Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

One head Warrior, other Warlock. Warrlockior.

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Racial trait: 20% chance of hitting the wrong target. (friend or foe)

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I think they should get chariots. I mentioned that for Naga some time ago but they could use some too as ogres O.o I also would like a draenor hippo.

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If they go for alternate Ogres, chariots would be apt.

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I think some of them tagged along with the Mag’har. Anyway we already got stonemaul ogres. Somehow Dagg also got to our universe so I wouldnt mind those ogres with some of our native ogres as a race. I would like the ogres of the great empire as they have roman like features and decent intelligence. And the tattoos with the magic ogres (Fel fire arcane and shadow) were pretty dope. The base orc model isn’t really attractive but adding a magical element would be enough for me to play them.

Edit: The ogres before Ko’ragh. Love that sort of vibe.

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A chariot mount is a neat idea, but I don’t really see it fitting if the playable Horde Ogres are Stonemaul specifically. Swamps aren’t the best place to ride in chariots.

Now, if they had multiple Horde Ogre clans within the playable ranks, I could see chariots being used thanks to the Gorian Ogres bringing their innovations from the Gorian Empire. I also could see chariots being a mount you can buy if Ogres were an allied race. It’s similar to if, for argument’s sake, the Vulpera were to be an allied race and while they sold a hyena mount, they use alpacas as their racial mount.

Still, I love the idea of a chariot mount, and hope to see it implemented in some fashion. Having it being Ogre related really fits, in my opinion, but Ogre innovation for clans not really part of an empire tends to be very slow…unless it’s to smash stuff, in which case they innovate quite fast. :V

Thinking on it, if we did get multiple clans part of playable Horde Ogres, it would be neat to see a few different mounts players could earn based on what the different clans use. Imagine if they were a core race, then they would have a mount vendor with different colors of multiple mounts, including chariots thanks to the Gorian Ogres.

Hmm, seems like an idea I should ponder over for a bit. I am very fond of the idea of multiple Ogre clans in the Horde, as long as the Stonemaul Clan is part of it of course. ^^


Doing some research on Petopia for mounts for the Stonemaul Clan in particular, there really isn’t much in terms of beasts that would be mountable in Dustwallow Marsh. Most would likely buckle under the weight of Ogres and don’t especially fit the theme of Ogres, in my opinion.

Now, looking at Southern Barrens, the connecting zone, I did notice there are some savanna boars in the area. There are also some thunder lizards, if you want something a bit more big and menacing, that could work as well.

Thus, if we look at the Stonemaul Clan specifically, I do feel that boars would work the best. If designed right, maybe with some armor and some sort of weapon on their tusks, it would work very well. In particular since at least one Ogre in WoD, I think, does right on a boar mount.

There are already boar mounts in-game, so it’d be mostly a matter of changing the model’s looks. If they become a core race, a few recolors shouldn’t be too big of an issue as well.

I’d still like to hear any opinions people have regarding Ogre mounts. As I said, I do really like the idea of a chariot mount, though the question there is what would be the animals pulling the chariot?

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Could be a boar, you said something about the boars pulling the chariot or something. That therefore could work well. A chariot pulled by a single boar or two of them. I mean, we have a giant meat wagon. I don’t think a chariot is unreasonable.

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We already have a full fledged clan of Ogres literally in the Horde in Dustwallow Marsh.

I vote for Two-Headed Ogres as many casters are two-headed and it’s one of their main features in my opinion.

Also they could have several tattoos and tribal markings as seen in various places such as the Tanaris Ogres.

Cyclops and Two Eyes are a great idea. Overall I love Ogres and they’ve been long overdue for the Horde. Especially because they are already literally sworn in members of the Horde so I mean :eyes:



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Clefthoofs pulling a chariot would make some sense, since the chariots would’ve been used by the Gorian Empire. The Ogres would’ve needed a strong enough beast to pull the chariot and an Ogre using it. They’re also fairly close to them as well in Draenor’s Nagrand.

Both would be great to have. In many forms of media, Ogres would likely have facial hair of some sort also.

If they could pull off two-head customization where you can design both heads separately, it would be amazing. ^^


We got 3 technically.
Stonemaul, The Ogres that followed the Mag’Har with us back to our world, and Dunemaul.


I believe you but I don’t remember some of those. I distinctly remember Dustwallow though and now that I think about it I believe there’s one in Feralas ironically lead by a female Orc who is kind of a mean lady.


Stonemaul Clan has quests in Dustwallow and are the Ogres in Feralas. They were there to try to take Dire Maul from the Gordunni Ogres, who are at the time occupying it and causing problems for the Horde and Alliance there.

Quick Edit: The Stonemaul have not done much since Cataclysm, other than sending an emissary to Pandaria that the Alliance kills as a daily quest, I think.

Dunemaul Clan you can see in Tanaris. Eventually, Megs Dreadshredder “recruits” them in the Horde. It’s not an official induction, but more like indentured servitude with her as their boss. Nothing has come from this since Cataclysm, though, so what she is doing with them is unknown.

As for the Draenor Ogres, they’re from the remnants of the Gorian Empire, I think, that the Horde and Alliance topple in WoD. I call them the Gorian Clan just to keep it simple. You see them in the Mag’har Orc unlock questline, and you see some come with the Mag’har to our Azeroth. They have not done anything since.

Now, if Blizzard doesn’t integrate all these clans into the playable Ogre storyline, at the very least the Stonemaul Clan needs to be the clan that represents playable Ogres. They’ve had the most history with the Horde, played a role in Warcraft III’s Orc Frozen Throne campaign, already are part of the Horde, and proud to fight for the Horde.

Plus, helping them secure their home back and getting Dire Maul for the Horde would make great pre-expansion events if they are a core race. ^^


Recalling from Warcraft III, the Stonemaul Clan has a Trial of Strength, where a gauntlet is run and many strong beasts and such would need to be slain. Rexxar had to do this in order to join the Stonemaul Clan and defeat their corrupt leader, Kor’gall.

Thinking on it for WoW, the Trial of Strength could be used a number of ways. One of which is for new Ogre characters, where they have to go through it in order to initiate as full members of the Stonemaul Clan. This would need to be soloable if it is required as part of the questline, but this could easily be an instanced area that has Ogre NPC’s to come with the player, or even be something that allows other newbie Ogres to join as a bit of a scenario.

My understanding is that in Warcraft III, this Trial of Strength was open only to Ogres or those with Ogre blood, like the Mok’nathol, but another thing that could be done is make this a mini dungeon of sorts for anyone of any race to do. Rewards could be given out for doing it, and it would be a for-fun event that could even become a micro-holiday.

Such a micro-holiday could be a yearly event where the Stonemaul Clan celebrate their triumph over the dragonkin in getting their home back, respecting their ancestors, and celebrating their official induction into the Horde. Here, the Trial of Strength could be an instanced dungeon like I mentioned previously, and it would also incorporate the various Ogre games I mentioned in this thread, and hunts occur for a giant feast also.

There is also a Trial of Blood, which is what Rexxar went through to kill Kor’gall to take over the Stonemaul Clan in Warcraft III. Whether this is exclusively to fight the clan leader to take over the clan or is just pastime for combat, I am unsure, but this could be a series of colosseum-like battles done in a group and also a solo challenge could work if designed right. More rewards different from those in the Trial of Strength can also be given.

It’d be a neat thing to celebrate a new core race as a micro-holiday, and obviously the Alliance would have something similar. It also gives some flavor to how the Ogres operate and gives players something to do. Obviously a lot of it would need to be fleshed out, maybe with some other trials added, but it sounds like a fun idea to me.

Perhaps in the near future, I can think on it more and plan things out in a mock-up of what it would be like. ^^

I want these tattoos!

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They appear to be from Highmaul, so if the Gorian Clan from Draenor integrates with the Stonemaul, we could see similar tattoos as options.

Speaking of customization, I thought up a list of possible customization options for playable Ogres:

Heads (1 or 2, each selectable for unique head customization or second head varies based on first head like with Worgen and their human form)

Head Horn
Facial Hair
Hair Style
Skin Color

I thought about adding features like scars, but this seems like enough. Especially if we got playable two-headed Ogres. If I’ve missed something, feel free to mention it. ^^

Quick Edit: Obviously forgot that we’d have female Ogres, so they would have something in place of facial hair for them. Piercings would likely be for both male and female, as I think I’ve seen males with pierced ears and such.

I want a Bearded Ogre of one of the crazier skin tones (Blue, Red, or Dark Grey.).

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Regarding my “March of the Stonemaul Clan” player event, I have planned out a new route and have timed one lap to be roughly 11 minutes, meaning two laps is much more manageable and reasonable. Of course, there would be time before it, for preparation, and also ending it off by marching into Grommash Hold and having my Ogre character, as a Stonemaul Clan Ambassador, talk to the warchief of wanting to become full members of the Horde.

If we don’t hear any 8.2 news, or it seems likely that 8.2 doesn’t come out in July, I will still aim for sometime in July for the event to take place. Otherwise, I’ll have to figure something out later on when people wouldn’t be busy with the new content.

I still need to work out a script, where my Ogre character talks about the history of the Stonemaul Clan and how they want to become fully inducted as members of the Horde (instead of honorary members), and finalize the path, which I think I have, before I start advertising it in places like discord and such. Also when I have a more concrete date and time of when said event would take place.

And if by some miracle playable Horde Ogres do get announced before the event, I may just postpone it and make it an actual Ogre March with a different script type and make it a celebration of playable Horde Ogres.

And to just be clear, it’s just a fun event meant to act as a “request” playable Horde Ogres as opposed to a “demand” for it. There is a different posture between the two, and I want to make sure our support for playable Horde Ogres is respectful to everyone, including the devs.

Anyway, time to work on the script and learn how to apply it to macros. ^^

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I was very busy without wow for a while, and unable to access foruns, its good to see this thread didn’t die.

did i miss anything? as far as i know there is no new info in 8.2 regardless any allied race