Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Actually it seems to be the Kultiran Male.
Doing some comparisons via the wowhead model viewer and yet to see a female kul tiran animation.
There’s a bunch of the male ones with a few thrown in that aren’t used by the male. EmoteTalk is different. So is the DragonStomp.
Death, attacks, battleshout, the run…all male.

I’ve seen the argument made that they could rig the Kul Tiran models of both sexes for playable Ogre models. This is assuming that the current existing male Ogre model isn’t worth converting to playable race status.

Seems to me it’s mostly just designing the Ogre females and fleshing out the current male Ogre model, along with picking out an appropriate size, and then playable Ogres would be a thing. There is already a lot of work in the current male Ogre model for animations and such, so it shouldn’t be too much more work to just add to it.


They shouldn’t be an allied race. They should be normal addition to the games races to pick from and it should have happened a long time ago. So long that I feel that Ogres are never going to happen.


I agree that they should have been added a long time ago. As stated before, they were considered for Cataclysm before deciding on Goblins.

That said, whether we’ll actually see full fledged races as opposed to a group of allied races in the future remains to be seen. I’ll happily take them as an allied race if it is the only way we’d get them to be playable. All we can do is just keep showing interest and support for them to be playable, along with a lot of hope.

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Unless something changes, it has been said that all races added from here on out will be via the allied race system.
I’m sure they could change the requirements to make them more easily earned, but the recruitment quests are pretty cool, in my opinion. I just wouldn’t mind having that quest only be the requirement or have it worked into a quest story line so that’s all you have to do rather than the tedious rep grinds.

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Would be a great counter part. A good plot line you could say is: The Horde needs much more strength into it’s ranks and reaches out to the Ogres (This is a base concept) The Alliance in turn would try to figure a way to counter and as such would see who they could team up with, this would reach into Tyr’s Fall and the ancestry/blood ties the Humans have with Vry’kul.


Since Ogres in the Horde aren’t really utilized in the BfA, a good storyline for an allied race recruitment quest could be rallying the Ogre clans within the Horde to help protect something at home base, be it Orgimmar or so from an Alliance sneak attack. Either that or taking advantage of the battles in BfA to take over/destroy an outpost or point of interest that the Alliance owns. Would help to explain what the Horde Ogres are doing, at the moment.

Could do something with Feralas.
You’ve got Camp Mojache and Feathermoon Stronghold and then there’s Dire Maul between them.
Warfront maybe?

Warfronts, while having been planned before for some areas like The Barrens, have been speculated as the idea being abandoned because of lack of popularity, so in my opinion, while it is possible, it seems unlikely.

I suppose Dire Maul could be taken over by the Horde, since it was both previously a High Elf city, surely Blood Elves have some interest in the area, and Ogres inhabit the area, albeit of a clan not part of the Horde if I recall correctly.

Said clan would be the Gordunni, which is hostile to Horde and Alliance, although from questlines, I think the player character can become their king and be friendly to them. Granted, I assume this is both Alliance and Horde, but since Ogres do like fighting, if it is possible to get another Ogre clan into the Horde, having their own sparring area would be a good thing to keep them happy. Plus, becoming their king can order them to join the Horde, so that works.

Again, speculation from off memory, and theres likely bits I am forgetting. I also don’t expect every Ogre clan to just join the Horde, but it seems the two clans I mentioned not part of the Horde could have a way for them to become friendly, setting the Allied Race instanced area for Ogres being Dire Maul. I’m sure it can be debatable, such as Blood Elves wanting to take Dire Maul over, though.


It’d be stupid to abandon. They seem to be pretty popular, people are always doing them. Just address the issues people give. Find ways to add more interest or replayability.
I quite like doing them once when they come around again.

Would be a bad idea to abandon a main expansion feature instead of modifying it, same way they’re doing with the Azerite stuff and the necklace.

Makes sense, I couldn’t remember if they were related to the horde or not.

I did remember a dungeon where you end up as king…I just couldn’t remember where that was.

The intro quest being a gathering of ogre clans, especially if there’s different appearances associated, makes a lot of sense.

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As I mentioned before, it was just speculation regarding warfronts that I’ve seen. I have no idea if they would actually abandon them or not.

Regarding the Mok’Nathal clan previously mentioned in the first thread, I recall reading that the clan eventually evolved into more of an ideology of believes as opposed to being comprised of one race specifically. Since Mok’Nathal are a wanted race, referring to half-ogres I think, I wouldn’t know whether they would be part of Ogre specific clans recruited for playable Ogres or not.

I mention them regarding the idea of rallying different Ogre clans as part of an allied race unlock quest chain. I’m viewing the idea of having the player go to different areas with different Ogre-specific clans and doing something different for each clan that gets them to officially join the Horde.

Like for Stonemaul, part of the Horde, lets assume that maybe the remaining dragon mobs there are attempting to destroy their settlement, so the first part is helping them survive the onslaught. Then something like the Gordunni, not part of the Horde, could be a gladiatorial combat related with you and Rexxar that gets them to obey you into joining the Horde and allowing the Horde to take over Dire Maul.

Now, Ogres like combat, but what else would they like? Food and drink is another aspect, so maybe another clan challenges you to a eat/drink off where you have a mini-game of eating and drinking without passing out/getting sick.

Then something like the Dunemaul could be a game of strength mini-game where you take the idea I had previously of Ogres spin-throwing a naga like Bowser in Mario 64, or even punting captured Alliance Gnomes with the furthest distance the winner, given that a goblin helped “recruit” them into the Horde. There could be different events in an Ogre contest to prove the dominant Ogre, I am sure.

So a variety of some silliness and some combat ending the questline with an army of Alliance guarding something or attacking something Horde owned, only to have the screen shake and a mass horde of Ogres just running and decimating stuff as a percentage bar goes up for defeated Alliance.

Then, have it all end with the Gnomes getting into a robot mecha, and using the world shrinker device on it. The Goblins, not wanted to be one-upped by the Gnomes, take one of the Ogres and enlarge them also, and your character gets on the shoulder while you control them and have a giant mecha on Ogre battle.

Thats how I view what the allied race unlock questline would be, albeit with fleshing out some details. It would have a lot of variety and some fun. Multiple clans help explain the different types of Ogres in customization, too.


I am all for this scenario.


The reading I’d come across said their clan was mostly half-breeds but they were also accepting of ogres and orcs.
I’d kinda been hoping they’d be added along with Broken for Alliance, as some sort of “survivors of broken worlds” storyline or patch or something.

Rexxar going for his people and Velen going for his, that he once again, left behind :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, those mini-games sound silly and kinda fun.


If I can play as Buff Strong looking Ogre that looks as bad @$$ as Rexxar (I know his a Half-breed)… OMG YES PLEASE!! Can you picture a DK or Warrior full plated that big and strong looking, ooooo it be so awesome!! :exploding_head:

I’m all for it, also this is a race that I think has been ask since vanilla too… Love to see them added to Horde at some point. :crossed_fingers::grin:


I wanted to add that the end of the scenario I created, after defeating the Alliance army, there needs to be an Ogre victory party. Dancing Ogres, kegs of ale, and Alliance hanging by rope as Pinatas with Ogres wielding spiked clubs. Good times…


I always wanted ogres, but i also always thought centaurs would make a cool playable race. I mean how many mmmos can you be a centaur.


Centaurs would also be cool, they were the 2nd most common Race in Shining Force.


So something I feel that I should explain is the reason why Ogres are currently my most wanted race, and this stems all the way back to the good ole days of Everquest. I had a lot of alts, but one of my favorites is an Ogre Berserker I had. There was something about the idea of a giant, strong, angry Ogre that was just a lot of fun. Even moreso when talking in Ogre speech.

I forsee the same type of fun occurring should Ogres become playable again. I tried remaking my Ogre Berserker into an Orc warrior, and it just didn’t feel the same. Him being an Ogre fury warrior yields the Ogre logic that two hands means two weapons which means twice the bashing.

Plus, playing as him, he’d be viewed as the champion of the Horde, charging into battle on his hawkstrider mount drunkenly letting out an Ogre warcry. Makes me wonder in that timeline what they would be thinking considering making him a leader of sorts, but I guess the “bash tings gud” motto just works out really well.

So big, dumb, strong, and fun to play as! That is why Ogres appeal to me!


So regarding the Draenor Ogres that came with the Mag’Har Orcs, I’m curious where all they went off to. They need a place to live and eat, so I doubt they just trotted off to sit on their butts and pick their noses. I also doubt that the Horde just didn’t offer to get them working for the Horde, or that the Draenor Ogres would just turn them down given their predicament.

Heck, just give them a bunch of food and kegs of ale, and I’m sure they’d turn around and join the Horde in the new world. Plus, the Horde gets easy and quick Ogre units to place around Orgimmar for extra protection, given everyone else is fighting in BfA lands. They also would be some of the likely candidates of an Ogre clan that know the art of shipwrights, given there is an Ogre continent on Draenor and they had migrated to the continent we explore in WoD.

Seems like all these Ogre clans just disappear into fat air and get forgotten about…


Just pointing out that im accompanying the discussion, but i don’t want to look like im bumping unnecessary, so i only comment something when people already talked about .

Ogres would also use the kultiran skeleton, you just had to take the rexxar model, give horns and a belly and we will have Ogres

Mok’nathal, as stated before, would be a massive and meaningless asspull, the clan is almost extinct, there are different lineage and the half-ogres would be different with the quantity of ogre blood( this is a problem with half-breeds in general) there are normal orcs and ogres in the clan.

Because they are almost extinct would make no sense to call for then instead of normal ogres, they would add nothing to the war, they would not want to participate in this war too, they already have their own problems

nope they were forgotten

And the main point is how Allied races came to replace the old system, i doubt they will go back to the old system, so, tis better to have then as allied race than not getting then at all.

Yeah, and this is pretty sad.

But i think there is a bit of hope, withe the maghar scenario they did bring Ogre, saberon and Botani, this could not be just a coincidence, there must be a cliffhanger somewhere

The question is if they will use then, or just forget about then.

Like i said before, they are the best and most logical race to join, everything tie together, everything make sense.

We are in war, we need reforce, we need troops, we need strength, what is the best option? go to another planet? to another continent? or just use the ogre clans who are already in the horde and love to fight?

What race combine more with the Horde thematic?