Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

any particular reason why?

It’s just…awful. It’s unbearably awful. It makes no sense and doesn’t at all track with what we’ve seen of ogres. We’ve seen art of a female ogre, they’re not beautiful.

Why is it mixed in with some weird carrying system that doesn’t fit at ALL with anything in the game? A system that actively punishes ogre mages, despite the fact that an ogre mage would still be amazingly strong physically. And the whole rite of passage thing is just bad, it makes literally no sense. The fact you don’t know anything about ogres is painfully obvious.

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this is why i put the caveat in the opening that isnt lore accurate, would need to be tweaked and retconned, likely to fit.

the carrying capacity idea would be across the board for all casters, and the meleers would need it also, just not as much of it. it could’ve just been based on str, but i thought it might be a cool idea to add a different type of stat related to the fact we are carrying multiple bags full of heavy armor.

clearly an ogre male meleer wouldnt need as much, but nothing says ogre female casters have to be big or tall, for that matter. *and ogre male casters would need more than ogre male meleers. it isn’t str though. totally different stat. its just that a race and/or class that is naturally stronger, needs less of it.

i didnt know we had pics of blizzard ogre females! where are they?

Google Karrga.

I love the idea as I would totally make a Ogre melee for the heritage armor alone.

is that the only one? maybe it could be retconned that that was her before her mate’s rite of passage ritual.

heres one somebody did. looks pretty nice


You’ve already got plenty of Barbie doll races available to you without coming up with some godawful fanfiction because you wanna pway a pweddy ogwe.

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its not for me. its for you. and do you think it looks like a barbie doll? just looks like a pretty ogre. is there something wrong with pretty? look at your current race. its the least played race in the game and is a waste of dev resources. but this idea would at the very least, have a chance of working. she looks awesome.

Not everything needs to be blood elves. Not everything needs to be pretty.

And I’m sorry you don’t like Kul’tirans, but the fact you don’t like ogre aesthetics so badly that you want Blizzard to come up with some terribad lore to explain why they’re pretty despite completely destroying their lore and their character as a race suggests that you don’t really like ogres to begin with.

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Speak for yourself my friend

i’m an elf fan. i’ll play most elves. i’d have a nightborne too but dont want to redo the grind quite yet. still miffed i had to do the entire horde grind plus another month on argus in order to get access to the 2 alliance ARs from legion. havent even begun bfa ARs. horde is not my main faction. i’m a problem solver. always looking for ways to solve problems.

Obviously not as good as you seem to think you are.

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well its better than just complaining. at least i’m trying to come up with workable solutions. if horde has wanted ogres since vanilla and devs decided to give you blood elves instead, there must be some reason why that is, and i could swear i read they were having trouble coming up with an ogre female that wouldnt just be a waste of materials, like tauren females appear to be since outside of kul’tirans, tauren and dwarf females are the least played race+gender.



If you want to play a truly beautiful race, then get back here to the Hotde where you belong and we’ll forget all about the blueberry dye vat dipping.
Elegantly shakes his head, causing his magnificent locks to gently flow and curl before gracefully cascading into their usual perfect coif

:grin: i’ll consider it. thanks for the invite.

In this case it’s not, actually.

But saying ‘hey here’s a thing we like’ isn’t complaining.

If you want to play a pretty elf go play that and stop trying to infect Ogres with the same vapid design philosophy that all women have to be drop dead gorgeous.

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well i’m a female and not drop dead gorgeous. but i’ve also played a troll female, a dwarf female, a gnome female, a nelf female, a belf female, this velf female, a human, even tried a tauren female and orc female. outside of horde legion and bfa ARs and alliance bfa ARs, i 've played every female race and 2 males (human and belf), except undead. and settled on elves. i like elves. not ogres.

Well believe it or not, people can have different opinions to you. If you don’t like Ogres, why in the hell would you post in the Ogres thread? People who want Ogres, ya know, want a Ogres.

But not a human female, just a human. Also why a male blood elf of all races to be male?
And I do have to agree with Aidi on this one. People who want ogres want female ogres that fit the picture of the traditional ogre.