Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Nightborne and Blood Elves are 42 percent at 120 as of this posting. Elf players and Elves aren’t boring, they just aren’t goofy. One might say you just have poor taste.

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He also refers to posters as their in game race. Remind you of someone?

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The few examples here of players who think they’re some kind of Horde purists are just a few silly peeps role playing who hate what beauty and grace that the blood Elves brought to the Horde. They also include a few vocal butt-hurt Alliance loyalists who can’t get over the Horde getting a beautiful race of High Elves.

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…but also how they add flavor and diversify WoW from every other fantasy game out there. One person said BE were boring and what they want is another LoTR knock off. It’s like that stuff is just so normal it makes people uncomfortable to change things around.

Just to steer back on topic, Orcs are Ogres, Ogres are where Tolkien got Orcs from. I think it’s funny that Orcs are the staple of Fantasy and Ogres were somehow forgotten.


So basically Kul Tirans kind of are Ogres with slightly different facial hair and backstory. If what you want to be is a rough-skinned, balding, tall, slovenly Ogre: that is a Kul Tiran. Obviously, I understand that you love the Horde and you just want to be a Horde player and you just want to be an overweight, bearded, dark-eyed Ogre. Sorry? The Alliance is there waiting for you.

42% still is low than 58% of non elves fam, your numbers will decrease, don’t worry, Zandalar are on the way.

The most bland and cliche race ever exist, with the stereotypes of tolkien, and you are telling m i have a bad taste, ayy

please get off with the high elf butthurt, you have your topic already

Orc is from [Old English] orcneas , which appears in the epic poem Beowulf , and refers to one of the races who are called the offspring of Cain during the initial description of Grendel. In a letter of 1954 Tolkien gave orc as “demon” and claimed he used the word because of its “phonetic suitability”—its similarity to various equivalent terms in his Middle-earth languages.

So you are wrong.


Buhahaha!!! This is comedy golden!!! :rofl:

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+1 nice write up. Well thought out and constructive. An Ogre Mage would have to be in my rotation of mains.


Ogres would be great to have as a playable race, tbh. It’s nice to pretend that the Alliance represents an unexplored gameplay opportunity for a certain group of players, though :<

Good luck, Ogrefans!


Thank you for that.

And if you choose to be a two-headed ogre, will you win twice as much? (exp, rep, gold, etc)

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They are actually part of a package deal with Dwarfs and Orcs. An alliance of Human’s, Dwarfs, and Elves are standard throughout fantasy. It’s played out.

And yes, Orcs muscle bound green skin as you see today, are Tolkiens. He derived his fantasy language from those languages. He intended for Orcs to become demons and Mordor Hell in the end of his story. Ogres are the generic cross cultural same thing. My neck beard isn’t nearly long enough to get more into it than that. Arguing every single detail just shows you are looking to disrupt rather than contribute.

Like your statistics?

Look you have an opinion that Blood Elves are boring, whatever. They are just as boring as any other fantasy race. Going full siege isn’t going to convince anyone. You do you.

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Except orcs at least are a lot of different from the tolkien universe, unlike elves after TBC and dwarves who are almost a rip-off

No, its more like warhammer orcs, they are inspired by tolkien not a carbon copy, they have dozen of differences.

Talk like a true elf player HAHAHA

You are the one who came here in the first place

the statics are right, i just counted all characters not just lv 120

the point is i don’t think you need to bring this subject to the OGRES threat.

Elves are nice, i know, people like then, thats cool, don’t change the fact that variation is good and an ogre is better than a 3 elf race


Didn’t bring it up.

I would love to see Ogres as a Allied race!
Might have to actually play Horde again if they ever get implemented.


Everyone needs to cut down the RP in this thread.

People can like different things FYI.

No need to make it toxic.


I’m not a fan of goblins either. I was server first on destromath to get Blood sail admiral back in vanilla, if that tells you something.

They should be their own race somewhere down the line. Allied Races should only extend to reskins of old races.

Not according to Blizzard.

blizzard doesnt know what it wants.

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