As mentioned above, the three main Ogre clans in the Horde are the Stonemaul, Dunemaul, and the Gorians.
Gorians did come with the Mag’har and stood with them when all the AU Draenor escapees, aside from some Saberon and Botani, were inducted into the Horde. Since then, however, the Gorians have disappeared into fat air and have made no appearance, to my knowledge, anywhere else. Far as I know, they did not run off and should hopefully be part of the Horde still.
For the Dunemaul, they technically are part of the Horde, though were “inducted” by a questline from Megs Dreadshredder in Tanaris during Cataclysm. She takes them somewhere to perform something for her, but we haven’t heard from her or the Dunemaul since then, other than helping them against the demon invasions in Tanaris during Legion’s prepatch.
The Stonemaul Clan is the most famous one, and if playable Ogres consist of only one faction, is the best choice for playable Ogres.
- They were introduced in Warcraft III and have a storyline there, along with ties to Rexxar.
- They’re already part of the Horde thanks to Rexxar, having storylines in Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas where they help the Horde.
- If they become an allied race, they have their own village (assuming they actually got it back finally) to operate as a base.
- Owe the Horde a lot, which can explain why they’re out adventuring to “bash stuffs for da Horde!”
- Have a few customs, such as the Trial of Strength from Warcraft III, that would make fun micro events in WoW.
- Have a leader (Tharg).
I could go on, but as you can tell, I stand firm on the Stonemaul Clan being where playable Horde Ogres should come from. Sadly, we haven’t heard from them since Cataclysm (other than an emissary in MoP that acts as a jobber for an Alliance daily), so it’s not clear what they’re up to these days.
Dream big, Ogre fans!