Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

There was a where sethraks and vulperas attended together!
I think … you can tell that the sethraks appeared as “uninvited guests”! ^^


I’d race change this character to an ogre in a heartbeat.

Mar’gok was an interesting and underrated character.


Ah, I thought he was chilling with the OG frostwolves.

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Sounds like a fun event if it was planned with both parties. Wonder if any screenshots are around like with Foxtober. ^^

Honestly, I don’t know where Thrall went during/after Legion. I should keep an eye out on the 8.2 datamine info to see if anything is said about what he was up to. I’m also wanting to keep an eye out for Rexxar stuff in 8.2 and beyond, as that could lead to him rallying the Stonemaul clan similar to Warcraft III.

Well since the Elements Left him after Cheating in Mok’no’thra agonist Garriosh he has to find away to get his Power back…I kinda hope we find out he has been a Daemon Lord this whole time and we just didn’t know it…

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So while nothing Ogre specific has been in the datamining so far, to my knowledge, some interesting stuff has happened.

Blizzcon was officially announced to be November 1st and 2nd, which is…quite a long ways away. While I hope we don’t wait until then for allied race announcements of any kind, it’s likely we may get an announcement for the next expansion then. Needless to say, each time an expansion is announced, I do hope for playable Horde Ogres to finally be announced, but given that we are getting a bunch of allied races this expansion, it raises a question of if we would get any new races, core or allied, the next expansion.

I’ll be keeping an eye out at Blizzcon for any Ogre news, but due to college, won’t have the money to attend physically, a shame as I like that Orc Grunt statue, or digitially. I’ll have to rely on a liveblog of the WoW events. If I did get to go there personally, I would totally cosplay as a Stonemaul Ogre to help support playable Ogres, but such is life. x- x

On another note, some more new Brewfest icons have been datamined, and while nothing Ogre specific, I did see someone mention in another thread that a long time ago, there were Ogre icons added for some drinks to Brewfest. I don’t know when this occurred, but to my knowledge, the only Ogres present at Brewfest are the Gordok, which interestingly enough are related to the Gordunni clan, that sell to both Horde and Alliance.

If we ever found any brewfest icons that mention the Stonemaul clan specifically, it could be a cause to get excited. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t believe they have a presence at Brewfest at all.

At any rate, seems like we may have a long wait still, but as I said before, with any luck we’ll start seeing the Stonemaul Clan be part of the story soon to help the Horde out. As I typed in another post:

Tharg: Sumday me hopes ta be…part of ddaaaa wwwwwuuuurrrrrrlllldddddddd!

So in thinking about current WoW events, I thought about speculating about thoughts I’ve had regarding Dustwallow Marsh as a meeting place for any coup planning.

First things first, Sylvanas and Nathanos’ attitude to Ogres are likely to be disdain and annoyance. This is even assuming that Sylvanas knows of or remembers the Stonemaul Clan to begin with. Likely, there isn’t much in term of Horde activity in Dustwallow Marsh to want to keep an eye on it, let alone have any of her “loyal” subjects put there.

I also don’t see Sylvanas really wanting to utilize the Stonemaul Ogres for anything she particularly wants, unless there is still a battle for Dire Maul against the Alliance. As a result, I don’t expect her commanding them as mooks on her side if a coup did occur, nor would the Stonemaul clan ever willingly help her. It doesn’t fit them, and I doubt Sylvanas would want anything to do with Ogres other than expendable pawns. Besides, the Stonemaul Clan owes A LOT to the Horde, and what better way to pay back their debt and officially become full members of the Horde than by helping to save it?

Furthermore, with Rexxar’s connection, it makes some sense to both contact the Stonemaul Ogres and have a coup meeting where Sylvanas’ eyes aren’t around. If she wasn’t really aware of Baine’s Theramore meeting, aside from if players choose to rat Baine out, whats to stop collusion in another part of the swamp? I think her arrest with Baine is her hope that none will attempt any plotting behind her back. Not to mention that in either the current Stonemaul village or their original one, if it was retaken and restored, the Stonemaul would be trustworthy and make good guards in case any spying was found.

If we did see the Stonemaul clan make a return, I would likely view it as planting the seeds in the future as either an allied or core race. It would still be something of a wait for sure, but at least it would be something to make note of.

Here is hoping for them to make a reappearance and joining us in on any coup attempts. The Horde needs as many allies as it can get to be successful. Who knows what Sylvanas would do in such a situation?

Keep me updated on the ogre event, I’d love to help support it!


So regarding this Ogre event idea I had, I did a test walk on a route I planned to do in Orgrimmar, and one lap is roughly 45 minutes. We’re looking at a roughly 1 hour and 30 minute march if I did two laps. I’ll need to time it again to see how long it might be.

The route I was planning to take was from the starting gates to The Valley of Honor, to a brief circle on the map in front of the North gate (going too close to the gate phases people into Azshara), walking back and going through the Valley of Wisdom, through the tunnel into The Valley of Spirits, around the circular walkway to go south to the Orgimmar Embassy, back down to in front of the gate.

During the march, I had planned to make a character that was suppose to pretend to be a Stonemaul Ogre, who forms this march to honor his clan, bring awareness that they want to help out with the current events (aka be playable), and to garner support to be officially inducted as full members of the Horde. I would be shouting some Stonemaul lore at different points of the march to show what they’ve done for the Horde. I would also need to figure out how to make macros for this and then space it out so I’m not spamming the in-game chat.

I did test out the one Ogre illusion toy I had, and it lasts only 10 minutes with a 60 minute cooldown, and any other Ogre illusion toy, which are prizes for the WoW cardgame if I recall correctly, would only last about 5 minutes each, so even if I had them, I likely wouldn’t be in Ogre form the entire march. If I still go this route, people are going to be confused why an Orc is acting like an Ogre. I may just have to learn how to make lemonade out of this lemon and just do what I can despite the limitations.

I had imagined the march ending either outside Grommash Hold or within it to ask the warchief for consideration of an official induction of the Stonemaul Clan as full members of the Horde and then thanking anyone who was still around for their help in honoring the Stonemaul clan. I doubt Sylvanas is going to blight us. Likely she’d just silently roll her eyes begrudgingly if anything. :V

As mentioned before, I’m wanting the march to represent a request for playable Ogres, which is a different posture to demanding Ogres if that makes any sense. It’s suppose to be fun and hopefully show Blizzard, if by some miracle they catch wind of it, that there are people who would love to have playable Ogres.

I’m still thinking it through to see if it is viable, as well as thinking up a script. If I decide to go through it, it’ll be sometime in July.

Regardless if I end up doing this event or not, I would like to do an Ogre event of some sort in July. If anyone is interested, let me know and post in this thread. I’ll be sure to mention if I decide to do the event, what time/sever it’d be on, and such.

Also to be clear, again, I’m not expecting a huge turnout of people joining the event. Anyone is welcome to come if they want, and hopefully during the march, some people will join in. It’s just meant to be fun and unique. ^^;

Until then, I got finals to prepare for…sigh…x- x

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So after a long day of finals studying, I feel like typing about the Dunemaul Clan some.

The Dunemaul Clan “joined” the Horde during the Tanaris questline, where Megs Dreadshredder was wanting to utilize them for her plans…well, and the Horde in general, as she says. However, it wasn’t really an official induction like with the Taunka in WotLK, but more like indentured servitude.

First we try to get the Dunemaul Clan to sign a petition, but sadly their civilization hasn’t evolved to the point that Ogre law has really developed, other than what the strongest Ogre says, so it becomes kinda moot. Then we beat them up and offer them some delicious…err…bug parts. That somehow gets them to be on board to do whatever Megs wants them to do. Of course, she has us kill their current leader, rather than get him in on the deal, so the Dunemaul clan has no leader. She then has plans to transport them in order to “serve the Horde” by doing the important task of…umm…errr…the jury is still out on that one. <- <

So the question is what to do with the Dunemaul Clan if we get playable Ogres on the Horde?

If, say, we would get events leading up to Ogres being playable, then Megs and the Dunemaul Clan should make an appearance of some sort. It makes sense if Blizzard would go through the “multiple clans” route, like I’ve written in previous posts, but even if it focuses on just one clan, the Stonemaul Clan being the most likely, an appearance would be good to tie up the loose end.

It’s pretty obvious that Megs is wanting to use the Dunemaul Clan for her own interests, and they’ve pretty much disappeared since then. If we go with the coup rumors and involve the Stonemaul Clan, I don’t see why Megs wouldn’t want to join the coup efforts to help overthrow Sylvanas. It’s not like being on Sylvanas’ side would be advantageous, as it’s a bit hard to make profit when you’re dead…moreso when you’re an undead thrall. If not that, then assisting with getting Dire Maul taken over for the Horde should garner some interest from her wanting to excavate it and finding all the treasures within. Either way, it would earn Megs some brownie points with the Horde.

Another question would be the Dunemaul Clan’s loyalty, since they are technically part of the Horde, but not really official members of it. Considering they were fairly eager to join once they got some food, albeit after getting smacked around some, they would likely be pretty cool with it as long as they get food, drink, and stuff to bash.

One easy way to have loyalty is to mention the Legion invasions from before Legion came out. There were random demon invasions in different zones. For Tanaris, they tried to abduct the Dunemaul Clan and players could help save them. A good way to keep their loyalty is to say that the Horde helped save their clan from abduction, and that they owe the Horde, similar to how the Stonemaul Clan owes the Horde. Free food, drink, bedding, and protection. Whats not to like?

Even if the Dunemaul clan isn’t part of the playable Ogre clan, it would still be easy to involve them. Likely, putting different “Dunemaul Bodyguard” mobs where Bilgewater Goblins are would be another good way to explain what they’re up to. Megs likely would be making a good profit having the Dunemaul Clan act as bodyguards or mercenaries, and Ogres are pretty popular for both roles. Also, a new Dunemaul Clan leader can be put in place while being handpicked by Megs so she has some power over them still.

If we go the “one clan” route for playable Ogres, player characters can always roleplay their Ogre as having been part of the Dunemaul Clan, but are assisting the Stonemaul Clan and the Horde for roleplay reasons. This still leaves that option open for those who’d want their Ogres to be of the Dunemaul Clan.

I feel like a lot of the Ogre presence in revamped Cataclysm areas was related to when Ogres were originally planned to be playable. I’d be curious to see how Blizzard would have handled the lore of playable Ogres, Stonemaul Clan still being my best guess, and seeing how it would’ve related to some aspects like the Dunemaul Clan. Would explain a few things, in my opinion.

I’m still a fan of having multiple clans unite in the Horde, but even if you focus on just the Stonemaul Clan, there is plenty you can do with the other Ogre clans that are part of the Horde. They can still assist the Horde and still be proud members of it. ^^

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Found this by chance.

Fan-made, of course, but I thought it would be cool to share.


Now Blizz even has a body. Just stretch the Kul Tiran model a bit.


Just chub up the Mok’nathal model and add both =D



I think I’ve seen this before, and given that it was uploaded in 2017, it could be something of a custom model. One of the neat things with Ogres is that there are quite a bit of fan-made models for Ogres, including several mock-ups of female Ogres. It goes to show that there is a decent amount of demand for them to be playable. I do appreciate you sharing this. ^^

Thinking on it some more, I do wonder if they would just edit the Kul Tiran models at all for Ogres. As an allied race, they could either do that or just edit the current male Ogre model, which already has some work done on it and would just require some touching up and customization options.

I realize that, in the case of the Nightborne, they used different models from the NPC variants instead of just using the NPC models. I don’t know how much work the Nightborne NPC models had on them, but the current Ogre model has different animations, a dance, and can ride mounts among other things. Heck, most of the moonkin forms for Druids use the Ogre skeleton, for that matter.

On the other hand, especially as a core race, if they ended up creating entirely new models, it could allow them to add in two-headed playable Ogres more easily, either at launch or eventually as an unlockable customization option like with the Night Elves and their Night Warrior customization. This might be the best route to go to be able to offer two-heads as an option.

Regardless of what occurs, an Ogre female model would still need to be created, so it would take some work with whatever Blizzard would decide to do. Hopefully time would be taken to work on the models, making sure they work properly and the animations are thoroughly tested, and not be rushed out. ^^


So after a long day of finals studying, interrupted by a second day of tornado activity, I thought of typing up some about Mug’thol and the Crushridge Clan, seeing as they were said to be once part of the Stonemaul clan and Mug’thol in particular has some beef with Sylvanas.

This video shows off the Warcraft III part of Mug’thol lore:

As far as I know, he hasn’t really made much of an appearance or has done much in WoW, other than commanding a leader of a small group of the Boulderfist Clan for…reasons. The Crushridge Clan in general is hostile to both Horde and Alliance, also.

One of the reasons I bring him up is with the rumors of a coup against Sylvanas. Mug’thol does have some beef with her having forced him into slavery to do her bidding, so it would be interesting to see him play a part in attempting to dethrone her and get some revenge.

The other reason I mention is that popular belief states that the Crushridge Clan and the Stonemaul Clan use to be combined, as the original Stonemaul Clan, before they split for some reason. The Stonemaul we know sailed and landed in Dustwallow Marsh. The other half stayed in Eastern Kingdoms, eventually becoming the Crushridge Clan.

Is there a chance that the Stonemaul Clan would want to reach out to their former members to possibly reunite? Since there isn’t a reason stated why they split, it’s hard to say. One thing is for certain though, and it is that with Sylvanas as warchief of the Horde, let alone being in the Horde in general, Mug’thol would want nothing to do with joining the Horde.

For the Stonemaul Clan to reach out to the Crushridge Clan, the Horde would need to get something out of it. The best scenario I can think of is to both get more allies for a coup against Sylvanas, and likely to get more allies and footholds on the Eastern Kingdoms continent.

The Crushridge Clan would also need to be in a bad situation where they are located, which I think is in the Alterac Mountains. Being hostile to the Horde, it might even be hard to even start such negotiations, even with the Stonemaul Clan having emissaries such as on Pandaria. However, with the idea of getting revenge against Sylvanas, getting to keep his territory, and of course free food and drink for his clan, it could convince Mug’thol to reunite with the Stonemaul Clan and join the Horde.

Speaking of Sylvanas, Mug’thol likely would only be concerned with her as opposed to the Forsaken in general. Varimathras is gone, and Sylvanas is the one that forced him into slavery, so he may not really care too much about the Forsaken in general, if he even knows about them. In dire situations, at the very least getting revenge against Sylvanas would be the main benefit, in my opinion.

So could it work? It could, if some creativeness is applied, but it is possible there are things I have overlooked. Arguments likely could be made against the idea, also. Still, given the current circumstances, and not having seen Mug’thol in a long time, it’d be an interesting storyline to see him come back and join the Horde in such a fashion that leads to a complete Stonemaul Clan as playable Ogres for the Horde.

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This site about playable Ogres has been around since at least BC


I’ve visited that site many times throughout the years. It’s neat to see it is still up and still being worked on to this day. Plus, it’s always fun to make your own Ogre character on there!

I wish I had the creativeness to do something like that web site, but on the other hand, I’m always happy to see there are Ogre fans that put in a lot of work to support them being playable. ^^

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Another long day of finals studying and I need a break, so more Ogre talk! This time, I wanted to give my opinion on classes for playable Ogres. We’ll be focusing on the Stonemaul Clan, the one in Dustwallow Marsh, for this evaluation.

Again, this is all my opinion. A few classes can be debatable, so feel free to give your input. ^^

Death Knight: Possible. As an allied race, Ogres likely wouldn’t get Death Knights. As a core race, however, it could be possible. Ogre Death Knights could come from the Stonemaul Clan that stayed on the Eastern Kingdoms, the clan that eventually turns into the Crushridge Clan. It would be likely that the Lich King would’ve turned some of them into Death Knights then. It’s a bit similar to how they handled Worgen Death Knights and the liberties taken to explain them.

Demon Hunter: Nope! As of this post, Demon Hunters are a Night/Blood Elf club only. Besides, Ogres can smash demons just fine currently. They don’t need to be dumb AND blind to do so.

Druid: Nope! I can not imagine Ogres hugging a tree. They’re more likely to rip trees out of the ground and smack and bash their enemies with them, instead. Besides, they need the wood to make their clubs with pointy spikes in them.

Hunter: Yep! There have been Ogre Hunters in different clans, so I don’t see why the Stonemaul Clan wouldn’t have them. Likely, their starting weapon would be a gun of some sort, and thinking about the beasts in the swamp, perhaps a crocolisk would work. There aren’t many choices, according to Petopia’s location search. They aren’t fond of the spiders and the raptors are a bit of a nuisance. Crocolisks are plentiful in the area and might be more easy for the Ogres to gather their eggs compared to the other beasts. It would also make Ogres a little more unique in terms of starting pets.

Mage: Yep! Ogre mages are a thing in multiple clans, so we would see them here.

Monk: Possible. I realize seeing an Ogre Monk is a hard sight to imagine, but I think I have seen some artwork, likely from Hearthstone, of Ogre Monks. I’m sure some would make excellent Brewmaster Monks as they get drunk and throw kegs around. It also gives them another potential healing spec with a “beer will fix it!” attitude. Still, I’m sure this is a debatable one.

Paladin: Nope! I can not imagine any of the Ogres being chivalrous and upholding the virtues Paladins have. “By dey powa ob Dustwallow! Me have da pppppooowwwwwaaaaa!” Not very likely.

Priest: Possible. My understanding is that Ogre Shadow Mages have been a thing previously, and the closest thing in that regard is a Shadow Priest. As for the other specs, I’m not sure they would be priests in the traditional sense, much like how Gnome Priests are field medics in the storyline. It is likely the Ogres could get them in that regard, and would give another healing spec. Very debatable, though.

Rogue: Nope! In my opinion, Ogres sound like a herd of elephants when trying to stealth. I honestly don’t see them as Rogues, and while one does exist (Dagg), it seems more of an exception rather than the rule.

Shaman: Yep! Plenty of Ogres are Shamans in multiple clans. This would be a safe bet and would likely be their main healing spec.

Warlock: Yep! Since Ogres are capable of becoming mages, I don’t see why some wouldn’t dabble in the fel magic. There might be some Ogre Warlocks in different clans, also. For the Stonemaul, it’d be fairly easy to find a secluded spot in Dustwallow to meet up and practice Warlock magic, assuming it is frowned upon.

Warrior: Yep! The most iconic class for Ogres. Of course they would be one!

My final class selection: Death Knight, Hunter, Priest, Monk, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior.

Think I got all the classes. Again, all just opinion with some being debatable, so feel free to give your opinions on possible classes for them. ^^


Ogres not being a playable race in game is a travesty.


I very much agree. Ogres are, in my opinion, the one race missing in terms of playable status in the Horde, given that they were part of the original Horde and are part of the current Horde. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll continue to say it, it’s frustrating that the world has been in danger so many times and the Horde Ogres haven’t made so much as an appearance to help out with it. I’m hopeful in that playable Horde Ogres are a matter of when and not if.

On another note, my last exam is very soon, so that should give me some time to think about the “March of the Stonemaul Clan” player event and also do some more writing. I was considering a scenario that involves implementing the idea I typed a few posts ago, where Dustwallow Marsh becomes a meeting place for potential coup planning and as a lead-in for eventually having the Stonemaul Ogres playable in the future. It is just meant to show how such an idea can be implemented within the context of what we know is going on currently.

Until then, more studying!..sigh…x- x