Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

I’d take Mok’nathal over Ogres. Always wanted Mok’nathal since I ran across them in Outland but I still would like to have Ogres. And they need to have a two headed option. And I think the females should be thicc. And not sure on who runs Ogre society but I think it would be cool to have these thicc females being the leaders of the males.

I’m planning on modeling an ogre female this coming week since I found the ogre model from wowmodelviewer that I had years ago. I’ll post here if I get around to modeling the female.


I want ogre females to look like princess thedras, or whatever from the mara dungeon. They are ogres and should represent that. Im tired of bland basic “pretty” females anyway. Not everything should be pretty-ified. They are different species, we shouldnt find all other species to match our own values of attraction anyway. The male ogres should have flirt lines to show they love it though.


I’m curious if, when making Ogres playable, they would focus on just the Stonemaul Clan and forget the others (Dunemaul and Draenor Ogres) or if they would actually do something with at least those three. There are plenty of ways to go about doing it, but at the very least it should involve the Stonemaul, at the very least, in some way.

One thing about rallying the clans in the Horde, and adding other clans to the mix, is to give a bit more of an explanation of how so many Ogres would be out and about adventuring, along with a way to explain customization options such as different skin colors.

I watched a video regarding Ogres as an allied race, and it mentioned that the Stonemaul were suppose to be in Feralas to take over Dire Maul from the Gordunni Clan and other inhabitants, while saying that since it was previously a High Elf city, it had magical properties that the Nightborne, and I assume Blood Elves, could help with. Both would surely be very interested in assisting the Stonemaul clan in getting Dire Maul officially Horde controlled.

The video even offered a neat idea of a warfront while also mentioning that Night Elf Worgen could make an appearance to counter the Ogres in the area.

Video in question here:

Many thanks to Keeper of Lore for making this video. It offers a lot of background of Ogres and analyzing them becoming an allied race. Really good watch for us Ogre fans.


So thinking about different possible Ogre games for the unlock quest I mentioned, to either get different clans to join or to show you are strong enough for them to follow you, I thought of a few in addition to ones I previously mentioned for fun. Assume these are all mini-games of some kind.

To begin with, I would assume in order to help you get the Ogres into the Horde, the Goblins, likely following Megs from the Dunemaul questline, would be assisting you to che-err, make things “fair” for you.

Ogre Tug of War Contest

A simple game of tug of war that, when you beat an opponent, you then have to deal with 2, 3, and so on as you progress. The Goblins of course can help you with a potion that makes you stronger. You’ll have to keep tugging while pressing buttons to counter any warning symbols that occur.

Ogre Fishing Contest

So Ogres wouldn’t fish with puny poles and string. They’d just jump in and find fish to bash and toss out of the water. So what to do while they’re battling sharks? Why, put a whale-shark nearby of course. Who wouldn’t want to defeat one of those notorious mobs? But in order to do it, the Goblins once again help you with a combat suit to keep it busy while they attach explosives to its bottom. After a certain amount of time, the whale-shark can fly up from the explosion and land on shore, impressing all the nearby Ogres.

Ogre Eating Contest

The purpose of all those fish would be to get food for this content. Simply put: eat as much as you can without barfing. I’m sure the goblins would have some sort of pill where it’ll let you eat more than you would normally, but you’ll have to keep an eye on your stomach meter as you’re munching, maybe letting out some burps to make more room for food.

Ogre Drinking Contest

After a nice meal, Ogres would be wanting to drink, so the object is to drink as much ale as possible without passing out. Take a swig, eat some goblin bread on the side to lower your state of drunkenness every so often, and try not to reach 100% or you’ll pass out. A funny way to implement failing this is to have the Ogres say that everyone passed out, so they don’t know who actually won it, so they’ll have to start again.

The Gnome Punt and Naga Toss Contests

Gnome punting comes from captured Alliance Gnomes, and likely suggested by the Goblins, in which you have to charge up your foot meter and aim to punt one the longest distance. The Goblins could lend special boots that allow rocket-powered kicks that you have to charge up before the kick.

Naga Tossing is similar, but come from captured naga either from the next BfA patch or nearby if all this takes place on the beach of Tanaris. Grab a naga prisoner by the tail, which causes your character to start spinning. You need to build up a power meter, but also balance it with a dizziness meter to toss your naga the farthest. Much like the Gnome Punting event, the Goblins could have rocket powered gloves to assist with this, although spinning faster causes dizziness to increase at a faster rate.

That is all I can think of for now. I think these type of contests would be neat to show off some Ogre culture and be different from questing.


i rly don’t know what route blizzard would go, they could make thins “easier” like they did with maghar and put every clan in one banner or just one clan alone to give it more identity

honestly i don’t rly care much at this point, but would be cool to have an united ogre force.

as far as i know there is no skin color tied to a clan, so this would not be affected

the main point is if they will do more “work” to explain more ogres joining together, or just do the homework and put the stonemaul who have more presence.

They also ahve the ogres who came with the Maghar, and maybe there is more gorian ogres in Goria and, as great magicians, they could open a portal to our world on their own and escape from the draeneis here.


I have been doing some thinking about the actual unlock quest chain, and while I do like uniting different clans, realistically it would be less work to just say that the Stonemaul clan represents the playable Ogre faction. As Syegfryed mentioned, theres different skin tones from the Stonemaul in Dustwallow Marsh, and since Void Elves are a thing, the huge influx of traveling Stonemaul Ogres doesn’t really need to be explained much in detail.

Thus, if we’re dealing with just the Stonemaul Ogres being recruited, maybe the Dunemaul are being used for the benefit of Megs as opposed to the Horde and the Draenor Ogres could have just joined the Stonemaul clan, heres an idea I had involving just recruiting the Stonemaul clan.

For simplicity’s sake, lets assume that Sylvanas is still Warchief, and that if a dethrone attempt occurs, it comes afterwards.

Interestingly enough, one of the first quests you can get in Dustwallow comes from an Ogre, I’ll mention him later, who mentions their wife having been killed fleeing their original home, so the clan does have women. Either a female Ogre model can be made and inserted in the area without mention, or we can just say that a clan of Ogre women, from that amazon island mentioned earlier, have arrived for reasons and decide to join and mate with the Stonemaul clan.

Also since the Stonemaul did arrive in Kalimdor from Lorderon via ships, they should know ship building and the knowledge of being shipwrights. Thus, if we’re tying them into a BfA allied race, and Dustwallow is right next to the sea and Theramore is gone, it gives them a good reason to join a sea-themed expansion and give another port area for the Horde.

So who would be the one to offer the allied race unlock quest after requirements are met? Rexxar is the obvious choice, having ties with the clan and the clan itself already part of the Horde. Rexxar can cite these ties to Sylvanas, mention they know how to make ships, and they would be a huge asset as reinforcements in Dustwallow and Feralas.

Two themes come to mind with the Stonemaul specifically: Reclaim their home and Dire Maul. Lets start with the former.

Your character and Rexxar arrive in Dustwallow and find that theres trouble brewing with the remaining black dragonflight mobs that are there. The new leader from the Cataclysm questline in Dustwallow Marsh is Tharg, the one whose wife died I mentioned and who became chieftain after you ran off the last one, and asks you for help. Suddenly, the blackdragon flight just outright raid the Ogre town you’re in, which you help fend off.

Tharg decides enough is enough, and pleads to Rexxar once more to lead an attack on the rest of the dragonflight and help reclaim their village lands that he misses and wants back. Thus, you, Rexxar, some Horde members, and the Stonemaul launch a counter attack. If we want to tie this into BfA, lets say that the naga involved in 8.2 struck a deal with the black dragonflight offscreen to hassle the Horde to keep them busy, with a named naga as the leader that needs to be defeated. If not that, then someone that isn’t a black dragonflight member could be trying to assist them to harass the Horde for reasons. This ends with the reclamation of the Stonemaul ruins so they can start rebuilding.

At this point, I’d like to credit Keeper of Lore, from the video I linked earlier, for inspiration for the following:

At this point, the Stonemaul are indebted to the Horde, so we get a progress report on their operation in Feralas regarding Dire Maul. A plan of attack has been made in order to take the former High Elf city for the Horde. Thus, we fly to their base and see a few different armies there. We have the Stonemaul Ogres, Blood Elves, who want to help reclaim it and study its magical properties, and Nightborne who are interested in its magical properties. If San’layn are part of the Horde, have them there also for the same reasons. If Vulpera are part of the Horde, have them there to help scavenge and treasure hunt with the other races.

Thus, we do an attack on Dire Maul against the beings that are there. The Gordunni and other inhabitants fight back to keep their territory, but ultimately the Horde succeeds…until the Alliance attack.

Now, Keeper of Lore brought up the idea of Feralas as a warfront and an introduction to the Night Elf Worgen, so if they were an allied race for the Alliance, they would appear here with other Alliance races, and likely their unlock questline would lead them here on the Alliance side. If not, then an army of Night Elves, regular Worgen, Void Elves, and a few High Elves would be attacking, thinking the Horde would be weak from the previous battle. Same army, just without Night Elf Worgen.

If a warfront is planned, it could lead to a stalemate and a retreat on both sides. If not, then the Horde would win the battle, but have to defend it against the Alliance who likely would be launching regular attacks on it.

Regardless of circumstances, and preferably with that Ogre victory party I mentioned before, Rexxar would call on the Stonemaul Clan’s debt to help the Horde either in whatever the current expansion is, help build ships for the Horde, or to help them in Feralas as a warfront if that is a possibility, along with a reinforced Horde presence in Dustwallow Marsh.

Thus, you return to the embassy, and much to the chagrin of Nathanos, Tharg appears and gets officially inducted into the Horde from Rexxar. We could even get a scene between Rexxar and Tharg, hinting that the Stonemaul may pay their debt back if they are needed in the near future, hinting at a possibility of the Horde overthrowing Sylvanas if that is the direction the plot is heading.

In this case, we have something a bit more serious, could fit in the lore, have an alliance counterpart, and opens up some possibilities depending on what direction the devs want to head in story-wise. The Ogre contests I mentioned could just be their own thing that is for fun in Dustwallow, not tied into anything. Also, I still think the Goblins using their tech for you to control a giant Ogre against the Alliance army can still work here.

This questline isn’t perfect, and I’m sure things can be debatable, but hey, at least it is something.


Thinking about the Dire Maul section, I feel like it needed a bit fleshing out, and thought of a way to make it a bit more interesting and tie up a few loose ends. Namely, what happened to Overlord Mok’Morokk who you run off in the Cataclysm questline in Dustwallow Marsh.

I think that he should become the new Overlord of the Gordunni, since their leader is based on who is the strongest warrior. This would help explain player characters who became their king, and when leaving left a void and opportunity for Mok’Morokk to take over it after he was sent running. It also adds more of a reason for the Horde wanting to finally strike at Dire Maul, since the Gordunni were being troublesome before, but now have a new Overlord trying to raise an army to be even more of a headache.

Ultimately what should happen, is that Mok’Morokk gets defeated and killed, likely by Tharg in a one-on-one battle after the battle begins. This causes Tharg to become the new king of the Gordunni, who orders the Gordunni to join the Horde and help out with Dire Maul. This leads into the Alliance attack portion of the questline I mentioned.

I also feel like the initial attack on Dire Maul by the Horde is where Megs and the Dunemaul should appear, with her assisting in Feralas being where the Dunemaul were being taken to. Megs and any goblins would have an interest in getting into Dire Maul for treasure, and if Vulpera did become playable, they can have a friendly rivalry with treasure hunting plans.

You can even have some flavor text between the Gordunni and Dunemaul, since the former claims the latter smells like poo, causing Tharg to assert dominance telling them to knock it off.

Doing this ties up a few loose ends for Horde Ogres, increases the general size of the playable Ogre population lore-wise, and just makes for a neat storyline. The only thing I need to figure out is where the Draenor Ogres would fit in. Likely, they would just appear and help out, like with the Dunemaul Clan.

Tharg being the leader, at least of the Stonemaul Clan, is hinted at during the Cataclysm plans. This leaves Rexxar free, who would be happier on his own eventually, and opens the possibility of eventually having Rexxar recruit his own clan as an allied race down the road.

Still more fleshing out to do, but I like what I’ve thought of so far.


Good idea.
As for how the Draenor Orcs fit in, Gey’rah or whatver her name is would probably just go “Hey, go help them out and join them.” Don’t know what the Ogrons, Gronnlings, and Gronns would do in that scenario, but whatever.


I suppose they could have been sent to help with the Feralas problem I mentioned, since they sure aren’t in any BfA areas from what I remember. They could be there at first with the Stonemaul Ogres, with the Dunemaul popping up shortly thereafter when the player character arrives. I’ll have to think on the Draenor Ogres some more.

Now to explain the Alliance attack a bit more. The Alliance’s interest in Dire Maul can come from the Void Elves, High Elves, and Night Elves in the Alliance, wanting to reclaim it, learn magical properties from it, and turning it into an Alliance outpost and such, so the Alliance would be keeping an eye on the Gordunni army being gathered by Mon’Morokk.

As they’re spying on the battle and see the Horde win and how the Gordunni are now joining the Horde, a message is quickly sent and the Alliance is panicking. The Gordunni have a lot of territory in Feralas, are destroying the area, have done some really not-nice things in general to the Alliance, and the Horde would be getting a huge advantage in the area. A decision is made to attack to stop the Gordunni from joining the Horde, possibly defeat the Horde there, and then take over Dire Maul afterwards. Thus the attack.

Of course, as mentioned, I see either the Horde fending them off or a stalemate occurring to promote a possible warfront in Feralas. The latter could be more interesting.

I’m having a lot of fun fleshing this out!

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lok pretty solid to me, i just think they don’t need to bring up the “female” ogre thing as something so big, they could just say they always had females like with other races

i too like the idea of feralas cause would bring a bit of living in the area who pretty lame imo

why the dunemaul would become gordunni though?

i always though the dunemaul clan could get a boost of intellect with the azerite, and become more like the ogres of Gorian, it was in one of my scrap ideas that i throw away dunno why, i think it looked silly at that moment because they were “excluded” from the lore after cata

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I don’t recall saying that the Dunemaul would just join the Gordunni clan, unless I mistyped somewhere. The Dunemaul would still be their own clan, and none of the clans would absorb into another, losing their clan name. It’s more of a uniting of different clans than just everyone becoming Stonemaul or so.

The flavor text I mentioned is just a silly thing of the Gordunni having to work with the Dunemaul.

Gordunni Ogre: We gots work with poo Ogres? Aww man…
Dunemaul Ogre: Poo Ogres?! You tink you smell like roses?! You smell like-
Tharg: ENOUGH! You two work together for Horde now. You no fight!

Something like that.

Speaking of Gey’rah, what if she looked like that Orc Johanna skin in Heroes of the Storm? weapon and shield too, would’ve been one badass orc woman if you ask me.

Also they could do an instanced with self portals version of Dire Maul housing numerous Ogre Factions and the recruitment involves dealing with the MU and AU clans vying for control and Rexxar wanting to aid his Stonemaul allies would encourage and help them win over the overpowering AU Draenor clans who have the ancestors on there side (ogrons and gronns basically).

Dire Maul is also a very large zone so that means big creatures can fit in and live there and thus would be similar to Shadowforge City which Dark Irons get an instanced version of thats just not as big, for Ogres some sections of Dire Maul would be closed off due to ‘bad things’ and ‘ghost elfies’ while others might have quick access points like an instance like portal or blame normal portals by Ogre Magis or using the Ogre Waygates system seen on Draenor if you owned a Mage Tower to allow quick travel between the areas.


I like the idea of the instanced area where newbie Ogres start being in Dire Maul. I also like the areas being closed off with the “bad tings” and “ded elfies” signs. Include some of the races I mentioned who are doing studying and research on the area along with groups of Vulpera and Goblins talking about their findings throughout the area for some flavor.

Speaking of, there should be a coliseum there from the Gordunni clan. Have different Horde members standing around it, cheering on a Gronn fighting and knocking unarmed, unarmored Alliance around as they are fighting it. The Horde would be having a grand time with drinking and watching the fight.

Regarding the clans, I am leaning towards all of them being more subservient and working together than planning to overtake any of the other clans for the sake of playable Ogres. They can squabble over stuff, but ultimately are allies who know their place.

i’ll think more on how to design it and what NPC’s should be there and such. :smiley:

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YES, and Vrykuls for the Alliance.

These are the 2 races I’ve been waiting for! I’d love to see Ogres finally.


I do feel that Vrykul are the perfect counter for Ogres in general. While I do like the Night Elf Worgen being involved in Feralas, I feel like they would be introduced outside of Ogres, and just utilized there after being officially part of the Alliance.

As mentioned before, they could both introduce ship to ship combat modes, PvE and PvP related, that would have a lot of potential!

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So there was an interview with Ion summarized on MMO Champion. Since I apparently can’t post links, I’ll have to suggest you go to MMO-Champion to see the complete summary.

Of note the following was said about allied races:

“There are no new Allied Races in Patch 8.2. The team will add more where it makes sense, and entirely new races (non allied races) are still better added in expansions rather than content updates.”

To me, Ogres can fit either of them, and I would be fine with whatever would get us Ogres. If we make them a full fledged race, then the scenario I wrote out can work as a pre-expansion introduction for them, maybe with early access as a preorder bonus. Otherwise, they still would work as an allied race.

I am still of the mindset that the Vrykul would be an excellent counter if they’re looking for full fledged races. I also hope that the allied race concept is not abandoned at all, as some races that are wanted may work best as allied races and not have much of a chance of being a full new race.

That said, as a full new race, I don’t expect a new capital city. I am not sure I would expect new races to start at level 1, or even with their own starting area like with Goblins and Worgen.

I also would have wonder that, if not right now, when exactly is the right time for Ogres to be officially inducted into the Horde and become playable. Hopefully sooner than later. x- x

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For Ogres and Vrykul the Subrace/preexisting reused skeletons and animations of existing races would need them to be worked on since the expansion launched or sooner than that like Kul’tirans which they claim came under a similar issue.

For others such as Sethrak, Vulpera and much as i hate these two the Gilgoblins and Junker Gnomes they already come under all new race and subrace requirements to be released pretty much.


i did in fact a topic about ogres and vrykul as a pair before, didn’t get much attention because it was engulfed by the HE threads

i think this set ins stone that ogres will not be allied races for this expansion, like only the usual recolors will be for this expansion

then “full races” will be featuring in a new expansion

they can have a capital, it depends from what group they come

vrykuls of stormheim would make a nice allied race for the alliance since they are basically enemies of the forsaken, and they have some “capital” there.


You have my support if they made Kultirans they could make ogres, and I’ll say it again, just because they aren’t “popular” doesn’t mean there are people out there who don’t want to play them. Like people asking for Gilblins, Mechagnomes etc.

Sad, this needed a panel explaining why they should be playable despite being unpopular :neutral_face:


So I have done some thinking regarding introducing Ogres as a full new race, instead of an allied race, and can still use the ideas I typed up with a few changes.

I would like to preface this by saying that, if by some miracle, any devs at Blizzard are actually reading this, please feel free to use any of the ideas I have typed. Making Ogres playable is all the thanks I need.

Before I begin, we’ll need to make a few assumptions.

  1. The questlines I previously typed up should be quest events leading up to the expansion Ogres are to be playable in. This is similar to the pre-Cataclysm events with the Trolls and Gnomes, and are meant to hype up the next expansion’s races. I’ll type up a general questline for newly created Ogres at some point, also.

  2. We’ll still look into rallying multiple Ogre clans together. Most of the clans are on the smallish side, uniting several clans really helps in tying up loose ends with the Horde Ogre lore, and it really adds some flavor with a chance to show off some Ogre culture. This also leaves Rexxar open to recruit his clan as an allied race while still letting him being the main one to start rallying the Horde Ogres. Since these clans joining together are part of the pre-expansion events, players can roleplay as any of the clans mentioned with their Ogre player characters. Heritage armor being different for each clan, like with Mag’Har Orcs, could happen, but I’ll assume just one heritage design.

  3. Since being a full new race, we need an Alliance counterpart. As mentioned before, I’m going to choose Vrykul as the new Alliance race. Both are big, strong, savage/warlike, sea faring/boat making races, and as mentioned could lead into a new ship combat warfront or battlegrounds mode. Sure, BfA is mostly sea-faring related, but that could cause a need for both factions to want to increase and improve sea presence in the near future.

  4. We’ll assume the war between Horde and Alliance is still going on and still growing fierce.

  5. We’ll also assume that Sylvanas is still going coo-coo for Cocoa-Puffs and, while still in power, may be in the process of being kicked off the throne or motions are being put just in case it comes to that. I realize there have been choices during BfA for choosing a side, but my opinion is that it is illusory. It could lead to something none of us are expecting, but at the time of this post, shes still going bananas and is really losing popularity with the Horde. Thus, we’ll assume that a coup is being planned and you’ll be going along with it.

  6. Some changes will occur with Feralas and Dustwallow Marsh, the latter of which is where newbie Ogres will start. A time dragon can always send people back to the Cataclysm versions.

  7. We’ll assume that female Ogres have been in every clan since the beginning. Once a female Ogre model has been made, they can just be added to outposts or to the mob rotation lists for enemy Ogre mobs.

  8. We can still incorporate that Ogre Victory party I mentioned, and the Ogre Games Contest can be easily put in for new Ogre characters.

Let’s begin, shall we? The first pre-exansion event begins:

We’ll start by having Rexxar send you a message via a messenger bird, asking your player character to meet in a discreet location. He’ll explain that Sylvanas is causing all sorts of worry for the Horde, and that he fears that outright civil war is going to happen again. With the Horde stretched thin with the events in BfA, the Horde needs allies that can be close by to Orgimmar and be rallied should a call to arms need to occur. He wants to reach out to the Stonemaul Ogres, who owe the Horde a lot, and assist them with what they are working on to make them available should a civil war occur. He sends you to Brackenwall Village, stating he’ll be there shortly. Leaving together and heading to the same location at the same time would not look good, given that Sylvanas has eyes everywhere.

The events that occur in Dustwallow that I typed previously still occur. Tharg, the new leader, explains the Feralas operations the Stonemaul are a part of is having a problem, and before he can explain, a raid occurs on their village with the dragonkin mobs in the area. You work to fend them off with the Stonemaul clan and then help retaliate back as the Stonemaul can’t continue in Feralas if the dragonkin mobs are harassing them suddenly. You then help retake the Stonemaul ruins in retaliation, which is where you discover that naga have attempted to make an alliance with them, giving them weapons and powers, likely to harass the Horde away from what is happening in 8.2. This won’t be the last of the dragonkin mobs, though, as that comes much later. We end this event with the Tharg mentioning they need time to rebuild the village, in case the dragonkin mobs attack again, in which the new village will be finalized during the Ogre newbie questline. Tharg also mentions the Feralas operation they have been working on is having some difficulties, and that the problem mentioned before comes from the Gordunni being more aggressive and hard to combat. They’ve been able to fend them off, thanks to Megs and the Dunemaul joining the operation along with the new Draenor Ogres also joining the fight recently, and are having scouts figure out the cause for it as it’s a stalemate that could turn ugly. He’ll send word once they find the root cause of the problem. This ends the first pre-expansion event.

The second event begins with the player character being notified by Rexxar again to meet with him in Feralas. We go to the Stonemaul outpost and discover that a new Ogre king, who turns out to be Mok’Morokk from before, has taken over and is the cause of the Gordunni aggression. Everything I typed previously occurs roughly the same. One difference is a way to keep the Gordunni in check once Tharg, the new Gordunni king after killing Mok’Morokk, leaves the area. If you did the questline a long time ago to become the Gordunni king, they say the following:

“So long as you stay here with us, you da king. You take off, and some other ogre will take your place. That’s da way of da Gordok!”

So to make sure that they stay with the Horde, Tharg puts Draz’Zilb, the smart 2-headed Ogre from the Cataclysm Dustwallow Marsh quests, as the new king. Draz’Zilb won’t get corrupted with power, as an Ogre mage he can help with the other races in researching the magical properties of Dire Maul, and will keep the Gordunni in check.

Gordunni Ogre: You making him new king?! Pah! Me fight lame king den become new king!
Draz’Zilb: knocks the Ogre out in one punch When he wakes up, tell him to work on cleaning the latrines.

We’ll end the second part with the Horde getting control of Dire Maul, gaining more territory in Feralas thanks to the Gordunni now part of the Horde, and a Feralas warfront still being a possibility. Gordunni in the area become friendly to the Horde, and Feralas can have new quests on both Horde and Alliance to reflect this change. If Night Elf Worgen have become an allied race previously, they can be involved both in the Alliance attack over Dire Maul and in the new Feralas’ quests. Lets focus on just the pre-expansion events for now, though.

Rexxar then suggests that you take Tharg with you to Orgimmar to meet with Sylvanas to report their findings and acquisitions. Rexxar might be a bit untrustworthy to attend, but you vouching for the new Ogres would help to get them officially inducted as members of the Horde, and would not put suspicion on the Ogres. He does mention to Tharg about what they have talked about, in case of a needed call-to-arms, in which Tharg promises both to be there if needed and to be nice to Sylvanas in the meantime.

You then travel to Grommash Hold, and meet with Sylvanas. She is very pleased that Dire Maul is part of the Horde, and that the Blood Elves, Nightborne, and (if they have joined previously as an allied race) San’layn are working on researching the area. You then vouch for the Ogre clans and all they have done, the Stonemaul in particular, and ask to induct them officially into the Horde. Nathanos makes a snide remark while Sylvanas shushes him and agrees to induct the Ogre clans into the Horde officially. She has another Horde member, possibly Eitrigg who I assume is still around and not completely untrustworthy at the moment to her, help Tharg in reciting the pledge that is taken when a new Horde race joins. Tharg of course mentions specifically being loyal to the Horde in said pledge, which has the subtle meaning of assisting the Horde should they need the Ogres for anything (like a coup). This goes over Sylvanas’ head, of course. And thus, the Ogres are officially inducted.

Man, that was a lot of typing. I’m going to take a break and later, I will make a reply that talks about the newbie Ogre quests in Dustwallow Marsh, the end of the dragonkin mobs for good or at least kicked out of the area (and that lovely Ogre victory party), what to do with the Theramore remains, Mudsprocket profit opportunities, and what the Vrykul will do in the area as members of the Alliance.

Next time on Ogre Ball Z!

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