Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Indeed. One could say orcs are degraded ogres, just like humans are degraded vrykul. Orcs are weaker and don’t have any greater intelligence. Ogres were building an empire and studying the arcane while orcs were still living in mud huts and hiding in caves.


100% would back this up. I have often suggested that Horde get Ogres and Alliance get Vrykul.

Having a Vrykul Paladin would be amazing/fun as hell. But the Ogres are LONG overdue to be playable. This OP hits all the beautiful points and frankly I appreciate the effort/argument they are making.


He sold rocks, jesus, i loved that guy, was trying so hard to help

Thats exactly why i don’t want Half-breeds at all

i give a lot of examples here already of why they can’t be, mostly because lore reasons, they would need to retcon lots of lore and do a as*pull worse than with void elves

And in the end, they will be considered a replacement, for ogres

“why you want ogres? you already have mo’knathal”
“Mok’nathal already cover all the Ogres spots”
“they are too much alike, it will be a waste of allied race slot”

So on, and moknathal definitely don’t cover the ogre fantasy, when they are just another orc clan.

After they finally implement ogres, then if they still wanna, they could do moknathal, i see no problem, but they are mostly pointless with nothing much to add to the lore/horde.


A thought occurred to me about what would realistically be done with two-headed Ogre customization. Considering that the only Kul’Tirans playable are of the bigger body shape model, I would guess that playable Ogres would likely only ever have one head.

If they were to have options of one or two heads, that would be four different models, male and female with one or two heads, that would need to be worked with. If this was during the Burning Crusade time frame, I might see the work needed to make it happen, but as it is currently, I do not really see two-headed Ogres as a likely option unless it’s an eventual cosmetic quest unlock, much like with the Night Elf Shadow Warrior eyes.

It would be much easier, and faster, for the devs to make a male and female model with just one head, especially if Ogres were just an allied race. In all honestly, I would be fine with it. Better to get Ogres with one head than no Ogres at all, in my opinion.


Vrykul is, in my opinion, a great counter to Ogres. Both big, fearsome races that like to fight a lot. i also read somewhere that Ogres allegedly make great shipwrights and helped inspire the juggernaut ships that the Orcs have. I am not sure where to look to confirm this, but if this is true, it’s even more reason to have them in BfA since Vrykul also have their own experience with ships and being on the sea.

Maybe we’ll see this combo if we ever saw ship to ship combat and boarding enemy ships in a new gameplay mode.


They both have great points in lore to be playable at this point. It’s just a matter of proper introduction. I could see it where the Alliance and Horde need strong allies, muscle per se.

Ogres, well lets be real the OP pointed it all out quite well.

Vry’kul have not only the ties to Humans through bloodlines but it was from the ones who followed Tyr that the Humans actually gained the teachings of the Silver Hand. There is much that link the two together, it would be absolutely amazing though honestly to play as a Vry’kul Paladin. I would be super super happy if i could.


There is also the Stormheim cinematic with Sylvanas that could be used as a reason Vrykul would lean towards the Alliance.

At some point, I need to take some of my alts through the leveling quests that involve the clans mentioned to be already part the Horde to refresh my memory. For the Stonemaul, off the top of my head, the Horde did assist them when they asked for help, Rexxar became their favored champion after defeating the previous chieftain and helped lead the clan for awhile, and player characters also defeated the corrupted chieftain, who was put in power after Rexxar left when they got too comfortable with their position and power at the expense of the clan.

Seems like they owe the Horde quite a bit. Not only were they helping out some in Feralas in Cataclysm, but theres even an emissary in Pandaria, part of an Alliance daily I think, that is suppose to help spread Horde influence there during MoP. I would hope they would be doing something to help the war effort, given the current situation in BfA.


Would they block the screen as much as or more than taurens whenever there’s anything near the camera?

Ogres and Vrykul would be great counters to each other in appearance and feel, as both are massive, savage races. The Vrykul don’t have nearly as much history with the Alliance as the Ogres do with the Horde, but at the least they (or at least the Stormheim variant) have pretty good reason to hate the Horde, after Sylvanas tried to enslave one of their gods. Ogres are definitely more of a priority for me than Vrykul (we were supposed to get playable Ogres back in Cata) but Vrykul are pretty cool too.


Well between that and everything else im reading im hoping this ends up being the new Allied race for horde and the vry’kul for alliance. Needs to damn happen.

@Jamesdaren: The Vry’kul have alliance ties by means of bloodline and ancestry. It was the curse of flesh that caused Humans to appears and why the Vry’kul lost their titanforged forms. The BIGGEST link was revealed in Legion where Tyr had led Vry’kul in his service down south and they guarded what became Tyr’s Fall and as such these Vry’kul had made sure Humans knew about the Silver Hand. Of course this evolved into their religion and frankly Tyr is a hidden Paragon for Humans honestly.

I can’t imagine Ogres blocking too much field of vision for players. They need to be fun while smashing stuff, not blocking everyone’s view with their backside.


Have we ever seen Female Ogres, in game/lore or otherwise?

How do they reproduce?

Outside of a mask, I think Darkmoon Faire related, I don’t believe there are any in-game, although some fan made models are floating around on the internet.

There is a female Ogre character in the WoW "Traveler "books, from my understanding. Not sure if she is recurring or what, as I haven’t read them yet.

That is all I can think of, currently. Female ogres do officially exist, just not in-game. I’m sure there are models of other races that could potentially work in the creation of them, though.

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As far as we know, they are all on some Amazon Island.
It’s weird.

I’m curious that if Ogres became playable, assuming new models are made for male and female Ogres, if they would add the female model in areas where Ogre mobs generally are to flesh out the world and have things make a little more sense. May take a little bit of work, but shouldn’t be too daunting to just add a female variant to a mob list.

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Just put lipstick on ogre, done.

If the Ogres in the Horde are not actively on the battlefield, then my hope is that they’re on standby in case Rexxar and company need troops at or near Orgimmar if they feel the need to remove Sylvanas as warchief. Then again, I don’t recall seeing many, if any, Ogres in Orgimmar in general, but the Stonemaul clan is somewhat close in Dustwallow Marsh.

It also depends on the direction Blizzard wants to go with Sylvanas, but rallying the clans to form an army sounds like a questline chain just waiting to happen. Running and crying to Thrall to fix the problem is not enough, or rather should realistically not be enough. Of course, this whole thing could backfire with the blight and suddenly undead ogres are a thing.

I do plan to keep an eye on Rexxar during the next few patches, since I feel like he’d be the likely candidate to try to rally an Ogre army, along with the player character assisting him. It would just depend on the purpose of rallying, be it against Sylvanas, the Alliance, or some other threat.

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intravellers book we have an artwork of how they look like

young girl

Old ogre female


i don’t know if they will replace, prob not, they will put then in new zones with ogres, but not the old ones, pretty much like worgens in nortrend i guess.

Yeah, Rexxar said that people need to now what happened that day with Baine, and they will, this implies many things, the only course of action is he rallying the ogres clans once again, like he did in war3 to fight another prooudmore, it is poetic and nostalgic


I haven’t actually played Warcraft III, but that would be a neat callback to gather the Stonemaul Clan again to go against Jaina, since Rexxar seems hellbent on offing her in BfA.

I did notice on Wowpedia, assuming this is a true, regarding part of the Stonemaul Clan:

"Some Stonemaul ogres were roaming around the Ruins of Dalaran during the battle between night elves, blood elves and Illidan Stormrage’s naga.

The part of the clan in Lordaeron ended up getting involved in the battle between the self styled Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and the dreadlord Varimathras; their leader Mug’thol was possessed by a banshee and the clan declared their allegiance to Sylvanas"

When then leads into this:

“Some time after establishing the Forsaken and the Undercity, Mug’thol was sent to retrieve the Crown of Will. Once acquired, he tried it on, and subsequently broke the psychic link with Sylvanas, thus freeing himself from the Forsaken’s control. He and his ogres became known as the Crushridge clan at some point.”

From what I remember, they are hostile to the Alliance and Horde, but started off mostly antagonistic to the Alliance in Alterac Valley. I’m also guessing, off memory, they are involved and also hostile to both Horde and Alliance in the Level 120 version of Alterac Valley.

Wowpedia had this to say about them:

"Crushridge ogres are likely from the Stonemaul clan who has at some point split as one group traveled to Kalimdor and now live in the Dustwallow Marsh. Their leader, Mug’thol, was enslaved by the Banshee Queen. He was later able to free himself of Sylvanas Windrunner’s control by using the Crown of Will. Now free from the Forsaken, he (apparently) renamed his clan the Crushridge and established a new home in Crushridge Hold.

The Crushridge ogres currently control the fallen human nation of Alterac. The Syndicate, being the remnants of Alterac’s inhabitants, are in a constant battle with the Crushridge ogres for supremacy of the region.

Marshal Redpath of Southshore would employ Alliance adventurers to hunt the Crushridge ogres settling in the Alterac Mountains."

Why bring this up? Well, if we go under the argument of conspiracy against Sylvanas, they already have beef with her, were a part of Stonemaul originally, and are already a pain in the Alliance’s rear. If Rexxar were to rally Ogre clans within the Horde, I don’t really see too much of why he can’t do something similar with getting that clan on the Horde’s side, be it taking it over or something else.

That said, I think I need to quest on the Horde side again in Alterac Valley to see what relations are at the time. Likely, this is just wishful speculation, and there may be aspects of this clan that I am unaware of or just plain forgot, and they may just be sticks in the mud about the Horde overall. Still something of interest to note and discuss.

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“No memes” why did i laugh at that for 2 minutes