Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

They do now…Kul’tirans!
I know, but " The clan consists of mostly [half-ogres], but has members of other races as well."
When someone says Mok’nathal, they’re typically referring to the half-breeds. I just prefer them, and the Rexxar model.
I quite like the idea of Ogres as well as I’ve explained above it all works together.
When someone says Kul’tirans as a race, they now mostly mean the half-breeds on the alliance side =D even though it includes regular humans.

I think they all need to be playable.
Vrykul, Kul’tiran, Human
Ogre, Mok’nathal, Orc

I’m sure an updated Ogre model would look great as well.

Wait…are they orcs or are they ogres? You’ve now said both. :stuck_out_tongue:

More the merrier.

I support Playable Ogres for the Horde as there is at least two clans that according to the games Lore are already part of the Horde and one of the two have been since the RTS games.


We can have both ogres and half ogres you know. If blizzard believes otherwise we just need to smack sense into them.


Here is the new Rexxar model. Remember he uses the Kul Tiran skeleton. So it could work for Ogres with some changes.


you know someone is gonna want a female ogre…then complain cause their “fat”

and unfortunately blizzard in their goal to please everyone makes changes and makes everyone pissed off.

YEAH! I agree.


it will fail like the other times

kul’tirans is a race of drust descendts and humans, after years they became their own race, they are not just half-breeds,

like i said, the problem with the half-ogres are to many, identity, theme, appearance, lore, population, reasons. They just don’t work, and spin and distort the lore to fit, when ogres serve as a gloves is nonsense

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both work and can co exist.

The rexxar model shows a perfect blend of ogre and orc features. You wouldn’t confuse one for neither an orc nor an ogre.

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i really liked the ogre rogue follower in wod :hugs:


I already show the points of how they don’t work, if you think they do work, you could point how they are wrong.

Cause it goes to identity, theme, lore and others.

there is no blend of the features, he is just an ogre without the ogre features, this is not blend or mix

So, instead of formulate an appropriate answer, with some insight, because you probably don’t have the knowledge to do so, you jump directly to the ad hominen train with a useless comment talking about nothing at all, alright

What about you just try to explain, what i can’t comprehend? if you are so over confident


For all intents and purposes they are. They’re half way between Drust/Vrykul and humans. It would have made a lot more sense to have all of Kul’tiras be a single race slightly different from humans if they were depicting a long period of inbreeding.

I know that’s what they’re going for though and doing their own thing by making some half-giants.

I’m not following…
You add Ogres and you fill out their backstory and characters as someone with a history of being an Ogre and the accopanying culture.

You add mok’nathal and you do the same thing, you build out the backstory of being from a clan of half-breeds pledged to the Horde with a background coming from both Orc and Ogre.

Let’s be realistic too. We don’t know what a female ogre looks like…you throw a bunch of male ogres into the horde with the sexy little fit orc females, who are probably up for any challenge, and you tell me that doesn’t even further the reason we’d have Mok’nathal in the horde? lol

Especially in a faction that approves of strength?

What? He is an ogre but not an ogre? Then what is he?
He is a half-orc, half-ogre. This is why he has the body shape of an orc but slightly more built. He has the additional height from being part ogre. He has the skin color of an ogre, but the facial features are a bit of both. No horns, because he’s part orc.

It’s exactly a mix.

this is not how evolution work, half-breeds coming 2 different species, those can have diseases or be infertile, the race who came to be after sessions of breeding after years is something totally different

Except you do not with mok’nathal, you don’t just build out backstory, you actively retcon past lore for no purpose at all.

Like i said, they have lore problems, same culture and theme as orcs, why build an entire new thing when it not existed when they can already get the ogres who already have their own who is unique?

Why they would join the horde when they don’t like war and civilization? the clan didn’t join the first horde and would not join now when there is less reasons to do.

Why take the hard and long road, with no benefits just because a model hype?

What? we do know what a female look like, there ar 2 pictures in the main topic., like male ogres look like male orcs, the females look alike too, but they have horns, and the eye difference,

im saying he lack the ogre features that are precisely who make orcs and ogres different.

you take a ogre, take of his horn and belly, you have rexxar.

the points go to, why add an half thing with a lot of implications, way more difficult and less worthy, when you can add the entire thing with a lot more?

he have the body shape of a ogre but without the belly

like people showed here, he face is entire ogre

I support this all the way. I main allaince mostly but i def would play an orge for awhile if they ever came a thing. Hopefully they break the shackles on this race!


Thanks, its good to see so much alliance support on this race

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I am alliance and helf (Queldorei) supporter but i’ll play horde when blizzard add Ogres (And Sanlayn). :hugs:

+1 again.


When I saw the title of the thread I was super excited, until I read the customization options wouldn’t include a two-headed option and decided to pull my support. No thanks, don’t want to see single headed ogres added to the game unless I also get an option for two heads.

if two headed option was a thing does that mean 2 players have to control that toon? haha just pulling your leg.

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Seriously? Do not tell me! XD

LOL! Decent numbers?
Do not buy this lie! Or at least say it’s because devs do not want Alliance to use an existing template in the horde!

There should be no more than 40 void belves against a 2000 High Elves in the alliance and yet we got a bunch of blood elves dyed purple with lore nonexistent, dirty with void energies!

Their only value is to be equal to the blood elves!

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