Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Vrykul would make an excellent Alliance allied race to counter Ogres, given they’re both tall and strong, and the Alliance need something to counter pure Ogre strength. A group of angry, drunken, Ogre and Vrykul berserkers would be total carnage on both sides!..and likely the land they fight on, too…


Yup, then we just need Mok’nathal to oppose the Kul Tirans…and I fully expect that to happen.


One of the worries I would have with the Mok’nathal is that they could be considered a replacement or compromise for not giving playable Ogres. As long as we would get 100% Ogres playable, I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all.

Another neat thought I had is a possible world quest for the Alliance, where Goblins are using their technology to grow Ogres into giant size to spread chaos on Alliance territory. Would make a fun boss mob, in my opinion.


Yeah, I think both need to happen.
Ogre > Mok’nathal > Orc vs Human < Kul Tiran < Vrykul.
I like the looks of that =D

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That would be fine with me.

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It is a shame that the Ogres are going to be missing out on the huge naga battle coming in the next patch. Part of me imagined Ogres grabbing an evil naga by its tail to swing at and bash other evil naga with them like a whip or flail. They could even swing them Mario 64 style to toss them at other naga. Maybe even make a game of it to see who can toss a naga the farthest, too!

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Amazing post, I love it. I’m on board.

However, is it really necessary to go back to AU Draenor in order to bring Ogres to the Horde? I know you said that playable Ogres could come from various clans and places, but I think that the Stonemaul Clan would suffice in order to prevent us from drawing on spooky alternate timeline mumbo-jumbo again.

The only problem with the Stonemaul Clan is that the Gorian Empire in AU Draenor is much more established than any Ogre clan Azeroth has to offer and they have a more fleshed out, more interesting culture that completely stomps the ‘dumb and plain ogre’ culture we have on Azeroth. Sure, we had some fun with the Stonemaul Clan, their trials and their gladiator arena in Warcraft III, but those themes weren’t as fleshed out as those found within the Gorion Empire.

Whatever clan Blizzard chooses, they would have to write out some lore and a little story for it. I think this would be a great opportunity to see even more of Rexxar and flesh out the Stonemaul Clan a bit. The Stonemaul Clan has been part of the Horde as a loose ally, but using Rexxar and his history with the Stonemaul Clan could be a great opportunity to bring the Stonemaul Ogres into the Horde as a reliable and constant part of it.

If we’re to take the Gorian route, I think that the Mag’har could deal with that as you suggested in your opening post. However, I personally believe that the Stonemaul Clan would be the safest route, considering that they exist on Azeroth.


Stopping in to say while I am not a fan of certain people, that won’t dissuade me from saying that Ogres would make a good allied race. I hope people get what they want, and while I wouldn’t play one, I know tons of people really want them, and feedback is important.

Therefore, I hope those that want ogres get what they want, and feel as though they make sense for the Horde.


It’s not, we had 3 clans already…buuuuuuuut a bunch of Ogres, Ogrons, and Gronns came with the Mag’Har and joined the Horde with them.
We have Ogres of all kinds in the Horde right now, There’s very little lore reasons to not have them playable.

I wish more people had an open mind like this. I feel like arguing with others on races we want cause more problems and detract from giving actual feedback to any devs that look at these allied race mega threads. Maybe someday in the future, Ogres will be hanging out with the San’layn, questing together, and smashing the Alliance!

Regarding Rexxar, I know that I’ve seen a lot of people suggest he be the leader of whatever Ogres would be playable on the Horde. From what I remember, he was at one time the chieftain of the Stonemaul clan, so he does have ties to help bring that clan officially into the Horde. Maybe he could be the one to unite different clans that are already part of the Horde.

I am not sure how many of the AU Ogres came with the Mag’Har Orcs, but I would think that playable Ogres wouldn’t consist of just AU ones. My thought was with different clans, it would allow different customization options to represent the different clans, much like with the Mag’Har Orcs.

Seems like theres different ways they could write where the playable Ogres would come from.



I’m just torn between the idea of having much more interesting Ogres via AU Draenor’s Gorian Empire or merely going with what we have on Azeroth, preferably the Stonemaul Clan.

I think we could have the best of both worlds if Blizzard were to flesh out the Stonemaul Clan’s lore a bit more, in accordance with expanding or reworking their presence on Azeroth.

I agree and hope so. I know I’ve argued with a few in this thread, but that won’t stop me from swallowing my annoyance on those matters and giving a nod to hoping that in the end, we all get what we want and can have fun together. I don’t know much about ogre lore, so I can’t contribute much, however. I only know of a couple of really nice ogres, on of them being Lunk, who’s a lot of fun.

Cheers and good luck guys!


Honestly Ogres should have been playable in TBC as our new race for The Horde.

But we needed to solve the faction balance, so barbie dolls instead.


There is a lot of agreement that Ogres should have been playable a long time ago. I feel like it would help complete the Horde, since some clans have been a part of it in some way for a long time. I also feel like WoD was a missed opportunity to have them help against the Iron Horde instead of just having them being antagonistic mustache-twirling jobbers.

That being said, there is always an opportunity to utilize them in the war against the Alliance, instead of having them sit on their butts getting drunk or whatever the Horde Ogres are doing right now.

Whatever they are doing during BfA, it’s definitely not being on the battlefield, that is for sure. >_<


For now.

I can totally see Rexxar joining Saurfang, Baine, Thrall and others and calling the Stonemaul clan to the fight.

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I like the idea of Rexxar, having been fed up with both Sylvanas and Jaina, goes off to rally the Horde Ogres to help in the fight against both.

…this is assuming that the Horde doesn’t just run to Thrall to have him solve the problem by pelvic thrusting in the general direction of the plot. >_<

I can’t see this happening because this would mean the Horde would not only have Orcs, they would also have Mag’har Orcs and stupid less evolved Orcs. Sorry OP.

Although it’s worth mentioning that all the Alliance races are basically different height white dudes so fair game.

Being as the following clans Dreadmaul, Dunemaul,& Stonemaul clans have been full members or loose allies to the Horde for quite some time now I fully support them becoming playable for those whom wish to play them. Not even including these established Ogre clans that are MU clans in the Horde there were some that came from AU Draenor with the AU Mag’har Orc clans as well.

I don’t really see Ogres as less evolved orcs, myself. I see them as their own race, and given that they’re suppose to be the big, strong, fearsome units in battle, I would see them as a valuable asset in the battles against the Alliance or whoever the enemy of the expansion is.