Nice write up.
I don’t see blizzard doing this anytime some, they would have to rework the entire world to make orge’s fit. But if they did it would be cool.
Horde gets Ogres and Alliance get Vrykul.
Nice write up.
I don’t see blizzard doing this anytime some, they would have to rework the entire world to make orge’s fit. But if they did it would be cool.
Horde gets Ogres and Alliance get Vrykul.
At first, I’d not thought much of Ogres as an allied race. The more I’ve been thinking about it as I see it suggested in so many places, the more I’m warming up to the idea. It’d be neat to have a non-furry Big Chungus race on Horde-side (I don’t count Orcs).
Keep in mind the Stonemaul and potentially the Crushridge wouldn’t be the only Ogres he could rally.
2 other clans plus those who came with the Mag’Har from Draenor.
He’s got plenty to rally.
I see people say this, but why?
You can use toys to turn into them now and things work just fine.
I’ve ran around a bit as the Vrykul and had no issues.
Only if the female version has a pink pigtail option.
Ideally, Rexxar would rally all the clans within the Horde already, which could explain different customization options related to clans like how Mag’Har Orcs are.
The reason I mention Crushridge is because:
They may not be fond of the Forsaken in general, thanks to Sylvanas, but that could be smoothed over by the offer of getting rid of her, again if the storyline is making the Horde want to dethrone her, and helping the Crushridge get the territory they want, which will combat the Alliance presence.
If they’re anything like how the Stonemaul were originally, then Rexxar, or even the player character, could just take out the chieftain and give command to one of the Ogres who see the benefit of joining back with the Stonemaul and any other clans that would come with them. Either that or somehow negotiating peacefully, with an emissary from the Stonemaul like the one that is in Pandaria.
As I said, I don’t know if I’m just overthinking what are suppose to be jobber mobs for players to kill mindlessly, but they have an interesting backstory that could come into play if Rexxar were to unite various clans.
What if when they do have playable Ogres they reveal the one headed ogres are male and the two headed ogres are female.
Those feel like obvious counterparts, like Mok’nathal and Half Elves (Most well known Hybrid races of the faction’s main race) and Forest Trolls and Wildhammer Dwarves (Classic War2 Races, also Forest Trolls and High Elves, who were direct unit counterparts but High Elves are their own separate issue)
2 Headed Ogres are Ogre Magi.
I kinda think the Kul Tirans are more the counter part to Mok’nathal, and that’s probably the same animation rig Mok’nathal will use.
For half elves, I see it more as customizations options such as shorter ears for a High Elf allied race to better show their interbreeding with humans over the years.
I’m all for these =]
I mean you most certainly make other contrasts, it doesn’t have to be just one counterpart. For this scenario, is about a thematic counterpart.
And indeed, this comparison takes High Elves as an AR out of the picture, cause there are also ways of making Half Elves and High Elves one single AR, maybe even with another more encompassing name.
Hypothetical options for different hypothetical scenarios.
Should we hopefully get Ogres playable, I’m half tempted to have my male Fury Warrior Ogre ride his noble hawkstrider steed, or something equally as silly, into combat. I mean, if they can carry the regular moonkin model, surely it can handle an Ogre!
Female Fury Warrior Ogress. Bikini mog. Hawkstrider mount. Two of the biggest possible weapons I can find.
Big Ber’tha.
Make it happen, Blizzard.
You know with that look they can use the Orc Female as a base and add more muscle.
They also have that fancy new female Kul Tiran model that they could work with as well. I’m sure theres plenty of options. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too much work to create a female model.
One concern would be if their shoulders are wide enough to have a suitable frame.
Seen some suggest the blood troll mother.
Would it animate well enough? I wonder what rig it’s based off.
The female KT rig does seem to make sense.
I still kinda feel like it might have started off life as an orc rig. That was what the Vrykul use as well, so if it was all evolved from that, it kinda makes sense. Similar stance.
I also get a bit of an orc vibe as I was playing my new KT male.
I’ve thought that rig might be a nice option for all three…vrykul, ogres, and Mok’nathal.
Female kul tiran.
I think the Mok’ Nathal are more likely. They are a smaller group and would make a better fit as an allied race. Rexxar would be the perfect tie in into the Horde and they also use the Kul Tiran skeleton, so they wouldn’t have to do a whole lot of work.
Has anything ever come from the Dunemaul clan and their “recruitment” to the Horde? Wowpedia has this:
“After they were “recruited” by Megs, she has them caged up and sent to other locations to work for the Horde, leaving only sand where they once were.”
It’s also mentioned that for gameplay purposes, the Dunemaul Ogres are still hostile to Horde players as opposed to turning neutral/friendly after the questline is complete. Technically, they should be friendly after the questline, is my understanding.
I’m curious as to where they were sent to to “work for the Horde” since the Stonemaul may still be operating in Feralas and in Dustwallow Marsh. It also seems more like a form of indentured servitude for the Dunemaul Clan, which I hope would not really be the case if rallying the different Ogre clans within the Horde actually becomes a thing.
It’s another questline I’ll need to redo with an alt to remember how it went and such. Sadly, college takes up a lot of my time…