Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Sadly, there has been no new information regarding new allied races other than more are forthcoming, and 8.2 won’t have any allied races. Unless we get an announcement via a stream, it’s looking like Blizzcon is the likely place for announcements since they are skipping GamesCom.

Given that it is 152 days, at the time of this post, until November 1st, when Blizzcon starts I think, it’s way too long to withhold such an announcement, in my opinion. <- <

A thought occurred to me that it might be a good idea to plan out questions to post for a future QnA stream.

Depending on the theme of the QnA, there could be some possible Ogre questions that could be asked. Of course, things like “When will Ogres be playable?” will be ignored, but there could be some questions to ask. I’m personally thinking something along the lines of “Since it has been awhile since the Horde helped out the Stonemaul Clan Ogres, what have they been up to since then?” or “Given the huge war going on between Horde and Alliance, and that the Stonemaul Ogres have not been involved, what are they up to?”

Not perfect questions to ask, and of course questions are not guaranteed to be answered, but it is something to think about.

If anyone has any suggestions of questions to consider asking, please feel free to post them in here. ^^

I wanted to comment some on the Stonemaul Clan’s emissary on Pandaria, Or’Dac.

In Mists of Pandaria, Or’Dac is given the title of “Brackenwall Emissary” in the game. Whether this means the village the Stonemaul actually fled to, or if they actually got their home back and it is also named Brackenwall, I don’t really know. I suspect they hadn’t gotten their home back still at this time.

Or’Dac is an objective for an Alliance daily quest in Krasarang Wilds called “Don’t Lose Your Head.” The quest text reads as follows:

"My probes have detected three very dangerous targets in the courtyard of Domination Keep.

They have an ogre emissary, a Kor’kron officer, and an insane goblin bomb maker.

My siege-o-matics are not ready for one on one combat so it is up to you to eliminate the targets.

Good luck! Report back to me on the Skyfire when done."

Not really much to go by. Likely, he was placed there as a jobber for the Alliance to kill in the daily quest, so I don’t think there is very much to go by in-game. Wowpedia, under the Stonemaul Clan page, has a section that states that Or’dac was likely sent to help the Horde increase influence on Pandaria.

It is possible that Garrosh had ordered the Stonemaul Clan to help in some fashion on Pandaria, but given there is only the emissary that I am aware of, it might be more likely that the Stonemaul Clan just sent Or’Dac to at least help out some. If Garrosh had ordered them, I would imagine he would want a group of Ogres to help in combat as opposed to just one for diplomacy of some kind.

The emissary is the last thing I am aware of that the Stonemaul Clan has done in-game, which was again in Mists of Pandaria. To my knowledge, they have not been active at all, leading me to assume they’re either busy trying to get their home back and/or working to get Dire Maul for the Horde in Feralas still. If Dire Maul is suppose to be completely empty, from the WoW Traveler book series, then it’s possible the Stonemaul Clan is fighting the Alliance there for control over it, possibly leading to a stalemate.

With any luck, we’ll see the Stonemaul Clan appear in the near future, but as I’ve said before, it is frustrating to see them have no presence since then, given the number of times the world was in danger or the Horde was battling the Alliance. Still, whenever we see the Stonemaul Clan again, hopefully that will lead to playable Horde Ogres in the near future.

I wouldn’t mind seeing their April Fools concept fully realized, HotS Cho’Gall style.

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While a neat thought, I personally don’t see two-headed Ogres working that way. My opinion is that enough work would likely be put into making two-headed Ogres as an option, and to actually let two players control both heads doesn’t sound very practical unless it is with someone you know and can communicate with. I would guess most people would prefer to control their own character themselves and especially not with randoms. Again, a neat thought, but in practice, I don’t see it working out too well.

On another note, my summer class begins tomorrow, and given it is a 4 week class, my posting time will likely become very limited. I should be able to get a script for my Ogre March event typed up for whenever the event will occur, but hopefully the next 4 weeks will come and go quickly. x- x

I heard some rumors that Ogres were apparently going to be released as a playable race in WOD, but that got canned due to cutbacks. I don’t know if this is true, but if it is then it is very unfortunate. Ogres would be a lot a lot of fun to play as. One question though. If Ogres were playable say as a main race, what kind of allied race do you think would fit them?

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Yeah, let’s go to the effort and expense of releasing a race with an impractical gimmick that won’t be used more than once by 99% of people.

The only rumors I’ve heard are that Ogres were originally intended as a race at launch and that they were going to be put in Cataclysm. For WoD, it would have been a good fit to introduce Ogres and an Alliance race, but given how WoD went, it wouldn’t surprise me if that rumor was true. Seems like Ogres do get some traction going on the dev-side and, for one reason or another, just get put on the backburner.

If Ogres got in as a core race, I’m of the opinion that the Mok’Nathal would make a great allied race for them. They have been asked for, and there is a worry that one would be viewed as a “compromise” for the other, which is something that should never happen to any race people want playable. Just my opinion, of course.


Now now. Lets not be hostile. What seems like an impractical gimmick to someone may be an entirely different story to another.

You know, thinking on it some, a two-headed Ogre with two players could work at least in a PvP setting, if there was some mechanic that made the two-headed Ogre more powerful specifically in a PvP battleground setting, but the two players have to balance around a mechanic that makes it fair. Not sure how this could be implemented easily in the game, however, unless a two-headed Ogre acted like a vehicle.

I’m not sure how to make such a thing viable and practical in PvE, but I’m sure others who are more creative than me could think of something. I’m planning on my Ogre having just one head, myself. ^^;

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On another note, my summer class begins tomorrow, and given it is a 4 week class, my posting time will likely become very limited. I should be able to get a script for my Ogre March event typed up for whenever the event will occur, but hopefully the next 4 weeks will come and go quickly. x- x

You will be missed. I love your posts. Very thoughtful and expansive.

They have been asked for, and there is a worry that one would be viewed as a “compromise” for the other, which is something that should never happen to any race people want playable. Just my opinion, of course.

This is an ever ongoing worry due to the lack of certainty. I am told that allied races are planned years in advance so its hard to say if what is said here really does make much of a difference.

I’m planning on my Ogre having just one head, myself. ^^;

Less likely to run into disagreements.

How would you describe the inability to play a character without a second person if not an impractical gimmick?

‘Well, I wanna raid but the other guy’s moving so won’t have internet for the next month… Oh well, back to minesweeper.’

Admittedly I am unsure, but also at the time I am writing this I am very tired so my thinking is not to clear now.

It’s not realistic, but it might be cool to see them go super unique with the concept. Perhaps for a conduit for people who are trying to get others into the game.

Someone picks the two-headed ogre, creates it, sends off the request to a friend to be the second head. Whoever logged in first controls movement, give a racial ability to bounce it between players. Casting is never interrupted by movement for the “rider.” The other head sleeps if you play solo. Don’t allow it to do instanced content (or make that an unappealing option mechanically somehow, and always count it for two slots). Shared and doubled experience required.

And give the option to race change freely if you level to 120.

Ogres would be great. For current armor fit, probably no Cyclops or two heads.

My class preferences.
No: pallidans, priests, rogues, monks, druids.
Yes: warriors, mages, shaman, warlocks, hunters.
DH and DK are also NO.

I don’t like seeing gnome warriors and don’t want to see ogre monks either. It just makes no logical sense to me.

If I were to make an Ogre, they would have to be the follow classes in order:

Likely: Warrior, Hunter, Priest, Rogue, Mage, Shaman, Warlock.

Not Likely: Paladin, Monk, Druid, Death Knight, Demon Hunter.

You lost me at no memes, I’m afraid.

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Back in Cata, I thought for sure the next races would be ogres for the Horde and furbolg for the Alliance. They are both traditional allies to their respective factions, and ogres in particular are iconic for the Horde. Once the pandaren arrived, I kind of figured that furbolgs were finished for being too similar, but now I hope they have a chance for allied race consideration as well.

I am really curious what the female ogre model would look like. BfA has introduced some larger-framed female models, such as the blood dire troll matriarchs and the Kul’tiran women to a lesser extent. These could perhaps be the starting point for ogre ladies.

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Why not cyclops though? seems pretty okey to me, one big eye instead of 2

Every race so far except goblins and worgens are monks, its showed that Ogre are great booze makers, and if tauren and kul’tirans can, i don’t see why ogres can’t

Priest is also obvious option cause there are ogres priests around the world, i remember seeing then in outland.

If allied races could be DKs in general they would be…

they indeed were supposed to come in cata, but they chose goblins instead that time.

furbolgs allied race would make much sense too, dunno if they would use pandaren rig but it is worth a shot.

So am i, we have just some draws about it, i ope it could be a mix of female orc and female kul’tiras, so it could be “attractive” in a amazon/warrior way.

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I’m not leaving completely. I just have limited time to post on the forums until July. ^^;

I’ll always find time to support playable Horde Ogres somehow, of course. Been wanting them since Burning Crusade, and while they may not appear this expansion, or even the next one if they skip new races, I’ll still be here supporting them as my most wanted race, for whatever that is worth. ^^

That said, 4 week college classes are brutal…ergh… x- x