok’nathal aren’t useful, they can’t be most of the classes, they don’t have numbers, no lore, no theme, no identity or culture, add for the sake of add in replacement of ogres who have all of this is a BAD idea

the horde is already full of ugly and stupid races, one more one less will not make difference

and its totally subjective

Thats expected, the ogre community is not united, many people already lost the hope

Yeah and they’d be a good addition, as would half-ogres.
Outland as well as Draenor can be sources as well as the Ogres you’re wanting playable.

Opinion. I can easily state the opposite, but I’m saying both would be great additions. Ogres even strengthening why half-ogres would be great.

This makes no sense.

They do this all the time. They’re constantly coming up with new stuff or reasons.

It’s exactly how things work.

Hey, you’re the one giving the reasons, I’m just saying I like Ogres as well as Half-Ogres. You gave plenty of reasons that are more than herp derp, they’re good reasons. Half-Ogres would be great as well.

That clan is mostly Half-ogres with the inclusion of some other races. This clan would also exist in Draenor.

I have never once said anything about the replacement of Ogres. You’re the only one saying this. Story can be added at any time as has been shown time and time again with this game. They also have all of the things you said they don’t. It might not be up to your standards but it is there and can be expanded on in the very same way that it can be done for Ogres.

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And im yet to see a good reason for

Draenor can’t be source, and the one in outland can barely fuel their small village

thats far beyond opinion, thats stating facts

its do, the half ogres are the half pizza with nothing on then, cause again, they don’t have culture, theme, identity population, good amount of different playable classes etc, while ogres do

if im paying the same price for both i chose the full pizza

Not like the void elves, it was a a race from thin air, we don’t need that again

only work in
a perfect world, we are in the real world, a world were blizzard will just add one and call a day

why, you are just saying they would be good, not a single reason, not a single justification, ignoring all the counterpoints of why they should not be playable, i think you just are hyped about the rexxar model and done.

on the contrary. the clan is mostly orcs and ogres with some half-breeds

The thing is: blizzard will only add one of then, and will be the dead of the other

Except they don’t, they can’t be mages, who would destroy the ogre magi fantasy, no warlocks, no priests, their only potential classes being warrior hunter and shaman is a kick in the nuts

They don’t have identity or culture, they are just another orc clan, with orc customs, they would bring nothing and add nothing for the horde when we already get orcs with different clans already

They don’t have theme, Ogres do, the giant barbarian race, the arcane race, sons of Grond, gladiators, cyclop race etc

And once again, no numbers, ogres have 2 big clans already in the horde and more whoc ame with the maghar, the portal to that world is lost, the moknathal there is lost

Why the horde would recruit a defunct clan with no numbers from a shattered world when they can take MORE on their own borders with the stonemaul clan?

Why the mok’nathal will be more useful than a big army of ogres? whoa re stronger and wield the arcane forces like masters?

Why the mok’nathal would want to join a war in another world for an undead warchief, who have nothing to do with then? when they decline the first horde who would be more benefit for then? ogres in other hand would gladly join any fight to protect their home here, where the war is happening

It would not be in any way!

But then, is someone saying that Horde, imagining that he can conceive what would be in the interest of the alliance!

Races must be equivalent in both sides!

The horde can suggest any race they deem interesting for them, but stop suggest something to the alliance, only to meet their needs for laughs free!

It is disappointing that horde players always suggest what could be more decpcionate to the Alliance, but always comes with endless arguments on something that we show interest or suggest how interesting for the Alliance, even when it’s not High Elves!


Relax. You seem a bit stressed with the over use of exclamation points. It’s also obvious English isn’t your primary language so you may be reading too much into this.

The reason Furbolgs would work well is they too are an oversized race with what I believe to have the same model but different skin.

Blizzard seems to be cutting corners to max profit, cut costs, or reduce development time. Having the same model for both factions is a money saver. Just look at the current Allied races, they seem very similar to races of the other faction with some mild differences.

If you are one of the ones wanting Alliance High Elves, you should just take a break. It’s not happening under the current leadership. It doesn’t fit their direction and it has been rather bluntly stated already.


That’s because you’re only fixating on Ogres.

Any legitimate explanation as to why? They could write in pretty much anything. They’ve also said it’s possible we’ll see Yrel again, so we’re not done with AU Draenor.

There background isn’t as built up as Ogres, sure. That doesn’t mean much though as we’ve got allied races that came out of nowhere.
They have culture, theme, identity, and a decent population. Playable classes are easy, anything orcs and ogres could do, would fit.

Lightforged, Void Elves, Nightborne, High Mountain Tauren, the current version of Kul’tirans. None of those existed very far back. They’re all pretty recent developments.

Yeah, cause that’s what they’ve been doing.

I’m doing exactly what you’re doing but adding examples of why they could be done. You’re the one saying Half-ogres wouldn’t be good. I’ve given plenty of reasons, but unlike you, I’m not shooting down what you’d like to see at the expense of it. I’m saying both would be fantastic additions.

The model is a nice one, but no, I’d just like to be able to play as a Mok’nathal. They interest me. Same as Ogres interest you. People have different takes, and others shouldn’t be shutting down what others want because of that.

The Wiki states otherwise.

There’s nothing to back up this statement.

There’s no reason they couldn’t be mages if Blizzard wanted. It wouldn’t steal anything from the ogre mage fantasy that isn’t already done by tauren, orcs, trolls, or whatever other mage races there are.

They have plenty of identity as being half-ogres and part of the horde and perhaps as survivors of Outland, much like the orcs.

Once again that doesn’t matter. You’re just repeating things that have already been shown not to matter via already existing in-game races.

The same reason both sides are recruiting. After the invasion by the Legion, they need to increase their numbers, and why wouldn’t you recruit in a race that’s physically even stronger than orcs?

Never said they would be more useful. They’d just be something nice to play as.

Why would the Mag’har join a horde led by a honorless undead witch?
I felt bad when I did the recruitment quest for the Mag’har. Sure there are those within the horde who do represent honor, but it sure isn’t the current War Chief. They’re just in a bad position being unable to return to their world since that timeline is ending.

Vrykul would make more sense, I think. I like the idea of
Human > Kul’tiran > Vrykul
Orc > Mok’nathal > Ogre
would be a nice representation.

There’s even more done for the Vrykul as they actually have female models to build from.

I wouldn’t bet on that personally. They’ve been pretty tight lipped on what’s upcoming past the bits with Mechagon and Naz’jatar.

With Dalaran being Alliance, that could easily lead to more.

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Come to think of it.
If I were building out a story to recruit small groups from another world for each side, I’d have the alliance use Velen to bring the Krokuun into the fold, and this is something I entirely expect. Then have the horde bring in the Mok’nathal.

In another story setup, before the previous or after, have the alliance bring in the Vrykul and the horde bring in the Ogres.

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LONG OVERDUE. Metzen wanted them but idk what Ions stance is. If they get announced expect them to come out roughly 5 years after they are announced going by the time gating of everything nowdays in wow.


No, thats because no one gave a good reasons for, just “herp derp they look cool”

AU draenor is lost, the only survive clans gather with the maghar, the key to this world was lost

other races who have their own background even coming from thin air

I already said to you they don’t, and why, you saying nuh hun they do" will not do much here

their culture is orchish culture, their theme is be orchish clan, and their indenty is “orchish hunters” who don’t like wars, everything the other orcs clans already have

They do NOT have a decent population, its a defunct VILLAGE, not enough numbers

Not anything would fit, mokn’thal never learn magic like the others, will not make any sense

with big lore and background behind, unlike mokna’thal who is already a thing and sucks

let my HE friends tell you something

but you didn’t say any exemple! your only counterpoint to what i said is “nuh hun yes they can”

i never saw one

If you want too play a orc hunter you can do with the other 2 clans, same fantasy, you don’t need a half-breed.

If they put ogres you can play then and RP as a mokn’athal, cause you know, they have no difference apart from the horns and belly and the option to chose one or 2 eyes

it don’t, you can also go there ingame, pretty much reflect the lore state of it

allied races are not unlimited, and blizzard simply will not put a race who is almost equal again if they think one already cover what they want.

There is a reason, you never saw a moknathal mage, they are mostly hunters and warriors, magic is not something learned in the mud, the orcs need kil’jaden and gul’dans teachings, ogres had a evolved civilization and had great affinity with arcane.

no, cause thoe races are not half-ogres

much like orcs yes, this is their identity, an orc clan

you saying that doesn’t mater with nothing to hold you ground don’t means who doesn’t matter, moknathal population is lower than any other playable race.

you compltly missed the point, and i think its intentional, i ask again, why they would recruit the defunct clan INSTEAD of the ogres in azeroth, who are stronger, numerous and easy to get?

then we don’t need then

Because they had to pay their dept from WOD

Eitrigg knew a big clan of orcs would be useful, instead of a defunct clan of half-reeds.

With this kind of thinking…no one who plays Alliance has a right to an opinion on any Horde races. How much sense does that make when we all play this game and many people play BOTH factions!

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No I’m not expecting that one day, our aunt Blizz changes his mind and magically decide to release high elves for the Alliance

The devs said no Finito
I don’t expect that to change

What I expect change, is the tendency that there seems to be, from Blizzard in pushing us always the opposite of what we could have, as a placeholder

From the point of view of lore, have a horde race, with lore of the Horde without any link with the Alliance, only because the Devs thought the Alliance wanted only the model of the blood elves, is discouraging

For Furbolg become a race for the Alliance, would require a much larger job than to create a new race already drawn to this or that take advantage of the skeleton of an existing male and female Models and equipment that may use

I don’t pay much attention to the furbolg but the way things are at Blizzard, even if it were possible, I’m pretty sure something would in the same style of void belves, because it’s more easy and funny to do this with the Alliance

Thanks a lot, Indeed it is a second language, so, if something is wrong or bad you can tell me then i fix quickly

Its a fair point, WOD rly let a bad taste in the mouth, my point about the AU ogres its the Gorian empire and Gorian ogres, who are way mroe advanced than the normal ogres, they had a entire roman-like culture, with gladiators and the war-mages.

This is rly a big and nice theme to explore and would make then more palatable to other people who are not ogre fans.

Saying that, i rly don’t mind the MU ogres gathering together and creating a “new empire”, by our recent interactions in Arathi, they show us that MU ogres can have the “gladiator theme” the AU ogres have

Rly, Arathi is full of ogres, mages, warriors and even a “human hunter” with the Gorian aesthetic, and i love that, it would be a waste to not use then.

The only thing I’ll say is, not as an allied race, but as an official new race. I mean, they were considered to be added in Cataclysm in place of Goblins, but decided Goblins because they added something different to the Horde that we didn’t already have. Overall, very well thought out and executed post. Lets get our Ogres already!