I would name mine Az-Laar.
…well Azlaar anyway, because Blizzard doesn’t like apostrophes in names.
Even though that’s a major thing with Troll names.
I would name mine Az-Laar.
…well Azlaar anyway, because Blizzard doesn’t like apostrophes in names.
Even though that’s a major thing with Troll names.
I have a name in mind from my Ogre Berserker in Everquest 1 and 2. In fact, I have the name in reserve and plan to use him for my “March of the Stonemaul Ogres” event. I even have the “Ambassador” title to make it fit even more.
I’d love to remake him as an Ogre Fury Warrior in this game. Two weapons mean twice “da bashin” in his mind.
having the same problem with time, an’t stay too much on forums anymore, i even lose my trust3.
since i start playing in cataclysm, i never played a mage pass lv 20,because im still, waiting to be a ogre mage, pretty sad.
Well it looks like we got a date for Rise of Azshara, June 25h:
As stated before, I will keep an eye out for any Ogre activity, but it’s likely that we may not see much out of the Stonemaul clan or other Horde Ogre clans here.
Since this is apparently coming out June 25th, one week from this post, I’ll consider if I will still do my “March of the Stonemaul” event in the later part of July or possibly early August. People are obviously going to be busy doing stuff in the new areas for awhile, so I’ll consider if I’ll be able to do it then or push it back. For now, nothing is set in stone. I still need to form a script and how to make it work for those wanting to attend and such.
As for right now, my 4 week summer class continues!..weeee… x- x
So in thinking about it, if we did get Ogre Death Knights, they would have text unique to them in the “A Special Surprise” quest, where you have to kill a NPC of your own race and it’s sad and stuff. While an Ogre Death Knight can be debatable, I thought I would type up text for an Ogre Death Knight, with a nameless Ogre NPC, doing the quest:
Male Ogre: So dis be it, den? Well, me not going wit out fight! Let’s…(player-name)? Dat yuu, (player-name)? Me recognize dat mug anywheres! Wut did dead tings do ta yuu?
Yuu not remember me? Me protect yuu when little 'gainst da bullies. Me trained yuu to defend self. Become strong Ogre. We wuz like family.
Tink back. 'member da Stonemaul Clan? Yuu Stonemaul Ogre. Yuu not one of dem dead tings! Yuu stronger den dis!
Listen (player name), yuu can do dis. You strong nuff ta bash da dead tings. Break free. Be hero of da Stonemaul Clan. Show dem wut means ta be Ogre!
Knight Commander Plaguefist: What’s going on in there? What’s taking so long, (player name)?
Male Ogre: Dere not be much time. Yuu kill me, den yuu can live. When yuu can bash dead tings, find da Stonemaul Clan in Dustwallow Swamp. Let dem know wut happened. Neba forget yuu are Stonemaul. Now do it, (player name) so yuu can bash da dead king un make difference in wurld!
Not perfect, of course, but it’s something I imagined that would occur for Ogre Death Knights, which again are debatable if we would get them.
So while nothing really Ogre-related is in the new patch that I have seen, something did caught my eye regarding the “Crossroads” cinematic, and wanted to mention my thoughts and a good way to get the Stonemaul Clan back in the story. As patch 8.2 has just come out at the time of this post, I’ll talk about it under a spoiler tag.
It seems like Thrall, Saurfang, and Baine might end up hiding in Thunder Bluff, which…doesn’t make too much sense considering those who are loyal to Sylvanas as the warchief would likely be in Thunder Bluff still. If they stay there, then I imagine some of the reasoning involves the worry that Sylvanas will pout and attack Thunder Bluff.
In such a scenario, I would hope that the Tauren of Thunder Bluff would ask for some help defending their city in case something does actually happen. Thunder Bluff, in Mulgore, is fairly close to Dustwallow Marsh, where the Stonemaul Clan lives. It’s also right next to Feralas, where some of the Stonemaul Clan are currently in as well. Considering that, once again, the Stonemaul Clan are part of the Horde and they owe the Horde big time, it might be a good idea to help defend a capital city against it being burned to the ground.
We’ll have to wait to see what happens, but hopefully the Stonemaul Clan aren’t forgotten again, would assist their allies, and would help dethrone Sylvanas seeing as we’re heading towards that conclusion in the plot.
Always dream big, Ogre fans, and let us keep hope!
Edit: So as it turns out, I can’t post three times in a row in a topic, so until someone replies to this thread, I won’t really be able to add much to it, including my Ogre march player event news.
Speaking of, my summer class is over, so I’m hoping to write up a script for the event and look into researching how CRZ works with Orgimmar and stuff. If I’m able to plan a time for it, I’ll try to post it here, if someone has replied to the thread, for those interested.
To be clear, although I want to try to do the event during the Summer, it is not set in stone. At any rate, more to come later…I hope. x- x
This will be so extremely awesome
So another “leak” allegedly from an employee at Blizzard on the WoW side is floating around again. This time, something mentioning Ogres was part of this “leak.” Now, I don’t really believe it myself, but I’ll look at it and comment on it anyway.
The “leak” states the following regarding a question asking about playable Ogres: “As for Ogres…welp…we’re not planning on going back to Draenor as of yet, but that ogre continent always exists. We never know what the higher ups want to end up doing way down the line.”
Assuming this is true…I’m confused why we would need to go back to AU Draenor to get Ogres to be playable. It has been stated many times before that there are three clans already in the Horde (Stonemaul, Dunemaul, and the Gorians that came with the AU Mag’har Orcs). Given that these clans of Ogres aren’t doing much, with the Stonemaul Clan owing the Horde A LOT, I don’t understand the need to go back to AU Draenor to get those Ogres instead.
The one possibility I can think of is that the Horde, for some reason, needs to go back to AU Draenor, and the Ogre continent on AU Draenor is besieged by Yrel, we assist the Ogres there, and they join us to have a place to survive…which of course sounds like a rehashed Mag’har Orc recruitment questline. The only other possible way I could going back to AU Draenor to get these Ogres is if Yrel opens a connection to our Azeroth, invades, and we go to AU Draenor to take Yrel and…her forces…down…actually, this sounds like a rehashed WoD, and I doubt very many people want WoD again. I honestly can’t think of a good reason to go back to AU Draenor again, let alone why we would need to tie playable Ogres to AU Draenor.
This particular Ogre continent, I assume, was originally suppose to be part of WoD that was eventually dropped for some reason. This continent might have been owned by the Gorian Empire, but I’m not 100% sure on that, and will need to do some research. There were a lot of aspects of WoD that were planned but eventually dropped for one reason or another, and the Ogre continent was one of them.
At any rate, I don’t really believe the “leak.” I still firmly believe that the Stonemaul Clan, who has history with the Horde since Warcraft III, would be the best choice of Ogre clans to be made playable, would be easier to implement in terms of storyline, and would have more meaning than just getting Draenor Ogres. Not to mention that if a level squish is coming in the future, and rumors of a Cataclysm 2.0 on Kalimdor and Easter Kingdoms are to be believed, then what better way to get people playing through the new content than with a new core race? Ogres are a top contender for a new Horde race, in my opinion, and it would just be more fitting, again in my opinion. Granted, I honestly would be surprised to see new races in the next expansion, but who knows if Blizzard will keep the expansion theme of new races every other expansion or not?
On the other hand, if it got us playable Ogres, I’d be fine with AU Ogres joining as the playable faction of Ogres…but I still would prefer the Stonemaul Clan, myself.
I fear we’ll get no new race is 9.0 is the old world revamp
I honestly would be surprised if we got new races next expansion, given we’re gotten a bunch of allied races in BfA, with more on the way. It also seems to be a theme of expansions where we get a new race every other expansion as well, though that can always change.
It’s moreso the idea that a Cataclysm 2.0, where the old classic areas get revamped with a level squish, gives some hope of new core races. Seems like new races, whatever they would be, leveling in the newer Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms area would go hand-in-hand, along with some new race/class combinations.
I will admit that it is wishful thinking, as both of those features could come with no new races, but it would be a missed opportunity, in my opinion.
Regarding the next expansion, I suspect that we’ll see an announcement at Blizzcon (114 days to go at the time of this post) seeing as BfA is winding down. As I’ve said in other threads, hopefully new allied race announcements will come sooner than later, whatever they will be.
The supposed leak mentions Ethereals as the race addition.
Since the leak also mentions dissolving or merging the factions in some manner, it makes it interesting to consider that it means they’d no longer have to put out 2 races at a time since you don’t have to keep both sides happy, as there’d no longer be two sides.
In a way it makes me think of how things went with SWTOR, you’ve got two factions but they later for a joint rebellion against a 3rd party.
I could see a lot of what was said in the leak being true, but I’m wondering if it’s not what someone else said and just someone taking what players ask for or has been talked about the most and making a hoax leak.
I personally have a hard time seeing the factions being merged. Aside from the whole concept of Warcraft being Horde vs Alliance, the game would have to be completely remade in all areas, including expansion areas, to fit the narrative. Seems like it would save development costs in the long run, but it would require a lot of work to pull off. Not impossible, but it just seems like a lot of work to, in theory, put in less work in the future.
If a Cataclysm 2.0 is going to happen, I do worry about the Stonemaul Clan in Dustwallow Marsh. I assume some areas are going to change or be destroyed/damaged, and I wouldn’t want the Stonemaul Clan to be wiped out as a result. Being chased out of Dustwallow Marsh, due to the Black Dragonflight again or the area submerging/being destroyed, is one thing, but I’d like for them to survive.
At any rate, I take “leaks” and rumors with a grain of salt. It’s been awhile since we have gotten any new news, and I think a lot of us are hungry for news in general as BfA slowly comes to an end. We may be getting more “leaks” and rumors as Blizzcon approaches.
On that note, with so many farfetched leaks being spun on the web, I’d prefer to see a Farfetch’d leek being spun:
I can see it happening for a number of reasons. Not really a straight up merger, but maybe something like SWTOR did. As the likely fake leak was saying, it’s holding back the story. Even after legion, going to war again was kinda stupid.
It would make things easier development-wise, not having to divide the story means they could essentially do the same amount of work and end up with a questing experience that’s about double what it is now since you basically have to role both factions to get it all. That’s what I do.
It’d certainly be easier to add other races and such.
I do like the idea of allied races being rolled into customization options.
Not really like we have now, but say you click dwarf, then the next screen you choose what kind, and this is the screen that could be updated over time with additional flavors. So you choose the dwarf type you want, then the next screen you choose the class available to that type of dwarf.
I was surprised to see it’s been 9 years since Cataclysm…man time flies.
It would be interesting to see a big revamp of the world again.
Same…I quite liked everything I read, and I’d certainly play what was proposed, but there’s no telling how legit it is until we get more official info.
They are in game. But blizzard put them with the Alliance.
You’d hope that with theramore gone the stonemaul clan have reshaped dustwallow swamp to an ogre bastion
Theramore wasn’t really the main issue. The main problem was the Black Dragonflight who ran the Stonemaul Clan out of their home, who then sat around in Brackenwall Village with a corrupted leader who refused to do anything in reclaiming their home, who was then chased off by the Horde as the Stonemaul Clan rejoiced and…sat around doing nothing while still wanting their home back since Cataclysm. Sure, they sent some of their clan to Feralas to help try to take over Dire Maul, but no progress has been made there either, and if they’re able to send some troops there, it further raises questions of if they have taken their home back or not. Not to mention the Stonemaul emissary who just became a jobber for an Alliance daily in MoP.
Until Dustwallow gets updated, the Stonemaul Clan is still just sitting there while the Black Dragonflight has tea parties and talk about the local economy in the Stonemaul Ruins, I guess. <- <
Assuming that the Stonemaul Clan did get their home back and Theramore was still there, I could see there being some tension. With Theramore gone, I could see some Theramore reclaimers wanting to reclaim the land Theramore was on before and being a pain to the Stonemaul Ogres.
As for the merging of factions rumors, if such a thing did happen, Ogres as a playable race is still a possibility. It would also please people who were wanting Ogres on the Alliance. I do have trouble imagining my Ogre character just waltzing into places like Stormwind or Ironforge freely, let alone right up to the Alliance leaders while being a champion of the Horde. Would be an amusing sight, I am sure.
I do think the sooner Blizzcon comes, the better off we’ll be in terms of seeing what direction the game is going.
i came up with a way to implement ogres. tell me if you like it. i know it’s not lore accurate but if it can be tweaked a bit and the missing parts retconned, it just might work.
first, implement a stat called carrying capacity. this is an stat enchant, and a stat found on gear, including bags. it works similarly to strength but doesnt increase any str except your ability to carry loot. then if the character is a caster, they need more carrying capacity because they are weak and therefore have low carrying capacity (not because they are missing str)
then, create 2 male and 2 female ogre types: the melee and the caster. first a bit of history–
the female ogre has hitherto been hidden away from the eyes of azerothians because they are very beautiful. how they get that way is part of ogre tradition.
ogre males are actually quite attractive till their rite of passage. they relinquish the parts of their dna that make them symmetrically appealing to look at, that is then ritually imparted to their chosen mate in a sacred silver mug of ale. the end result is they are often deprived of some of their intelligence as well. but not always, this is why some male ogres are melee and rather dumb and some are intelligent and casters.
and this also explains why the adult female ogres are extremely beautiful whereas their male counterparts are misshapen and grotesque. and why some females are beautiful and dumb, meleers or beautiful and diabolically smart, casters.
anyway, something happens… maybe the females decide they dont want to be hidden any more and stage a feminist style protest or the males decide the safety of azeroth over rules their need to hide their women folk from admiring onlookers.
I’d actually prefer it if ogres weren’t an allied race but a primary race. I want an ogre starting zone. Allied races appear to skip starting zones.
yeah i miss the old way of adding new races.
This is possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.