Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

and personally I want both half ogres and ogres. They belong in the horde.

The way I envision the horde is:

Orcs and trolls- the basic soldiers. They are everywhere are used for everything.

Tauren and their related races, ogres, and half ogres- The heavies. They reinforce the basic grunts and are a force to be reckoned with

Undead, nightborne, blood elves, and san’layn- The magic specialists. They are the support units.

Goblins and vulpera- The practical specialists. The assassins and engineers. The spies of the horde.

Gronn, Ogron, Dire trolls, and Dire orcs- The living artillery. They are the biggest units the horde have and are siegebreakers.

Of course all of these races can perform the roles of the others but typically this is how I view the horde and how it should be.

To make it clear I am not advocating for gronn, ogron, dire trolls, and dire orcs to be playable. These I believe should remain NPC only but they should have a more prominent place in the horde and be used more often.


What? Bwhahahahahah!!

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You complain the orcs aren’t savage looking enough, so you rolled the most fofoo goofball pansy pie race the horde has to offer, perhaps second only to the pandas… the irony… do you only drink triple IPAs despite being allergic to hops too? HAHA!..

The overall art style is goofy and cartoony. As far as armors are concerned, More armor options is always a good thing, but we have some pretty good savage/barbaric options now, compared to the past. I don’t see this as a valid excuse. Learn to Transmog buttercup.

The Blood Troll crusher Model would make a great base for the female ogre.

To be honest the Blood trolls didn’t really need that model to exist. It was not needed in their story. The only reason to make it was if you wanted to play around with what a female orge would look like. Plugging them in there helped to sort out any rigging problems before you convert them… muahahhaha Blizz you sly dog you.


No, I complained that they look lame. Making them look savage was a suggestion. Seeing how you are using one of the very limited transmogs that do that, I’d think you’d like that suggestion. Maybe you were just too busy trying to troll me to read my post. If you want to see Orcs the dominant race of the Horde, they need to look better. The goofy and cartoon style just isn’t appealing. If you got rid of Blood Elves or gave Alliance High Elves, more people won’t start playing Orcs. Fewer people will play Horde.

I don’t appreciate your tone and it doesn’t make me think you are some masculine cool figure on the other end of the screen.


I’m all about some Ogres. A lot of times I’m kind of wary about suggested Allied Races, but to me Ogres make perfect sense and would be a really fun addition.

While I don’t outright object to them being AU Ogres, I kind of would prefer pulling from an MU clan of some kind (Maybe a revitalized Stonemaul clan?), but even then it’s not really a deal breaker for me.

Fingers crossed we see the big’uns make an appearance Hordeside soon as a playable race. :+1:


At least the pandas are man enough to brew and drink ale and beer.


I kind of have to agree with this. A few tweaks to the model and it could easily be a female ogre.


First, I dont want to see orcs the dominant race. Ideally I’d like to see a more balanced demographic. But I dont mind being a minority at all.

I just dont like the majority of blood elf players that I’ve interacted with. I’d rather them be on the alliance where they belong so I can at least kill them out in the world.

Again, the cartoony art style is universal for all races, especially when compared to the cinematics. It’s been that way in all of warcraft history, mostly because of hardware limitations and the goal of having wow be playable by the widest playerbase possible. That said, I would love to see wow 2 be more graphically realistic. As it is we have what we have, and I dont see your cartoony argument holding water here.

The reason Bloodelves were given to the horde was because at the time, alliance vastly outnumbered horde. The horde was “the ugly faction” and the truth was and still is, most players dont relate to orcs, tauren and trolls. They want to be “pretty”.

I think elves are weak, pretentious and arrogant. I want less elves overall.

Yep. An and the majority of the ones I’ve interacted with are actually pretty cool people. Cant say that about the blood elves.

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Dire orcs should be the tank power up form for Demon Hunter Illidari Fel Orcs. =D


And then you use it to help make a female Mok’nathal model to make them playable too! Woot!

But orcs are particularly so, with their hunched backs and silly animations. They’re goofy. Tauren look like they have googly eyes, they aren’t just cartoons, they’re caricatures. People say ‘ugly’, but really it’s more than that. The appeal of Blood Elves isn’t just that they are gracile or ‘pretty’, they are less silly. They can keep the general cartoon look but still look better. Give Orcs better options, adjust the skeleton, provide armor that looks like the orcs we see in the movie and in WoD. As they are now people don’t want to play them, that’s a statement of fact. As you pointed out, this isn’t new. Something about Orcs needs to change.

Half the reason I main Horde is to kill Dwarfs and Gnomes. I get not wanting to show up to kill a god and a bobble head or somone almost naked joins up with the team, but in an MMO you don’t get to control what other players do.

At this point, the Horde for most players is Blood Elves. The eclectic grouping of the Horde is something I really like. I like that they broke with cliche and put elves with orcs. I can play almost any other LOtR based games and get Humans, Elves, and Dwarfs. That’s something that makes WoW distinct.

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this is not what i asked, i asked why the idea is a sad idea, would be good not derail the thread with more high elf shenanigans

As already showed he is identical to an ogre without horns and the belly.

Okey, we need to start address this subject, of why Ogres its a better choice than mok’nathal and why they don’t work

1- You guys are too much hyped about Rexxar model, that is not exclusive to a half orc hybrid, If they update the ogre model it will look like that but better, with different features that half-breeds do not have

2- Mok’nathal is not a race it is the clan name, hybrids do not make a race

3- The clan is a dying clan in Blade’s Edge Mountains, living in a tiny village formed by orcs, ogres AND half breeds.

4- There is no reason for then to come to another world, just to do another war that they didn’t care about, they already have their own problems in that desolate place and would like to be leaved alone, unlike ogres who could come to a good smash

5- The clan is a dying one, that means its faded to just disappear, one day the ogre blood will just be so insignificant that it will not matter and they will just look like orcs; Unlike ogres who can reproduce without problems.

6- completely low population, who would add nothing to the war efffort
“b-b-bt void elves!1!!1” a decent number of blood elves becom void elves and they could do more faster, its not like you can do that with a half-breed. Ogres in other hand have massive population, are juggernauts in battle and would help a lot in the war

7- How they could even reproduce in a satisfactory way? they are not a race but hybrids, what they will look like with 1/2 or 1/4 or even 1/6 of ogre blood?

8- They have no identity they are just another orc clan who happen to have half-breeds on it, the horde would gain nothing with their addition after the maghar being playable with a big identity they brought

They have no exclusive Culture, again, they are just orcs with orc blood, nothingdifferent from an orc clan, however, the ogre culture its different, and if you take then from Draenor, you get even more diversity and exclusive stuff.

Cause a roman empire theme with gladiators and war magic its absolutely better than just another orc clan from the mud

9- Customization, moknathal will lack unique customization, they will just be ugly orcs, Ogres however have a unique set of skin colors who would challenge the maghar, they have the unique trait to chose 2 eyes or just one ( giving the cyclops fantasy) and horns.

10- If they somehow for some reasons add the half-breeds just because the hype, they will screw the lore a bit more, and kill the ogre dream forever with just a half-ting because they will not add a thing so similar again “ogres? what? are you crazy? you already have the half-breeds thats totally enough”

Think about waiting for a race to be playable for more than 12 years and its ruined just because of a hype model and people start asking for then, it is frustrating


I’m pretty sure that even if they did give orcs better customization and more savage looking armor options, we’d still be overrun by Bloodelves, simply because more people like them.

If you’re correct then I guess you’ll just have to accept that the Horde is an Elf faction. If the Horde can’t be popular without them then the Horde needs them.

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We don’t need you. Go back to silvermoon or wherever you get your glitter from and leave us primitives to our mud huts and spikes. You don’t belong in Orgrimmar. God I hate elves…

Fantastic work OP, I have never seen anyone use the application of pictures as well as you did. I fully support your idea.


Yeah, I’m actually a human and I live on Earth.

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no its not? Elves are just 30-33% of the horde because a lot of people are bland as a door, and chose the race just because they want to be legolas, because they have OP racials, were the only ones who can be paladin in the horde and its the only race who can be DH, an pamper race

Elves were about 40% now 33%, their “hegemony” is ending, and we need then as we need cancer any other race, so please, lets stick with the subject

Thanks m8, sadly, i only got a few pics, cause i can only post the ones from Wowhead.


Just so rude and obnoxious…if you have a point you undermine it.

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